sirplayA Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Congratulations! You have been accepted into the World of Warcraft® Final Stress Test and Open Beta. Your unique World of Warcraft Open Beta key is reserved for you! Guaranteed!!! Due to high demand, we are distributing keys in groups. You will get your key as soon as your group is released. Please do not resubmit your information because it will not get you in any faster. Watch for your Final Stress Test and Open Beta key email and have fun! Notice: Important Information: Before downloading the World of Warcraft client, be sure to turn off any pop-up blockers and/or firewalls. You can check any keys you've received from FilePlanet on our Betacenter Keys page. Check out the system specs for the World of warcraft beta on our World of Warcraft FAQ page. Please use WinZip 9.0 to extract the files to a folder on your hard drive. Then execute the installation file for the game. Please check your email spam filters for our emails being blocked or filtered. Hotmail users: Please see our tips on Support Center for configuring your Hotmail spam block. We've also e-mailed your World of Warcraft account key to your GameSpy ID account. If you need customer support please contact our Support Team after checking your GameSpy ID account for an email confirmation. If you require support for World of Warcraft specifically, go to the World of Warcraft Support Page for Blizzard Entertainment® support.[signature][hline]Boş kafa mezara
game947 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Key nerede yazıyo bi soyleyebilirmisiniz su an beta keys kısımında yok da[signature][hline]:) :-) ;-) :-p :-O
Glatheros Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 ben download adresini bulamadım[signature][hline]homo homini lupus
mikado Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 2, 2004 Sayfanin sag alt kosesinde, Newest Files diye bir bolum var ilk sirada..[signature][hline]Kaybettigim seyler arasinda en cok aklimi ozluyorum.
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