PiJAJE Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2004 Closed Beta Has Ended - Nebu on 10/29/04 The closed beta servers are now offline; this phase of the beta is at an end. We'd like to thank the thousands of dedicated testers who helped us day in and day out to make World of Warcraft what it is meant to be: a fun game. Your aid was invaluable over these past months -- the game wouldn't be where it is now without you! Please be sure to check back here over the next few days for more information on the upcoming stress test! Please note: due to the increased traffic to WorldofWarcraft.com while the game servers are offline, the Web site and the beta forums may run slowly or be inaccessible at times. We are in the process of making upgrades to our Web servers to address these issues as soon as possible. Thank you for bearing with us during the upgrade period[signature][hline] www.kimlik.tkbenim sitem
Befounder Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 30, 2004 madalya savaslari - bolum 12 "Soguk savas"[signature][hline][Golden Horde]Berke Xar
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