Qui Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 29, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ekim 29, 2004 *** Headlines *** - New spells and combat arts for all adventuring classes and subclasses! - Individualize your character with Traits and Traditions! - New options for player housing, including addresses! - Specialized tradeskill workshops added! - The cities love their artisans! Citizenship granted to crafters at level 6! - You can now delete quests from your journal and see the quests of your group mates! - "Fog of war" map system on its way! - Scouts can track down the enemy (or friends, for that matter)! *** Character Differentiation *** - Final class spells and combat arts are available. Many of the old spells and arts have been removed and replaced with new versions. - Entertainment spells/arts are now available on scribes and trainers. - Traits and Traditions choices can be made at the following levels: Level 8 - Trait Level 14 - Trait Level 18 - Tradition Level 22 - Trait Level 26 - Tradition Level 28 - Trait Level 34 - Tradition Level 36 - Trait Level 42 - Trait Level 44 - Tradition Level 46 - Trait Level 48 - Trait Social Structures - Treasure has been attached to the level 5, 10, and 15 guild raids. - The quest log has been improved for the level 5, 10, and 15 guild raids. - A level 25 guild raid is now available. - City tasks now award faction when completed. - Additional tradeskill entrances have been added to the city of Freeport and Qeynos. Each village has four entrances and a district to represent each Tradeskill Social Structure. Player Housing - Reduced the number of houses in Qeynos city zones. - Housing prices now vary based on the location and size of housing. - The number of sellers that can sell from a particular home is limited by the quality and size of that home. - Certain homes can now be paid for with guild status and require you to be in a guild of a particular level to access and buy. - Each home now has a unique address and waypoint to lead you to a person's home. - The amount of furniture that can be placed in a home is limited by the size and quality of the home. - Housing zones have street signs so that adventurers can easily locate other adventurers and vendors in the city. - Players should now be able to access their homes in Stonestair Byway. Tracking - Scouts have gained the Tracking skill, which is found in the Knowledge book under Abilities. Activating Tracking brings up a window that shows creatures in the surrounding area. Beings that con red to the scout will not show up in the Tracking window except for guards; certain other entities are excluded from the list as well. The list is sorted by distance, from closest to furthest. The scout can filter the list to show only NPCs, PCs, or group members, and results can be filtered by their con color. The scout's group mates can always be tracked, regardless of distance. - Pressing the OK button in the Tracking window gives a waypoint to the target and creates a wisp trail leading to it. The scout can stop tracking the current target by bringing up the window and pressing the Cancel button. Changes & Additions - Gurk Strongarm no longer has treasure on him. - Bouncer Prod should no longer break his encounter when engaged. - Menders within the cities had their buy/sell options removed. They only repair items now. - Mariner's bells have been updated in Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, and Orcish Wastes. - Boulden Smitestone should now be wearing Qeynos armor. - Additional exploration points have been added throughout the world. - The Isle of Refuge has been renamed to "The Isle of Refuge: Freeport" and "The Isle of Refuge: Qeynos", depending on which alignment you choose. - Added new food and drink to vendors. Higher-level characters will need to buy the more expensive food to get adequate regeneration. - The cities of Freeport and Qeynos now place a higher importance on the craftsmanship of their skilled laborers. Artisans who are not already citizens will automatically be granted citizenship when they've obtained artisan level 6. *** Quests *** Bu kısmı atlıyorum. Çok uzun.. *** Zones *** Bu kısmı atlıyorum. Çok uzun.. *** Mechanics *** Items - Tinting has been applied to weapons and shields. - Black Iron Chain Vambraces now use the correct icon. - Leather Strapped Symbol now uses the correct icon. - Earring of the Shattering can now be equipped. - Reptile Meat is now stackable. - Skullcrusher now appears as a hammer. Tradeskills - Values for all crafting components have been adjusted. - Added three more tradeskill instances to each Qeynos Village and Freeport District. - Added new tradeskill reaction arts and special events. Mechanics - Tuned shield blocking rate so that you block more often. - Adjusted group encounters in the following ways: - Reduced damage of NPC abilities like Crush
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