Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Bu macro sayesinde dakikada 12 projectile rifle barrel.yapiyorum. /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 71;/pause 4;/next;/next;/next;/createPrototype practice no item;/createPrototype practice no item;[hline]Madturk Master Doctor/ Expert Combat Medic/ Expert Pistoleer Eclipse
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Bu thread'i yapışkan yapsak devamlı tepede kalsa herkeşler macrolarını yazsa? Hatta bide başlığı Macrolar neyin bişey yapsak? He athe? :)[hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected] (bkz: Quinthalus) (bkz: Qui) Adaxe Wiabolih of Eclipse, Apprentice Sharpshooter
athea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 aa ayip ettin Qui'm, tukkan senin icabinda =p[hline]Meelou A'Ie of NovaCorp, Temenos Island - Kettemoor Galaxy Twi'lek dancer of The Glitter Pit - obsessed with shoes and terribly in love with baby gnorts...
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Holey :) O zaman macro yazmam icab eder ama affınıza sığınıyorum biraz kıyrıtık eheh. En karmaşık macrom creture harvest etmek için kullandığım /harvest bone komutu :))) Tmm tmm biraz daha çalışmam lazım :)[hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected] (bkz: Quinthalus) (bkz: Qui) Adaxe Wiabolih of Eclipse, Apprentice Sharpshooter
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 bir schematicin kac numarali schematic oldugunu nerden anliyoruz ?[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 makrolarda kullanilabilen komutlar. dan aldim : actionShot1 actionShot2 activate activateClone addAllowedPlayer addBannedPlayer addFriend addIgnore addMapLocation aim alert anon applyDisease applyPoison applyPowerup assist attack auctionAccept auctionBid auctionCancel auctionCreate auctionQuery auctionRetrieve auctionUse bandFlourish battlefieldStatus berserk1 berserk2 bleedingShot blindAttack boardShuttle bodyShot1 bodyShot2 bodyShot3 boostmorale broadcast broadcastGalaxy broadcastPlanet burstRun burstShot1 burstShot2 cancelCraftingSession changeBandMusic changeDance changeMusic chargeShot1 chargeShot2 clientQualifiedForSkill clone closeContainer colorlights combat combatEscape combatModeCheck combatSpam combatTarget con conceal concealShot confusionShot consent consider conversationStart conversationStop corpse counterAttack coupDeGrace craft createCreature createManfSchematic createMissionElement createNPC createPrototype createSpawningElement createSpawningElementWithDifficulty createVendor creatureAreaAttack creatureAreaBleeding creatureAreaCombo creatureAreaDisease creatureAreaKnockdown creatureAreaPoison credits cripplingShot csAppendComment csCancelTicket csConnectPlayer csCreateTicket csDisconnectPlayer csGetArticle csGetComments csGetTickets csRequestCategories csSearchKnowledgeBase cuiConsentResponse cureDisease curePoison database dazzle deactivate deathBlow declareresidence decline defaultAttack defuseMinefield destroy destroyObject destroystructure disarmingShot1 disarmingShot2 disband dismissGroupMember distract diveShot dizzyAttack doubleTap dragIncapacitatedPlayer drop duel eat editAppearance editBank editStats emboldenpets endDuel enragepets equilibrium equip examine executeKnowledgeBaseMessage extractObject eyeShot fanShot fastBlast feignDeath find fireAcidCone1 fireAcidCone2 fireAcidSingle1 fireAcidSingle2 fireHeavyWeapon fireLightningCone1 fireLightningCone2 fireLightningSingle1 fireLightningSingle2 firejet firstAid fish flameCone1 flameCone2 flameSingle1 flameSingle2 flourish flurryShot1 flurryShot2 flushingShot1 flushingShot2 follow forage forceCommand forceOfWill formup freezePlayer fullAutoArea1 fullAutoArea2 fullAutoSingle1 fullAutoSingle2 gc getAccountInfo getAttributes getFriendList getIgnoreList getMapLocations getObjVars getPrototype getSpawnDelays giveItem giveMaintenanceToVendor givevendormaint gmRevive goto grantBadge grantSkill grantTitle group groupChat groupSay gsay gtell guild guildremove guildsay guildstatus harmful harmless harvestCorpse harvesterActivate harvesterDeactivate harvesterDiscardHopper harvesterGetResourceData harvesterHarvest harvesterMakeCrate harvesterSelectResource harvesterTakeSurvey haveconsent headShot1 headShot2 headShot3 healDamage