GrandFather Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 Hello folks, Customer Service would like to direct everyone's attention to some information regarding Publish 9 and the Jedi Revamp. You can find quite a bit of information about the new system in the Knowledge Base, both in game via the Holocron and through the front page of the official website. Unfortunately, we will not be able to assist with all Jedi issues. Customer Service will not be resetting any Jedi that choose the wrong skills during the conversion process. We recommend reading through all of the Jedi information before converting your character so that you are familiar with the process. Good luck and safe hunting.
estrangeds Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 "new" degil ki bu, nispeten "old" hatta.[signature][hline]Timekszi Beqir, Eclipse. Riqeb Cleefszi, Eclipse.
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