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Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
bunu yagmurdamlasına yazdım beyler ,sizce nasıl olmuş?
Once upon a time
Just when the tales begun
Staring through the blackened sky
Dripping waves like a summer rain
Broken silence by a shooting star
A pale hope, but worth to try
I closed my eyes,my heart start to fly

Then I see my beautiful Dreamia
A moonlit soul floating upon the sea
Trembling with awakening breeze
Bleeding tears dying her gown
Burning the sky with her cry
Still she had a peaceful smile

I drank from her fountain
Of pure,immortal love
No mind left
And my soul aflamed

She whispered her spell into my heart
So hard to be defined
Nothing could get her out of my sight
So hard to be described
She swore to stay in my side
So hard to trust
Holded my hands slight
And caressed so smart

Then I drank from her fountain
Of pure,immortal love
No mind left
And our soul aflamed

Then I feel my lovely Dreamia
A moonlit soul floating upon the sea
Trembling with awakening breeze
Bleeding tears dying her gown
Burning the sky with her cry
Still she had a peaceful smile

I drank from her fountain
Pure beauty of my Dreamia
No mind left
And my soul aflamed

şarkı sözü tabe ama daha besteleyemedim taze taze koyuyorum=))[signature][hline]Halfmumi, 08 June 2003 06:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
açıkcası evlenince karım olursa o yöntemi uygulayacam.

Mesaj tarihi:
o size kalmış dostlar ben sadece fikrinizi almak için koyuyorum[signature][hline]Halfmumi, 08 June 2003 06:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
açıkcası evlenince karım olursa o yöntemi uygulayacam.

Mesaj tarihi:
=)))) sturm, olm tepe tepe kullan, istediğin kıza satbenim diye ama yani telifi benimdir ona göre , paticik şahit =)[signature][hline]Halfmumi, 08 June 2003 06:13 tarihinde demiş ki:
açıkcası evlenince karım olursa o yöntemi uygulayacam.

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