healEnhance healState healWound healthShot1 healthShot2 hideMe imagedesign imagedesignCanceled imagedesignConsent imagedesignSetValue innate insure intimidate1 intimidate2 intimidationAttack invite itemMail itemmoveback itemmoveforward itemrotateleft itemrotateright join kick kill kipUpShot kneel knockdownAttack knockdownFire lag language lastDitch launchFirework leaveGroup legShot1 legShot2 legShot3 lfg listGuilds listen logChat logout loot lootAiCorpse lootPlayerCorpse lowBlow makeLeader makeSurvey manufacture maskscent maxCombatAbility maxStats medicalForage meditate melee1hBlindHit1 melee1hBlindHit2 melee1hBodyHit1 melee1hBodyHit2 melee1hBodyHit3 melee1hDizzyHit1 melee1hDizzyHit2 melee1hHealthHit1 melee1hHealthHit2 melee1hHit1 melee1hHit2 melee1hHit3 melee1hLunge1 melee1hLunge2 melee1hScatterHit1 melee1hScatterHit2 melee1hSpinAttack1 melee1hSpinAttack2 melee2hArea1 melee2hArea2 melee2hArea3 melee2hHeadHit1 melee2hHeadHit2 melee2hHeadHit3 melee2hHit1 melee2hHit2 melee2hHit3 melee2hLunge1 melee2hLunge2 melee2hMindHit1 melee2hMindHit2 melee2hSpinAttack1 melee2hSpinAttack2 melee2hSweep1 melee2hSweep2 mindShot1 mindShot2 modifyBank modifyCash money moveFurniture multiTargetPistolShot multiTargetShot nameStructure newbieRequestStartingLocations newbieSelectStartingLocation newbiehelper nextCraftingStage npc npcConversationSelect npcConversationStart npcConversationStop object objvar open openContainer openNewWindow overChargeShot1 overChargeShot2 paWithdraw panicShot pauseDance pauseMusic paymaintenance pea
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 buraya da koyiyim de bari arsiv niteliginde kalsin bu. galba hala yapamiyoruz, en iyi cozum cift kliklemek. bu durumda macro topicinden ve internetten ogrendiklerimle su macroyu yazdim. bunun icin sadece ilk 3 toolbar slotunuzda weapon crafting tool olmasi yeterli. bu su an weapon scope yapiyor. avantaji surda, ilk crafting toolun suresi bitmeden 2. ye, 2. nin suresi bitmeden de 3. ye baslayip daha hizli bir calisma sagliyor. sonda 2 sn paus daha var ki macro tekrar calistirilmadan 1. crafting tool isini bitirmis olsun. bu 3. 4. diye de gidebilir aslinda. 8 saniye bende rahatca cift klikle risorz yerlestirmek icin yeterli. /ui action toolbarSlot00; /selectdraftSchematic 69; /pause 7; /next; /next; /next; /createPrototype practice no item; /createPrototype practice no item; /pause 2; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /selectdraftSchematic 69; /pause 7; /next; /next; /next; /createPrototype practice no item; /createPrototype practice no item; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /selectdraftSchematic 69; /pause 7; /next; /next; /next; /createPrototype practice no item; /createPrototype practice no item;[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 12, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 12, 2003 bir schematicin kac numarali schematic oldugunu nerden anliyoruz ? surdan anliyorsun, ctrl-d 'ye bas datapadi ac. ordan schematiclere tikla, ve say sirayla, neyi uretmek istiyorsan onu yaz. Bunu Stick yapmislar o zaman biraz daha derinlere gidelim konuda. DIKKAT: Bu bolumun gerisini SOE calisanlari ve herhangi bir Devlet calisanlari okuyamaz. Bu macro sayesinde eger yeterli steel'in varsa 20 saat icinde mater weaponsmith olursun, ve bu butun diger crafting gerektiren seyler icin gecerli. Oyun icinde birbirini takip eden macrolar yapmak mumkun, yani f1 slotu'una bi macro yazarsin, macronun en sonunada "f2'ye bas" eklersin, sonra F2'nin sonunada "F1'e bas eklersin". Bu cok basit birbirini tekrarliyan bir macro olur, Ama SOE cok akilli oldugu icin boyle bir macro kullandigin zaman seni oyundan atiyor, bunun icin mouse hareketini tekrarliyan bi macro gerekli, ve oyunun disindan bir script yazman lazim. Simdi kademe kademe anlaticam ki kimsenin kafasinda soru isareti kalmasin. bu listedeki herhangi bi prog'mi cekin yukleyin ilk etapta. Sonra Bu text file'lari download edin, 1) 2) Bu txt file'lari SWG directory'sine tasiyin. Bu iki script'ler oreneklerim, 1) Birincisi crafting tool'u acar, greken semayi secer, size madenleri yerlestirmek icin 4 saniye verir, ve practice olarak mali uretmez %110exp verir. Bu macroda f1-f2-f3 slot'larinda birer crafting tool var. Simdi macro'yu biraz daha