sostizm Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2005 Sonunda buldum... Çok basit 100% gördüğünüz herhangi bir direnci veya zayıflığı yok anlamında. Rakam 100'den düşükse resisti var, yani daha az dmg alıyor demek. 100'den büyükse de vuln. sahibi. Yani daha fazla Dmg. alıyor demek. Örn. %50 görüyorsanız yüksek resisti var ve verdiğiniz normal dmg.ın yarısını alıyor demek. Uğraştığım halde düzgün cümle kuramadım :D Hellions (all) Cold- 120% Energy- 100% Fire- 80% Lethal- 100% Negative- 100% Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Vahz Zombies Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 130% Negative- 100% Psychic-100% Smash- 70% Reapers/Morts/Eids (Eids might diverge a bit) Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Clock Gears Cold- 131% <-very strange number here, doesn't follow pattern Energy- 120% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 120% Clockwork minions (seem to be slightly weak to almost everything) Cold- 110% Energy- 110% Fire- ? Lethal- 85% Negative- 110% Psychic-140% Smash- 110% Clock Lieutenants/Bosses Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 75% Negative- 100% Psychic-130% Smash- 100% Skulls (minions/lieutenants) Cold- 100% Energy- 120% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- 80% Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Bone Daddies Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- 100% Psychic-100% Smash- 100% CoT mages Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% CoT Ice Mages (Why are ice mages so special that they resist lethal?) Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 75% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- ? CoT ghosts Cold- 100% Energy- 140% Fire- ? Lethal- 60% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 60% CoT demons (Seems to include monster/AV versions) Cold- 120% Energy-? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 100% Lost (seem to have no resistances for anything) Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- 100% Psychic-100% Smash- 100% 5th Column humans Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% 5th Column Mekman/Valkyries Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 50% Negative- ? Psychic-50% Smash- 115% 5th Column Vampires Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% 5th Column Wolves (minion/lieut/boss) Cold- 75% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 75% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 75% Outcasts (Scorchers/Bricks/Shockers might diverge a bit, unsure) Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Trolls (might diverge a bit, unsure) Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 80% Pumicites Cold- 125% Energy- 125% Fire- ? Lethal- 125% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 150% Magmite Cold- 150% Energy- 125% Fire- ? Lethal- 125% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 125% Tsoo (All) Seem to have no resists Cold- 100% Energy- 100% Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Warrior minions Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Warrior Lieutenants/Bosses Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 80% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 80% BP Zombies Note: Ew...3 heavy resists and weaknesses are barely worth anything Cold- 50% Energy- ? Fire- 105% Lethal- 105% Negative- 50% Psychic-50% Smash- 100% BP lieutenants Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% BP Totems Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- 100% Psychic-? Smash- 70% BP spirits (floating masks) Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-125% Smash- 100% Freaks (no extra mech parts) Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 100% Freaks (have Mech parts...starts with ones with an arm replaced, like swipers) Cold- 70% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Freak Tanks Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 75% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 75% Sky raiders (humans) (Sky skiffs seem to count in this, haven't tested psy on them yet) Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Sky Raider jumpbot(seems to follow same pattern as 5th mechs so far) Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- ? Negative- ? Psychic-50% Smash- 115% Family (might diverge a bit, unsure) Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- ? Psychic-100% Smash- 100% Swarms Cold- ? Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 60% Negative- ? Psychic-? Smash- 60% Rock DE Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 60% Negative- 140% Psychic-? Smash- 100% Plant (tree) DE Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 100% Negative- 120% Psychic-? Smash- 60% Mushroom DE Cold- 100% Energy- ? Fire- ? Lethal- 120% Negative- ? Psychic-?
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 13, 2005 outcast lere falan yazmışlar zaten... mesela brick stone armor açıyor falan baya bi sağlam resist alıyor. kullandıkları powerlara göre değişiyor olay[signature][hline] MSN : [email protected] --- Sözlükte Ben :D --- SWG : Heyd Spinner (Tatilde) CoH: Kartal AR/Energy Blaster LvL 17 --- [b] Mustafa Kemal Atatük demişki... (Ahh erken gittin Atam)
Keyzar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Araştırmaların için çok saol Sosti. "CoH Hakkında Bulabileceklerinizin Toplu Listesi" bölümüne link olarak ekledim.[signature][hline]City Of Heroes... Keyzar: Spine,Regeneration-Scrapper LvL 50/ Toxygen: Dark Miasma,Radiation Blast-Defender LvL 32 Keizar: Warshade-LvL ?
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