Laroux Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 said: two hearts that shouldn't talk to each other become close in a town much like a prison cell. people speak our names on the street in hushed tones all the stories they tell if anyone would listen (if anyone would listen..) you come from a town where people don't bother saying "hello" unless somebody's born or dies. and i come from a place where they drag your hopes through the mud because their old dreams are all dying. and when we walk down the street the wind sings our names and never stops the sounds of the night should make us anxious but it's much too late, when the feeling's gone. i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you i will wait till then in heaven i promise you i promise,i promise. theres so many fighting to get passed the pearly gates but nobody ever wants to die, or get saved their intentions aren't that good and i can smell the asfault, thats their personal road to hell, being paved. and when we walk down the street the wind sings our names and never stops and it's much too late when the feeling's gone... i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you i will wait till then in heaven i promise you i promise,i promise.....oh i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you i will wait till then in heaven i promise you i promise,i promise.... ilk asik oldugum ve son asik oldugum kisiye de yukardakine benzer sozler soylememi saglayan his. onlarin bir anlam veremeyip dave mustaine'in paralel olmasi da trajikomik tabi ;) dave mustaine sasirtiyor iste arasira beni: a tout le monde, addicted to chaos ve promises ile ozellikle. megadeth - promises[signature][hline]and when we walk down the street, the wind sings our names and never stops. the sounds of the night should make us anxious but it's much too late, when the feeling's gone. i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you, i will wait till then in heaven.. i promise, i promise.. MSN: [email protected]
Dariel Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 I'll be there de güzel bi örnek kastettiğin şeye. Aslında neyi kime ne için yazdığını bilemiyorsun. Ben my darkest hour parçasını sevgilisine falan yazdı sanardım ama clif burton için yazılmış. Kimbilir tornado of souls u kim için yazdı. [signature][hline][b]Any man is capable of driving a blade into another man's chest. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool and won't live long. Killing is not a bad thing in and of itself; it is the intent behind the action that counts.[b] [b]Umrae[b] [Bu mesaj Dariel tarafından 04 Ağustos 2004 08:33 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Laroux Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Aynı çelişki anathema'nın one last goodbye'inda vardır, duman'ın koprualti'nda yaptigi melankoli tarzinda olen sevgilisine yazdi sanirsin ki, grup arkadasinin annesine yazmi$ oldugunu ogrenirsin. ayni zamanda dave mustaine'in -sanırım- addicted to chaos'u eroin'e olan bagliligi icin yazdigi da bilinir, soyut bir sevgili tasviri ile.[signature][hline]and when we walk down the street, the wind sings our names and never stops. the sounds of the night should make us anxious but it's much too late, when the feeling's gone. i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you, i will wait till then in heaven.. i promise, i promise.. MSN: [email protected]
Alexi_Septimus Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Hmm, Anathema - One Last Goodbye'da bir çelişki yok, "Öldürmeyin beni!Önce sürünmem lazım!" dedirtiyor. O kadar ;).[signature][hline]Our lives ; "Same shit, different asshole."
Laroux Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Ağustos 4, 2004 said: Alexi_Septimus, 04 Ağustos 2004 11:48 tarihinde demiş ki: Hmm, Anathema - One Last Goodbye'da bir çelişki yok, "Öldürmeyin beni!Önce sürünmem lazım!" dedirtiyor. O kadar ;). zaten celiski dedigim kime yazildigi (2. kisi) hakkinda.[signature][hline]and when we walk down the street, the wind sings our names and never stops. the sounds of the night should make us anxious but it's much too late, when the feeling's gone. i will need you in the next life, i promise you where we can be together i promise you, i will wait till then in heaven.. i promise, i promise.. MSN: [email protected]
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