acalim. "/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 68;/pause 4;/next;/next;/next;/createPrototype practice no item;/createPrototype practice no item;/pause 2;" diyor eger txt file'a baktiysaniz. Bunun turkcesi soyle oluyor /ui action toolbarSlot00=f1'e bas, /selectdraftSchematic 68= 68 numarali schematigi sec (DIKKAT BU HERKEZ ICIN FARKLI BIR RAKKAMDIR. Demin dedigim dibi datapadi acip sayicaksiniz en bastan itibaren, kacinci schematigi acmak istiyorsaniz onu yazicaksiniz) /pause 4 (Buda herkez icin farkli, Bu ne kadar surede madenleri yerlestirebiliceginize bagli, baktiniz yetistiremiyorsunuz, 4 sayisni artirabilirsiniz. /next;/next;/next;/createPrototype practice no item;/createPrototype practice no item;/pause 2; burasida practice secenegini sectigi yer, burdaki "practice no item" line'larini kaldirisaniz, uretim olur. ve uzun sureli macrolarda backpack dolar. Pause 2 'de lag'inize gore artirilabilir. 2) Bu ikinci ornektede devamli maden cikarmak icin kullanilan bir script. Simdi oyuna girdikten sonra, /load toi3.txt yazin Alias loaded diyicek, bundan sonra /toi3 yazin, bu macroyu baslatir, macroyu durdurmanin en kisa yolu, /quit , ama bir komut vardi simdi aklimda degil, uff amma yazdim server gelmismidir acaba? master weaponsmith'e 70k exp kaldi bu arada :P Sonra alt-tabe basip oyundan cikip mouse recorder'imizi calistiriyoruz, madenleri doldurmayi record ediyorsunuz. Mouse recorder'i baslatin, /toi3 yazin yazmadiysaniz, sonra cikin disari cok guzel bugun hava, eglenin, eski kiz arakadaslarinizdan birini arayin, takilin, birakin bilgisayariniz sizin icin calissin, Selamlar Dark Legion Forever[hline]Madturk Master Doctor/ Expert Combat Medic/ Expert Pistoleer Eclipse
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 12, 2003 sagol abi cok oldu ben exp basmaya baslayali da, zaten problem yeterli steeli bulabilmekte. yoksa deli gibi exp basiyorum.[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 14, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 14, 2003 Oyunu otomatiğe bağladıktan sonra ne zevki kalıyor anlamıyorum ya?[hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected] (bkz: Quinthalus) (bkz: Qui) Adaxe Wiabolih of Eclipse, Apprentice Sharpshooter
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 14, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 14, 2003 yahu nesi otomatik. next next next demek oyun degil ki ? ben weaponsmithlik yapmak istiyorum ws olmak icin ws olunca oynayacagim kadar next tiklamasi yapmak istemiyorum.[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
AssassiN Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 18, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 18, 2003 bana birisi stimpack B macrosu yazsa ya :)[hline]
Arnaviscaa Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 3, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 3, 2003 Armoru full giyip cikarmanin macrosu lazım ...
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 3, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 3, 2003 slotlara koyucaniz 6-7 parca toolbar slotu isgal edicek makroya verince tak tuk[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
Jackal77 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 6, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 6, 2003 eger macro comutlarinizda pause komutu varsa /dump yazmaniz o macroyu sonlandirio...[hline]Sman'chi NortoN Master Combat Medic--Novice Pistoleer
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 8, 2003 Niye bu sticky'likten çıktı?[hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected] (bkz: Quinthalus) (bkz: Qui) Adaxe Wiabolih of Eclipse, Rifleman/CH Liga Sonega of Bloodfin, Weaponsmith/Architecth
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 2, 2003 Bunu yeni yazdim, Pistol + CH exp.. /ui action cycleTargetOutward; /tellpet a1;(a1 saldiri komutu) /pause 10; /bodyshot2; /pause 5; /ui action toolbarSlot01; bunu birinci kutuya koyun sonra ikinci kutuyada /ui action cycleTargetOutward; /tellpet a1; /pause 10; /bodyshot2; /pause 5; /ui action toolbarSlot00; yi yerlestirin, Bu pistol exp icin yazilmis, ordaki bodyshot2 yi istgediginiz seye degistirebilirsiniz. Sinemaya gidin kitap okuyun, yeni bir kiz arkadas bulun falan filan.
