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İşletme - ödev yardımı


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İşletme okuyan arkadaşlar özelden ulaşabilir mi.. ufak 2 sorum var da..

Hatta bi de işletme matematiğinden ufak anlayıp excelden grafik çizebiliyolarsa piyango gibi olurlar valla :]

An essay method of performance appraisal will be either prepared and evaluated by your boss or an external expert who does not know a bit about you and the technical complexity of the task you undertake.You have a moderate degree of relationship with your boss but you believe taht he has low concern for both tasks and the people (he might be considered in the low in consideration and initiating structure in two-dimensional leadership matrix)Which one would you choose? Your boss or the expert to be evaluated?
Would you like to work in an organization with matrix structure, as an two- boss employee ? What kind of skills you think that you would need to be succesful in such a matrix structure?
Unit price, Demand quan, Revenue, Marjinal revenue, Unit cost, Fixed c, Total c, Profit, Marjinal profit 'e 20'şer değer uydurup X axis'de quantity, Y de total cost, Profit, Marjinal Profit olan bi grafik çizmem lazım..
(*) en önemli yardım bu soruda lazım çünkü excel beni aşıyo.
Yardımlarınız maddi manevi olarak ödüllendirilir. :][signature][hline]Oha falan olunmaz, oha doğulur.. - delikanlı tiki -
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o kadar degil malesef =)
x axiste 3 farkli kriterin y axisteki tek degerle kesiserek her bir x axis kriteri icin 3 farkli sutun grafiki isteniyor. o degerleri falanda hesaplayip yolladim ben. oldu heralde.[signature][hline]nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculé de ta mère.
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