Karabulut Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 23, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 23, 2004 selamlar birkac sorum olacak ilk olarak simdi benm leatherworkingim 250 trainer bana sadece rugged armor kit ve cured rugged hide yi ogretti iki saattir mob kesiyorum ve hala bir rugged leather bulamadim(skining 300) kestigim yaratiklarin lvli +40 acaba yaratiklarin lvlimi cucuk yoksa bendemi birsey war ikincisi de su dragon scale tribal ve elemantal icin gorev almam gerekiyorumsh galiba gorev veren npclerin yerini bulamadim bide bu 3 u arasinda en iyisi hangisi yada farklari neler ole sorayim simdiden sagolun...
OffChu Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 23, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 23, 2004 Rugged için 45 ve üzeri kesmen lazım. said: Dragonscale: mail armor Elemental: mostly +agil and +sta items Tribal: +int and +spi items said: The subclasses are purchased from NPCs in different zones. Tribal is in Stranglethorn Vale, Elemental is in Arathi Highlands, and Dragonscale is in the Badlands. Each subclass merely adds 2 nicer items to your recipe list, hopefully this will improve at a later time. Right now Tribal gives you the Feathered Breastplate and Wolfshead Helm, Elemental is Helm of Fire and Gauntlets of the Sea, Dragonscale is Dragonscale Breastplate and Dragonscale Gauntlets. said: Dragonscale Leatherworker for Alliance Peter Galen Master Dragonscale Leatherworker Level 50 Found in Azshara said: Tribal/Dragonscale/Elemental Training Quests start at lvl 45, when you get the quest it's listed as lvl 55 (dragonscale anyway) So if you want to specialize you need to levelize [Bu mesaj OffChu tarafından 23 Aralık 2004 19:26 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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