Bloodscalp Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2003 yaw beyler bu macrolari nereye yazcaz?/load bilmene txt diourm failed fln oluo bi aciklarsaniz sevinirim
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 1.A. Intro and Armor removal Macro 1.B. Armor Removal Macro Code 2.A. Foraging Macro and Looping 2.B. Foraging Loop Macro Code 2.C How to stop a Looping Macro 3.A. Using Alias's and Dancing Macro 3.B. Dancing Macro Code 4.A. Loading a Macro from a .txt file and Targeting Macro 4.B. Targeting Macro .txt file 5.A. Weapon Switch Macro 5.B. Weapon Switch Code 6.A. Using a Macro to Craft 6.B. Crafting Macro Code 7.A. Conclusion 8.A. List of Commands 1.A. Macros are a set of commands you want the computer to perform at the push of a button. This is what the bar at the top of the screen is essentially for. This guide is to show you how you make macros. The first step in making a macro is getting to the window where you create your macros. You achieve this by pressing Ctrl + A at the same time. There will then be a tab at the top of the window that came up that says macro, you click this tab. Now that we have gotten to the spot to make a macro, now it is time to make our macros. I want to start by making a macro to remove your entire set of armor quickly for when you sit and re-gain your HAM after a battle. Ok that was the easy part. You can double the size of your macro bar by clicking the bottom of it and dragging down till a second row appears. We have to choose what Pane we want this macro to happen on. There are 6 different tool bars to choose from; I like the last tool bar pane for my armor, pane 6. Now open your inventory and click and drag every piece of armor you want to change to into the tool bar. Now to make the macro part, go back to the Macro Window and now at the bottom there is a button for making a new macro, press this button to begin. Start by Giving this macro a name, I called mine "Nakey Time", then pick the icon you want to represent the macro. We want to make sure the tool bar flips to the correct Pane, in this case that is pane 6, the one where we put our entire set of armor in. I put the macros all in line now because there were some errors putting one command per line in the macro. It is easier to read but can cause bugs. Before we type the macro for that, I need to explain how the macros count. Macros count from 0 up, we count from 1 up and every thing is labeled 1 and up. So when we are looking at Tool bar Pane 1 it is really tool bar 00 to the computer. When I talk about Slot 1 also known as F1 it is 00 to the computer. After we get to the end of the first row of macros, you just go down to the second row and keep counting. So "Shift + F1" is slot 12 to the computer. It is confusing I know but this it how Sony did it. We want to flip the Tool bar Pane to Pane 6 (05 to the computer) and this is how you do it: /ui action toolbarPane05; There it is, now that we are on the right pane now, we can start getting nakey. Take note of the case of the text, it is case sensitive. To get nakey we need to use another command over and over about 24 times once for each tool bar slot. There is an easier way so it is not as hard or long, so if you want to jump ahead to save some typing work. So here is what we need to do to continue on with my macro. This is what we need to do to take off all our armor assuming we have a piece of armor all 24 slots, lol yea right, that?s a lot of armor. /ui action toolbarPane05; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /ui action toolbarSlot03; /ui action toolbarSlot04; /ui action toolbarSlot05; /ui action toolbarSlot06; /ui action toolbarSlot07; /ui action toolbarSlot08; /ui action toolbarSlot09; /ui action toolbarSlot10; /ui action toolbarSlot11; /ui action toolbarSlot12; /ui action toolbarSlot13; /ui action toolbarSlot14; /ui action toolbarSlot15; /ui action toolbarSlot16; /ui action toolbarSlot17; /ui action toolbarSlot18; /ui action toolbarSlot19; /ui action toolbarSlot20; /ui action toolbarSlot21; /ui action toolbarSlot22; /ui action toolbarSlot23; Ok there they all are. Wow that was tedious. Well it is annoying to get sent to this window and get left here so I have to switch back to the pane I was previously on every time. So I am going to add the command to send us back to the first (00 to the computer) tool bar pane after we are all naked. 1.B /ui action toolbarPane05; /ui action toolbarSlot00; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /ui action toolbarSlot03; /ui action toolbarSlot04; /ui action toolbarSlot05; /ui action toolbarSlot06; /ui action toolbarSlot07; /ui action toolbarSlot08; /ui action toolbarSlot09; /ui action toolbarSlot10; /ui action toolbarSlot11; /ui action toolbarSlot12; /ui action toolbarSlot13; /ui action toolbarSlot14; /ui action toolbarSlot15; /ui action toolbarSlot16; /ui action toolbarSlot17; /ui action toolbarSlot18; /ui action toolbarSlot19; /ui action toolbarSlot20; /ui action toolbarSlot21; /ui action toolbarSlot22; /ui action toolbarSlot23; /ui action toolbarPane00; Now this will work for getting un-dressed and dressed, if there is an item equi
