xrex Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 indalamarin class balance olaylari hakkindaki görüsleri var.güzel yazi Indalamar is the guild master of Nurfed. In this interview he discusses Nurfed's roll in World of Warcraft, his involvment in the alpha and beta and a bit more about what makes Nurfed what it is today. Question: How long has Nurfed been a guild? Indalamar: Nurfed originated in Shadowbane. Myself along with some friends, Tivoli, Nister Cien and Igean played Shadowbane with the R30's in beta. Come retail the decision was made to branch as a sub guild to R30's and form a new guild. After deliberation the name Nurfed was presented and then decided on. We really got established in the R30's fight nights. We ended up going 10 and 0 and really made our reputation starting there. After that we moved to Mourning and stayed small, all the while fighting double and triple our number. Mourning was dull for Nurfed so we made the decision to move to the Dead server. By then interest in the game started to fade. We then started to branch off into new directions. Some of the guild who hard their heart set on WoW went to play Final Fantasy XI to pass some time and get some PvE experience. The game quickly lost interest in the guild. Then one day I talked with a friend of mine who offered me a WoW alpha pass. After that it was only a matter of time before the rest of the guild got in. We gained a lot of respect in the beta and performed really well. We rose to the tops on the server and then came release where we are still far above most level wise. Question: How long have you been involved with WoW? Indalamar: I have been involved in World of Warcraft since December of 2003. Question: Tell me about the warrior balance that resulted because of your video in beta? Indalamar: Ha-ha. There was a point in alpha that I became known as "the warrior". A lot of people came to me for warrior advice and still do. I was reading something this other mage player said in a thread he created about warrior DPS being too high. As a response this "other" player who was a warrior at the time began to rip into him say that he is wrong. I got pissed by this and the idea was presented to me to create a video of my warrior ripping through some stuff. Basically I took my brother to 60 before the rest of the server with this idea. The idea was, Mortal Strike was really over powered at the time, and I still think it’s a bit too much now. The way it worked was Blood Thirst (150% damage and auto crit). So every attack after a mob kill was then doubled so the crit would enable flurry (35% haste) and improve cleave would hit 4 targets. I could kill 4 mobs in one sweep. It would end up like, kill mob get Blood Thirst then Flurry for 300% damage. The video was of me clearing the entire black rock orc fortress in a 3 minute period. At that point I posted the video on a thread in the beta and linked it on the Nurfed web site. Then I went out for like 2 hours and came home to hear “You crashed my site!" In that 2 hour time span 27 pages of replies added up and it resulted in Blizzard changing the class. Basically it resulted in the longest thread in all beta. Question: How do you feel about the current balance between horde and alliance? Indalamar: "It’s horribly skewed! Right before release we were thinking about going Alliance. After long talks and discussions we decided to stay Horde. I believe there are a lot of flaws still with the balancing. First off in Alpha we could only play Alliance, when we got to play Horde we really were able to experience both so we could see the difference between each faction. I believe still that Alliance is far superior to Horde. Really the difference and problem is that Horde is never going to be as good as Alliance because of the nature between classes. For instance Shamans verse Paladins. Paladins have plate mail as opposed to Shamans chain. Both are respectively secondary healers the difference is a chain mail wearing healer as opposed to a plate mail healer. Paladins stack much better; Shamans totems can be killed. The other feature that makes Paladin superior to Shamans are the cleansing magic’s they possess. The Shamans "Purge" is far less then the Paladins dispel. A Paladin can dispel from any ally a dot, snare and debuff as opposed to the Shaman that cannot." "I also believe that people play the Paladins wrong. I say play them as a healer. Play them like a sword and defense character and spec your heal and defense traits, that way you have a plate mail wearing healer that has huge survivability. I would stay on the back lines and play the defensive healer roll. Basically it’s a healer class that is super hard to kill with two invulns." Question Do you feel that any classes are still unbalanced? Indalamar: I believe there are some serious issues with priests. Basically a good priest can kill just about anything one verse one. Between mana burn and shiel
Dalamar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Çokta güzel anlatmış... Keşke blizzardtaki hımbıllar okusa bunu :)[signature][hline]Çirkin kadın yoktur, az votka vardır. [/b] Wow:Hordish Manner Hellnar - Über Orc Shamadin (level 60)
sQu Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 ben warlock'u anlatırken bıdı bıdı eden arkadaşların dikkatini çeken bişey var mı acaba :)
xrex Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 bende su anda warlock oynuyorum.lvl 32 yim.warlock gercketen teke tek de cok iyi.fakat raid ya grup savaslarinda fazla etkili oldgunu söylemek mümkün degil.balanced bi class indalamarin dedigi gibi[signature][hline]-------------------------------------- www.gametogame.net-author --------------------------------------
game947 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Bende warlocku deniim dedim lvl 12 iken 16 hunteri petiyle bereber yendim sirf fear ile voidwalker peti taunt etti ben huntera calistim fear bitiyo basiorum bitiyo basiorum.Gerçekten teke tek de çok süper daha grup olarak deneme firsatim olmadi bir nevi tanki olan mage gibi ama mage spell dmg konusunda warlocktan cok daha üstün.[signature][hline]:) :-) ;-) :-p :-O
Dogbert Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 şimdi bu indalamar oyun yapımcılığı işine mi girio 2 guild kurdu die..[signature][hline]Işık öldü karanlıkta, Ay söndü bulutların ardında Ve ölümcül gece çöktü Orta-Dünya'nın Topraklarına...
Elufulec Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 bu arkadas oyunla cok kafayı bozmus.. bu kadar takmamak lazım, zevkine oynamak lazım.[signature][hline]Seek & Destroy
sQu Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 bi yazıyı okuyun da ondan sonra soru sorun ya amma saçma sorular soruyosunuz :>
Dunedain Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2004 Helal valla oyunculuktan oyun yapımcılığına . Enteresan cidden ...
sQu Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 oyun yapimciligi aslinda yanlis oluyo biraz. Adami sadece oyun içi offical tester olarak almışlar. Oyun yapımcılığı öyle okadar kolay bişey değil ki :) Aptal bi program yazsan bile yapımcı bu programi yeterli şekilde test edemez. Kısaca hatalarını yada eksiklerini farkedemez çünkü farketse zaten o hata/eksikleri yapmaz. Bu yüzden bi programi yapmaktan çok onu nasıl test ettiğiniz önemlidir.
mikado Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 Bu arada warlock'ta fear en fazla 3 kere atiliyor, bir arkadas bitiyo basiyorum bitiyo basiyorum demiste ;)[signature][hline]Kaybettigim seyler arasinda en cok aklimi ozluyorum.
sQu Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 27, 2004 tek targeta 3 kere demek istedin sanrim o arkadaş cooldownın çok kısa olduğunu söylemeye çalışmış
Deadmarine Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 28, 2004 Lvl 20 warlock ile bir karaktere üçten fazla fear atamadım çünkü hepsi yattı yediği dotlardan. O yüzden bir karaktere 3 ten fazla atılıp atılmadığına pek emin değilim. Ama dmg fear'ı bozabiliyor yani 15sn yerine ilk yediği dmg'de fear bozulabiliyor.
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