MeSh Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 11, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 11, 2004 force feedback wheel var..97 veya 98 senesinde almistim...Cd'sinde xp icin uyum yok dogal olarak[signature][hline]Azmodai, 02 December 2003 16:01 tarihinde demiş ki: you have a very kara baht young padawan...
Draven Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 eskiden joyistik yoktu ama bi cozum buldum, mouse u joystick olarak emule edebilen bi program varmi, aha burdan sag click save target as bas baya mouseu analog olarak kullaniyormussunuz, hehe, daha denemedim. suan indiriyorum netkari indirince rapor veririm
Draven Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 joyistik emulasyonu kullanmak icin yapmaniz gereken olaylar, bkz: 1. Download joystick emulator called MouseJoystick here (freeware, w98/2k/xp): (yukardaki linkle ayni) 2. Add "Standart Game Port" if you dont have one: >Control Panel>Add Hardware>Add a new hardware device>go Advanced>Sound, Video,Game controllers>(Standart system devices)<>Standart game port. 3. Run jmouse.msi (you'll need windows installer if using w98 w/o IE5.5 or higher) and install mousejoystick driver. 4. Run Start>Programs>Mouse Joystick>Mouse Joystick Properties and tune it as in "pic1.jpg","pic2.jpg" and "pic3.jpg" 5. Add a new game controller (>Control Panel>Game Controllers) called "Mouse Joystick" (don't check "Enable rudders and pedals" checkbox). and calibrate it as usual. Note that mouse center button centers virtual joystick by X and Y, left mouse button acts as button1, and right as button2. 6. Run NetKar, go Settings>Controller and tune it as in pic "netkar_.jpg" also point "gear up" as button1 and "gear down" as button2. 7. Enjoy NetKar powered by mouse! Much better now, IMHO...
kiddo Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2004 Yuh. Saol lalallalallalal *!Koşarak yükler*[signature][hline]Kiddo marka Roketatarlı Muz Kızartmaları Güvenle İçiniz... Müseccel Marka(C) Her hakkı mahfuzdur...
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