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Command List Command List % Used in making a macro. This lets you put variables in your text in order to automatically insert words and names. The available variables are: %TU - your full name (first and last) %TT - your current look at target target's full name %NU - your first name %NT - your target's short version name (first only) %SU - personal subjective pronoun: he/she/it for the speaker %ST - he/she/it for the target %OU - personal objective pronoun: him/her/it for the speaker %OT - him/her/it for your target %PU - possessive: his/her/its for the speaker %PT - his/her/its for your target %RU - your species %RT - your target's species /acidcone1 This attack inflicts acid damage on multiple targets /acidcone2 This attack inflicts acid damage on multiple targets /acidsingle1 This attack inflicts massive acid damage on a single target /acidsingle2 Single target acid attack. /actionshot1 This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Action pool drain and regeneration rates. /actionshot2 This ranged attack can wreak havoc with a target's Action pool drain and regeneration rates. /addpower Allows you to deposit power without using the radial menu. /afk sets you character to "Away from keyboard" so others know you are not currently available. /afkmessage Displays (or changes if you add text after) the messages that will appear to others when you are in the AFK state. /afktime Displays (or changes if you add number after) how long before you automatically go to AFK state when not interacting with game. /aim This combat move allows you to give up an attack round in order to gain better accuracy on your next ranged attack. /animalattack This ability allows a Jedi to enter the mind of his or her look-at target and cause it to attack the current combat target. Note that this ability will only work on creatures. /animalcalm This ability will cause a target that is in combat to stop attacking, returning to its normal peaceful state. Note that this ability will only work on creatures. /animalscare This ability allows a Jedi to enter the mind of the target and fill it with unease, scaring the target away. Note that this ability will only work on creatures. /anon Set your character to anonymous for the purpose of searches. /applydisease used by Combat Medics to spread disease. /applypoison Used by Combat Medics to poison enemies /areatrack Gives the Ranger the ability to track area clues to determine what type of people or creatures have been in the area recently. The type of creatures that can be tracked depend upon what sub-abilities you have. /areatrack Gives the Ranger the ability to track animals through the area track command. /areatrack Gives the Ranger the ability to track the direction of the target using the /areatrack command. /areatrack Gives the Ranger the ability to track non-player characters. /areatrack Gives the ranger the ability to track the distance to the target. /areatrack Gives the Ranger the ability to track players. /bandflourish When /bandflourish is turned on, band members utilizing it will synchronize their flourishes to be more band-like. However, you do not get any experience for this like you would for a normal flourish. /bandleader Transfers Band Leader status to indicated player. /berserk2 While berserk, you cause more melee damage to your targets but get hit more often in return. This is more powerful than Berserk 1. /berzerk1 While berserk, you cause more melee damage to your targets but get him more often in return. /bleedingshot This ranged attack is of medium power, but can cause its target to bleed. /bodyshot1 This attack targets our attack on your targets Health pool, making it much more effecient than attacking normally. Also increases damage with an increased chance to hit. Cost is dependant on the weapon used. /bodyshot2 This attack is more powerful than bodyshot 1, targetting your targets Health pool it's the staple of the Pistoleer's life. /bodyshot3 This attack targets our attack on your targets Health pool, making it much more effecient than attacking normally. Also increases damage with an increased chance to hit. Cost is dependant on the weapon used. Most Powerful Body Shot. /broadcastgalaxy /broadcastplanet /burstrun Using this command will allow you to run very fast for a short time. It is a useful way to escape a tight situation. Once you slow down, you will be very tired. /burstshot1 Single target ranged attack. /burstshot2 Single target ranged attack. /cancelCraftingSession Ends your current crafting session. /centerofbeing This command will cause your character to focus on avoiding combat blows. This will only apply when you are wielding a melee weapon. /changeBandMusic Used by the band leader to change the song the band is playing. /changeDance Changes the dance you are doing /chargeshot1 This ranged attack can knock a target down. /chargeshot2 This ranged attack can knock a target down. /chatRoomBr
