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NiBiRu: Messenger of the Gods


Öne çıkan mesajlar

The Czech Republic, Western Bohemia
During construction of a new highway bypass, workers discovered an entrance to an old tunnel. After they entered the tunnel, they found out that it was probably a German tunnel intentionally backfilled in the end of the World War II. They called an employee of the Western Bohemian Museum who informed the superior body in Prague about the finding. The news about the discovery of the tunnel is published by the regional press on the next day and it gets - thanks to the absence of "more interesting" news from the area of catastrophes or of other news interesting for tabloids - also to the main evening TV news on another day.

Professor Wilde sits by his table in the workroom and goes through the press summary from the last week. He becomes interested in several news. He dedicated more than 20 minutes of work with computer and books to one of them. Professor Wild picks up the phone receiver and dials a number.

Martin Holan is Czech. Thanks to support of his uncle Professor Wild, he studies archaeology and linguistics in France. His uncle has just asked him to make a small trip home, to Bohemia. Martin Holan shall meet in Prague in line with his uncle's instructions with a friend of his uncle that shall hand him over a permit for the archeologist to enter the discovered German tunnel. Uncle's contact, however, did not come to the meeting and Martin therefore went to her flat. He found the young woman who should have given him the permit to enter the tunnel dead in her flat and the flat has been searched. A trip to his fatherland and a banal prospecting of a German tunnel from the end of the war therefore changes into a story full of unexpected events and turns. Martin gradually begins to face the biggest adventure of his life. The originally harmless trip to wonderful night Prague changes into a dangerous search for ancient alien civilization whose tracks have been hidden by time. Everything started during the World War II. when Germans, in their quest for omnipotent weapons and inexhaustible resources that they had hoped would help their war machinery, found first fragments of ancient secrets. During his thrilling journey from Prague to the dark spaces of Maya pyramids, Martin will look into the mirror of the past. He will also find out that it is not only him and his uncle who cannot sleep because of ancient secrets. Will Martin during the plot full of tension and mystical atmosphere succeed in fulfilling the old dream of his uncle Professor Wilde to solve the secrets of the long ago dead nation of Mayas? It seems at least for now that everything is carefully hidden in the endless depth of past times.
Kısa tercümesi:
Çek Cumhuriyetinde otoban çalışması sırasında 2. dünya savaşından kalma bir alman tüneli keşfedilir.Basın sayesinde olay yankı bulur..

fransa da bulunan profesör kardeş olayı öğrenince hemen telefona sarılır ve yeğeni çek araştırmacıyı olay yerine kendi bağlantısıyla buluşmak için yollar.

Bizim çek araştırmacı kardeşimiz ise tüneli araştırmak için olay yerine gider ancak buluşacağı arkeolog buluşmaya gelmez.araştırınca cesediyle karşılaşır.

sonra karşıyır işte işin içine almanların savaş sırları, mayalar ve izleri silinmiş eski uygarlıklar uzaylılar vs. giriyor.tam bi gizem.

Daha fazla ekran görüntüsü için tık

adventurous point and click adventure
[li]80 locations [/li]
[li]6 chapters [/li]
[li]1024x768 truecolor [/li]
[li]3D character animations [/li]
[li]35 NPC characters [/li]
[li]50 pages of dialogues [/li]
[li]Professional dubbing [/li]
[li]Atmospheric visual effects [/li]
[li]Scenic music[/li]
Gaming Engine
NIBIRU is using the engine AGDS (Advanced Graphic Development System) that apart from standard elements enables also several graphical effects like for example rain, lightning, space fog etc. The primary graphical mode of the gaming engine is 32 bites but there is also a less demanding 16 bites mode for owners of weaker components. The engine was basically developed @ used for BLACK MIRROR horror adventure game.
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