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Hiç benim başıma gelmezdi, connecting ekranında kilitlendim kaldım ADSL'ciler gibi ben de...

Yaa sabır.[signature][hline]COH:
AdaSu Science Balster AR/Elec.Manup. L40
Usta Science Scraper Dark Melee/Regen L31
TRT 3 Natural Tanker invul/Mace L12
Mesaj tarihi:
Yeni sürümle birlikte olan değişimleri sanırım hepiniz duymuşsunuzdur. Test serverda denenen pek çok eşyden vazgeçilmiş. Radikal değişikliklerden sakınılmış. Daha çok epik pool ve epik AT expansion'ı olmuş bu #3. Listeyi buraya da yapıştırayım bulunsun:

City of Heroes Expansion Issue #3: A Council of War

Epic Archetypes

Upon attaining level 50, you will unlock the first Epic Archetype available in City of Heroes . The Kheldians are a race of energy beings that have made Earth their new home. Kheldians and their dark cousins, the Nictus, attach to humans and form a symbiotic relationship with them.
You can play one of two new Archetypes, Peacebringers are the typical Kheldians, while Warshades are reformed Nictus who now fight for good.
Peacebringers are Natural Origin, while Warshades are Science based.
Peacebringers and Warshades have only one Primary and one Secondary Powerset to choose from, but these powersets have more powers to choose from than a normal powerset.
A Peacebringer's first contact is in Atlas Park .
A Warshade's first contact is in Galaxy City .
Kheldians and Nictus have unique storylines throughout their career in addition to being able to access the normal game content.
Kheldians and Nictus both have a severe vulnerability to a specific type of energy. Unfortunately sinister forces have made every villain group in Paragon City aware of this, and even supplied some with weapons that can severely hurt Kheldians. Be wary of villains wielding strange weapons, and the mysterious Void Hunters.

· Ancillary Power Pools

Upon reaching level 41, you gain the ability to choose from a new set of Ancillary Power Pools to help round out your character. You can only choose one of these Pools, so make your choice wisely.
· Cold Mastery

· Force Mastery

· Flame Mastery

· Munitions Mastery

· Stone Mastery

· Fire Mastery

· Ice Mastery

· Primal Forces Mastery

· Psionic Mastery

· Dark Mastery

· Power Mastery

· Psychic Mastery

· Electricity Mastery

· Body Mastery

· Darkness Mastery

· Weapon Mastery

· Energy Mastery

· Pyre Mastery

· Arctic Mastery

· Earth Mastery

Zone events

Dock workers in Independence Port have gone on strike until their security can be ensured.
The Clockwork King is hard at work on something big in Kings Row.
ndependence Port and Talos Island citizens are reporting sightings of ghosts haunting the waterways.

New Villain Group: The Council

An internal coup d'etat has shattered the 5 th Column, and from their remnants, a new villain group, the Council has emerged. Rumor has it that the Council is not as new as we would be led to believe. Heroes are urged to investigate every aspect of this new group across all Security Levels.


5th Column badges have been switched over to Council badges (Credit for 5th column defeats remain).
Modified badge tracking for defeats so that everyone on the team gets credit, not just the teammates within 200 feet of the villain.

New Zone: Striga Isle

Smugglers on Talos Island and Independence Port can secure passage for anyone Security Level 20 or over to Striga Isle, an island just off the coast of the United States in international waters. This criminal haven is rumored to be a stronghold and training center for Council troops.
Heroes interested in investigating the island are advised to contact Stephanie Peebles near the docks.

Mission Difficulty Contacts

Hero Corp has placed agents throughout Paragon City who are able to put a word to all your Contacts about how tough you think you are. Find one of these contacts and for a small fee of Influence they can make all missions you have and take from that point forward harder.
These Hero Corp personnel exist in all City Zones.


Bosses of higher levels (25 and up), all Archvillains and Monsters have been made tougher.
Bosses of higher levels (25 and up), all Archvillains and Monsters are now worth more Experience, based on how much tougher they got.
Villains who are notoriously hard (and thus avoided by Heroes whenever possible) have had their XP reward increased.
Giant Monsters, no matter what their level, will con Purple now. This is because the monsters are able to be fought by the entire level range of Heroes. That is, your character will hit and do damage to them as though they are your level. Additionally, they will hit and damage you as though you are their level. Heroes of ANY level should be cautious around ANY Giant Monster now. This does not apply to monsters spawned in missions or wandering in the Eden zone.
Fixed Short help for Super Strength/
Mesaj tarihi:
valla ben memnunum blaster'ımdan, flight geldi dün gece oyun tekrar zevkli oldu benim için... ama bir char daha açacağım gibi gözüküyor, oyunda o kadar çok blaster var ki... Gerçi Elec-Elec çok yok ama yine de sinir bozucu bir durum =(
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