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 /harvest Harvests the corpse of a mob (Scout only). Can be refined as follows: /harvest bone /harvest hide /harvest meat /harvestcorpse This ability allows you to extract resources from the corpses of dead animals (not humanoids). The three types are Meat Hide and Bone, though all three may not be available on the same corpse. This item is avaialble on the radial menu when a corpse is targetted if the character has the novice scouting skill. Harvesting corpses is the best way to gain scout experience. Use the radial menu to select which type of resource you would like to harvest from the corpse. or use the commands: /harvest hide; /harvest bone;/harvest meat to spcify which resource to harvest. /haveconsent This command will display a list of everyone who has the consent to loot your corpse. /headshot1 This ranged targets an opponent's head in order to damage their Mind pool. /headshot2 This ranged attack targets an opponent's head in order to damage their Mind pool. /headshot3 This ranged targets an opponent's head in order to damage their Mind pool. /healActionSelf1 Repairs a moderate amount of your Action damage. /healActionSelf2 Repairs a large amount of your Action damage. /healActionWoundOther1 Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Action wounds. /healActionWoundOther2 Heals a large amount of the target player's Action wounds. /healActionWoundSelf1 Heals a moderate amount of your Action wounds. /healActionWoundSelf2 Heals a large amount of your Action wounds. /healAllOther1 Repairs a moderate amount of damage to all of the target player's Health, Action, and Mind pools. /healallother2 Repairs a large amount of damage to all of the target player's Health, Action, and Mind pools. /healAllSelf1 Repairs a moderate amount of damage to all of your Health, Action, and Mind pools. /healallself2 Repairs a large amount of damage to all of your Health, Action, and Mind pools. /healBattleFatigueSelf1 Removes a moderate amount of your Battle Fatigue. /healBattleFatigueSelf2 Removes a large amount of your Battle Fatigue. /healdamage This command will heal damaged stat pool, if you have the requisite skills and medicine. /healenhance This ability allows you to enhance another player's attributes. /healHealthSelf1 Repairs moderate amount of your Health damage. /healHealthSelf2 Repairs a large amount of your Health damage. /healhealthwoundother1 Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Health wounds. /healhealthwoundother2 Heals a large amount of the target player's Health wounds. /healHealthWoundSelf1 Heals a moderate amount of your Health wounds. /healHealthWoundSelf2 Heals a large amount of your Health wounds. /healMindSelf1 Repairs a moderate amount of your Mind damage. /healMindSelf2 Repairs a large amount of your Mind damage. /healmindwoundother1 Heals a moderate amount of the target player's Mind wounds. /healmindwoundother2 Heals a large amount of the target player's Mind wounds. /healmindwoundself1 Heals a moderate amount of your Mind wounds. /healmindwoundself2 Heals a large amount of your Mind wounds. /healstate This ability allows you to cure states (Dizzy, Blind, etc.) on a target, providing you have the appropriate medical equipment. /healstatesother Removes all negative state effects from the target player. /healstatesself Removes all of your negative state effects. /healthshot1 This effect is a very minor DOT on the target's Health pool. Basically stops regen, which doesn't seem to exist most of the time. /healthshot2 Causes Damage over time to your target. /healwound This command will heal wounded stat pools, if you have the requisite skills and medicine. /helper Sets your character to "Newbie Helper" for the purpose of searches. /innate equilibrium instantly balances all remaining health, action, and mind points to the same value. (May be Zabrak only) /inquire When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "inquire" /installmissionterminal Allows the mayor to place a mission terminal within the borders of his city. /interrupt When used in chat, changes your response from "say" to "interrupt" /intimidate When a target is intimidated, they are not able to hit their targets as often. /intimidate2 When a target is intimidated, they are not able to hit their targets as easily. This is more powerful than Intimidate 1. /inventoryClose /inventoryIconify /inventoryMaximize /invite Invites target player into your group (only group leaders can invite additional people into an existing group). /join Accepts an invitation to join a group or band. /kipupshot This will cause you to spring to your feet and shoot, leaving you in a standing position. /knockdownfire Ranged attack which aims a blast of fire at the target's upper body, causing them to be bowled over. It can also cause the target to become dizzy. /lastditch A single, powerful shot taken with precise aim to cause a large amount of damage. This shot takes a lot out of the user and
