tunch Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2005 Evet arkadaşlar geçen hafta gerçekleştirdiğimiz Synapse TFundan sonra şimdide sırada Sister Psyche Tf si var. E bizim gibi cengaver herolar olurda bu TF yapılmaz mı?. gün olarak pazar yerine cumartesi yapalım diye düşündüm malım işi gücü olanlar madur kalmasın. yeterli katılım olmaz ise zaten ileri bi tarihe atarız ama levelimizde çok fazlalaşmadan halledelim diyorum. level sınır 20-26. EX yapılabiliyor ancak SK içinde minimum 20 olunması gerekmekte. Geçen haftaki başarımızdan sonra bu TF uda alnımızın akıyla gerçekleştireceğimizi umarak , ilgili rehberi c/p liyorum.[signature][hline] MSN : [email protected] --- Sözlükte Ben :D --- SWG : Heyd Spinner (Tatilde) CoH: Kartal AR/Energy Blaster LvL 23 --- [b] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk demişki... (Ahh erken gittin Atam)
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 20, 2005 Basics *Started in Independence Port at Sister Psyche *Team must have 5-8 heroes *Levels at formation of TF 20-26(actual levels without side kicking) *No one can be added to TF after it is formed *TF members can side kick members 3 or more levels below them. *Heroes Disconnected or who camp out without quitting the TF will automatically rejoin the TF unless all members have quit the TF or it has been completed *You cannot talk to contacts other then Sister Psyche during the TF but may still use stores *TF leader will have to contact Sister Psyche to flag/start the next mission when one is completed(you will later be able to call her as you progress. *Everyone must be in the zone to start the TF *Sister Psyche's TF takes 4-7 hours to complete *All members that complete the TF recieve a Single Origin(SO) Enhancement at the end-if they have room The Task Force Once your team is formed, the leader of the team needs to speak to Sister Psyche. Sister Psyche is located right on the hospital's west side near the trainer. The leader accepts formation of the TF and then gets first mission. The first mission is to defeat 20 Freakshows in Talos Island. Green/grey cons count towards that goal. Next is a door mission to save Norris Seneca. After you have done that you need a runner to do the third task of speaking to a contact on Talos Island (Andrew Fiore). Usually 3 door missions will follow, before you have another contact to speack to in Talos Island(again your fastest member can get that done). By now your leader can CALL Sister Psyche, instead of having to see her to flag the next tasks. The next 2 tasks are again door missions, before you get a Patrol 5 locations in Talos Island. The last 3 phones/locations of the 5 can be reached quickly by having a team member on the train station. That person should be able to get the last 3 quickly. You are now in the home stretch. You may have a door mission at this point(usually a cave), but your last three missions will be in Brickstown. This is a nasty zone for the level of the members in your TF. It is not unusual to have level 30+ mobs near your doors, so make sure your team is ready and fully alert. The first 2 of the Brickstown missions are to locate & destroy sonic devices. If you are in a hurry, and not worried about exp. then have a member with stealth look for and destroy the devices in those buildings, this will complete those tasks in a few minutes and save time for the final building. Clamor! You will need to make sure that everyone has clear inventory because everyone that completes the TF recieves a Single Origin enhancement. Clamor will also drop one that gets randomed to the group. That means everyone will get 1 but some lucky hero gets two. Cheat Sheet *Defeat 20 Freakshows in Talos Island *Door *See Andrew Fiore in Talos Island *Door *Door *Door *See contact in Talos Island *Door *Door *Patrol 5 locations in Talos Island *Door *Door(Brickstown- destroy sonic device- can do by stealth) *Door(Brickstown- destroy 2nd sonic device, see above) *FINAL DOOR- Defeat Clamor Task Force will automatically disband after exiting final task and leader calls Sister Psyche.[signature][hline] MSN : [email protected] --- Sözlükte Ben :D --- SWG : Heyd Spinner (Tatilde) CoH: Kartal AR/Energy Blaster LvL 23 --- [b] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk demişki... (Ahh erken gittin Atam)
sostizm Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Malesef ben gelemiyorum. L18 tankerim ve L34 scraperim var arada hiç herom yok :( Oysa gelmeyi çok isterdim[signature][hline]COH: AdaSu Science Balster AR/Elec.Manup. L40 Usta Science Scraper Dark Melee/Regen L33 TRT 3 Natural Tanker invul/Mace L16
to5un_II Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 ben de hiçbir heromu 20'leyemem o zmaana kadar =([signature][hline]Liirhyks, Wookie Master Ranger/Swordsman (SWG, Eclipse) --Retired Iceball, Level 49 Briton Cleric-Buffbot (DAoC, Excalibur) --Retired To5uN, Level 15 Elec/Elec Blaster (CoH, Justice) Fanti, Level 10 Invul/EM Tanker (CoH, Justice)
Erchamion Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Zor bi iş deil. Kardanadam kes bak nası oluyosun.
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 21, 2005 evet arkadaşlar yarın 19.30 civarı gelmek isteyen kişiler online olsun. katılım az olucağı için yabancı arkadaşlarımızla götürücez işi. ben listemdeki herolara mail attım. gelicek haberlere göre konuşucaz artık[signature][hline] MSN : [email protected] --- Sözlükte Ben :D --- SWG : Heyd Spinner (Tatilde) CoH: Kartal AR/Energy Blaster LvL 25 --- [b] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk demişki... (Ahh erken gittin Atam)
BoaCh Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 22, 2005 olm su char ları bana yaklastırın artık da beraber takılak :) gerci benim bilgisayarım bosuldu bi hdd aliyim .. guya tatilde oynıcaktım deli gibi ..
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 22, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 22, 2005 arkadaşlar, bayram ziyaretleri nedeniyle ben akşamleyin TF yapacak rahatlıkta olamıycam. zaten geçen haftaki TF grubundanda eksikler çok. sözün özü bu akşamki TF kurma olayı iptal gibi gözüküyor. Bi değişiklik olursa ben yine burdan yazarım[signature][hline] MSN : [email protected] --- Sözlükte Ben :D --- SWG : Heyd Spinner (Tatilde) CoH: Kartal AR/Energy Blaster LvL 25 --- [b] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk demişki... (Ahh erken gittin Atam)
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