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[Rehber] Takım arkadaşlarıma bir rehber (İngilizce)

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Arkadaslar bu rehperi okumanizi öneririm. Perez Park üzerinden anlatmis ama Dark Astoria v.b. yerlerde ve oyun genelinde missionlar hariç zaman geçirilen her yerde dikkate alınabilecek öneriler var. Buyrun:

Hi all,

I'm the author of a CoH Grouping Guide (which you can probably find with a quick google search), and as such I want to have a firm grasp of the experience of each different group member. So, to that end, I have a tremendous number of alts. And I tend to spend a lot of time in Perez.

This guide is about how to work Perez for the max experience for your group. It's also to a certain extent, a guide about grouping. To most new players, Perez Park is their first hazard zone and, to many, their first experiences with grouping at all. As a group leader (or member), you will have to do your part to influence what and how your group fights, in order to maximize experience gain.

The Hydra Team - and why you should never ever ever join one

Ah! Hydras. Those colorful blobs who (like the lvl 13-14 Lost) seem strangely out of place in this relatively low level hazard zone. Yet, they are possibly the biggest draw in Perez. Sometimes you'll find me killing time by sitting on top of the Everett Lake boathouse watching the groups do battle. There is always this one group of lvl 8-9s fighting the hydras. After a heated battle, the three unfortunate melee heroes are down, and the rest of the group is tattered and near beaten. But they won the battle! While they wait for resurrect to recharge, they break for a quick dance party and remark to each other about how good the experience is. Because being lvl 8-9, they are all getting nice experience per hydra. Or so they think.

!Big experience isn't always the best experience Stop! Read that again. And ask yourself "why" throughout the rest of this guide.

The Eight Man team is the tool of the devil

It never fails. You're the second or third member to join the team... and the leader just keeps going. And quickly, against your will, you're in the middle of 8-man mob of heroes destined to end up knee deep in lake water, fishing around for the next blob.

Most people that read the boards generally know this, but the word hasn't spread to the rest of the populace: Eight member teams are the worst teams possible for experience. Smaller is better, always. Many people earn experience best by themselves, solo. So that's what they do. You need to have the same mentality when grouping. Less is more. The max size of an experience group should be around 4-5 members.

Also, what's the side-effect of eight man teams: low experience per member --> leading too "let's go hunt something higher" ---> leading to that greatest enemy of all....

Debt - the greatest enemy of all

It just is. The greatest enemy you will ever face is debt, the collection hobby of the unjustifiably confident. And more often than not, debt isn't your fault. It comes because you were part of some moron group of heroes. It's amazing to me how many just join a group and then casually follow the clueless leader to two, three, four, and more deaths, in a single session. When joining the group, always ask "What's the plan" first. If they say "Hunting" ask for specifics. If you don't like the answer, leave. If you smell something is about to go sour and they won't listen to you, tell them you have something else to do and take off. You have zero obligation to a group of people who clicked your name off a list.

The most important factor of leveling fast

Pop-quiz! What is it before reading ahead........ If you guessed time. You're close. It's efficiency. The most important factor of leveling fast is your rate of experience over time (i.e. efficiency). You don't gain experience waiting for a member to be rezzed. You don't gain experience while waiting for end/health to recover. You don't gain experience dancing around the boombox.

To maximize experience gain, you need to allocate every moment you can to taking down enemies or preparing to take down the next batch. Make sure your team has a clear "Battle Lead" or someone who is in charge of pointing out which groups to attack (this doesn't have to be the actual team leader). Then go from one group to the next in short order. Bam. Bam. Bam.

"But I need end Wahhhhhhhh!!!!"

Yup, endurance is a pain. First as a group leader, keep careful track of the number one end culprit: Sprint powers! Demand that your team members switch off their sprint powers. You can clearly see when they are on due to the icon to the right of the team bars. Most people honestly just forget they had it on and are more than happy to switch it off. Occasionally, you'll run across the guy who is in love with his sprint for some reason and refuses to cut it off. /kick. Sprint doesn't cost that much end, but in the long run it gimps end recovery and efficiency. You don't have ti
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla şunu söylemek lazım, ben, Adasu, Keyzar ve Razean Dark astoria'ya gittik ve Razean beni exemplarladı. yaklaşık 45 dakika içinde 22k debt temizledim. Exemplar olayı üst seviye arkadaşlar için debt temizlemeye birebir.[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."

Lord Soth, Knight of the Black Rose
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