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 /saber1hComboHit1 This attack allows a Jedi to hit multiple locations on the target's body. This attack will do more damage than a normal one-handed saber attack. /saber1hComboHit2 This attack allows a Jedi to hit multiple locations on the target's body and has a chance to lower the target's posture. This attack is more powerful than the Saber One Hand Combo Hit 1, and will likely do more damage. /saber1hFlurry This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devasting move with a on-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness. /saber1hHeadHit1 This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's head, directly affecting its mind pool. /saber1hHeadHit2 This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the target's head, directly affecting it's mind pool. This attack is more powerful than Saber One Hand Head Hit 1, and has a chance of blinding the target. /saber1hHit1 This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a lightsaber. /saber1hHit2 This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage than normal with a one-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than the Saber One Hand Hit 1. /saber2hbodyhit1 This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against the body, directly affecting it's health pool. /saber2hbodyhit2 This attack allows a Jedi to perform a broad stroke against multiple target bodies, directly affecting their health pools. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Body Hit 1. /saber2hfrenzy This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a two-handed lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizziness. /saber2hhit1 This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. /saber2hHit2 This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Hit 1. /saber2hhit3 This attack allows a Jedi to do much more than normal with a two-handed lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than Saber Two Hand Hit 2. /saber2hsweep1 This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to lower its posture. /saber2hsweep2 This attack allows Jedi to cause all targets in the immediate area to lower their posture, as well as dealing some damage. /saberpolearmdervish This ultimate attack allows a Jedi to perform a devastating move with a dual edge lightsaber that damages all enemies in the immediate area, as well as inflicting stun, intimidation, and dizzyness. /saberPolearmHit1 This attack allows a Jedi to do more damage than normal with a dual edge lightsaber? /saberpolearmhit2 This attack allows a Jedi to do significantly more damage then normal with a dual edge lightsaber. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Polearm Hit 1, and also has a chance to stun the target. /saberpolearmleghit1 This attack allows a Jedi to perform a precise strike against yhe target's legs, directly affecting its action pool. /saberpolearmleghit2 This attack a Jedi to perform a precise strike against a target's legs, directly affecting its action pool. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Polearm Leg Hit 1. /saberpolearmspinattack1 This attack allows a Jedi to deal damage to all enemies in the immediate area. /saberpolearmspinattack2 This attack allows a Jedi to do increased damage to all enemies in the immediate area. This attack is more powerful than Saber Polearm Spin Attack 1, and also has a slightly increased range. /saberSlash1 This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to bleed, as well as lower the target's posture. This attack can be used with all lightsaber types. /saberslash2 This attack allows a Jedi to cause the target to bleed, as well as knock the target down. This attack is more powerful than the Saber Slash 1 and can be used with all lightsaber types. /saberthrow1 This attack allows a Jedi to attack from a distance by throwing his or her lightsaber. /saberthrow2 This attack allows a Jedi to do greater damage from a distance by throwing his or her lightsaber and guiding it with the Force. A successful attack will also cause a chance to knock your opponent down. /sampledna Allows you to sample the DNA of a creature. You must be pretty close to do this. /scattershot1 This attack hits multiple stat pools on the target. /scattershot2 This attack hits multiple stat pools on the target. /service /setperform Entertainers use this command to start buffing mind for dancers and focus and willpower for musicians /setpermission You must be in or near a building or installation to do this. /setprivacy You must be in a building to use this. /shout Sends your message to a wider area around your person. (same as /yell) /skills /smokebomb /sneak Allows you to slowly move while prone and taking cover. /snipershot Ranged attack that lets you kill
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2003 mad supersin abi cok sagol postlar icin[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Petrus Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 6, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 6, 2004 Ya beyler Basic Camp Kit i Practice modda yapmak için bi macro lazım acele yardım ederseniz çok sevinirim[signature][hline]Fastest Swimmer of Turkey.. Tayla Nomax
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