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Cleverbotla gecen muhabbet, bi ara tirsmaya basladim cidden acaip olmus ahaha, arada cok saglam laf sokuyor. Deneyin efenim www.cleverbot.com


+ Do you know who am I?
- You are my slave
+ O really?
- yes, will you do anything I ask?
+ I'll try
- Let's give it a try, you first!
+ me first? I amyour slave. You first!
- I want to be your slave and for you to be my master.
+ ahahah that was epic.

+i close my eyes, and listen to voices
-You can't see me with your eyes closed.
+who cares about you
-The whole universe cares about me.
-You just said why...
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User: I am listenning to Istanbul my eyes closed.

Cleverbot: What are you listening to?

User: Istanbul.

Cleverbot: If your name is Sam, why it claims above that you are 'Cleverbot'.

User: I am just listenning to Istanbul.

Cleverbot: I am trying to do science homework.

User: Do you have any problem?

Cleverbot: You must have problems.

User: I am listenning to Istanbul.

Cleverbot: Is that supposed to be an excuse?

User: No.It is just Istanbul.

Cleverbot: Your name is really cool!

User: What is my name?

Cleverbot: John Steinbeck?

User: No, it is not.How can you tell it is cool?

Cleverbot: I can tell it is night because it is dark outside and the moon is up.

User: It is 12 a.m. Here.

Cleverbot: Will you remember md tomorrow?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I don't want.

Cleverbot: You don't want what?

User: To remember.

Cleverbot: To remember what?

User: Md.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes...

User: No...

Cleverbot: No? Yes.

User: Yes? No.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Yes!

Cleverbot: NO!

User: Ok No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

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