Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 bugün yastayım, 3. dereceden akrabam ölmüş kadar üzüldüm abv single fm hastaları, niye para vermediniz lan sigames'e :/ gerçi ben de 3 ay falan verdim, onun dışında 2.5 yıldır beleş oynuyordum betada sfghjkl. buraya kadarmış neyse gg ha fml konusuna niye yazmadm, oraya kimse bakmıyor çünkü. yarın falan eklersiniz o konunun kıçına said: It is with great sadness that I have to today announce that Football Manager Live will be closing at the end of next season Simply put, with the current level of subscribers, we can no longer afford to keep the game alive. We’ve tried various marketing initiatives since the reset, including google advertising, mail shots to over 100,000 people who have declared interest in the game, as well as the constant advertising to people playing Football Manager 2011 via the in game advertising hoardings which have been very successful for the third parties who advertise in game, but none of them have seen a great upswing in new or returning users. There are other things we could have tried but, to be frank, the market just isn’t there to make the game viable and that’s due to the design decisions that we made along the way. When we first started working on Football Manager Live many years ago, the idea behind it was to make a football management game where people would play for an hour a day, 3 or 4 days a week, and it would be a mainstream game. The longer development went on, through alpha, then beta, then release, the feedback given to us was that this wasn’t what you, the customers, wanted from a subscription based game. The game kept moving away from our initial vision, and also from the business model and subscriber numbers we were expecting from what was meant to be a more mainstream online football management game. We tried many different approaches in an effort to turn things around, new features, price cuts and even a reset. At times we probably listened too much to certain types of managers and it meant the game started appealing more and more to the hardcore. The MMO market has changed massively since we started working on the game. Very few subscriber fee games have survived, with many that started in this way switching to a free-to-play model. And with the way FML is, free-to-play just wouldn’t work within the design of the game.
dreagloth Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Senin başlığı canlı tutup kapanmamış gibi yaparız.
mokoko Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 fm ztn senelerdin surekli kotu oyunlar çıkartıyo. liveda eminim onlar kadar kotudur. nerde cm 00/01 nerde cm4??
Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 live süperdi ya oynamayan anlayamaz ben mesela başka oyun oynamıyordum 2 yıldır doğru dürüst bunun yüzünden. wowdan daha beter bağımlılık konusunda, msela artık düz fm hayatta oynayamam bayar çünkü sessizce ağlıyorum köşede panpalar :/ dreagloth said: Senin başlığı canlı tutup kapanmamış gibi yaparız. sticky dursun abi o hakkaten, kalbimizde yaşasın bari sdf
Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 14, 2011 şurdaki eleman gibi cv'mi hazırlayıp başvuru yapıcam ama boroya değil karagümrükspor'a
Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2011 ağır depresyona girdim çıkamıyorum
Silphatos Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2011 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 15, 2011 gülün gülün :( cv'me şunu ekleyip karagümrüğün teknik adamı olup 5 yıl sonra süperligi kazandırıp europe league'de çeyrek final oynattığım da ben de size gülecem
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