dreagloth Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Ya bu nasıl iş ben 1999 dan beri mmorpg oynuyorum bu kadar düşen başka bi oyun görmedim,hadi desek daha 3 aydır oynanıyo e bunun bide beta testi zamanı vardı.Tamam oyun iyi güzel hoşta hergün en az bir kere map con lost geliyo bide tüm serverın göçmesi ki en az bugünkü gibi 45 dakika sürüyor...Du bakalım nolcak.[signature][hline]See Saw Die
NexcaT Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 hmmm enteresan ben 2 haftadir falan oynuyorum ancak 1 kere map lost gerisi birde haberli server bakimi icin down baska ne lag nede lost gordum [Bu mesaj NexcaT tarafından 09 Temmuz 2004 14:00 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
dreagloth Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Hadi ya tüh:(( Bende 2 haftaya yakındır oynuyorum lag yok ama hergün en az bir kere lost oluyor.Zaten şansım olsa Kanada da yaşayıp,Toronto nun maçlarına gidip,ayda 5000$ kazanırdım:)[signature][hline]See Saw Die
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 9, 2004 Bağlantınla ilgili bir problem olabilir, bahsettiğin sorunların hiçbirine rastlamadım. (Connection to map server hariç, arada sırada oluyor, ama çok sık diil) Yalnız cohupdater, özellikle patch olduğu günlerde yoğun trafficten dolayı bağlanmakta sorun yaşıyor. Onu da kısayol yaparak hallettik.[signature][hline]"You have no cause to bar me, brothers. I wish to take nothing from the tower that you have been sworn to guard, but I will destroy you if you delay me."
Admin Virus Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 10, 2004 Admin Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 10, 2004 Why am I getting an error saying Lost Connection to Mapserver? The Lost Connection to Mapserver error message is a caused by a synchronization issue between your local machine and our servers: your system thinks you are in one place in the gameworld and our servers think you are in another. This can be caused by several things, ranging from long ping-times between hops across the Internet to disk access times on your local drive. There are some things you can do to help ensure your system is running as optimally as it can. First, make sure you have the latest updates for your operating system; for Windows operating systems, you can go here for those updates (Including DirectX): http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp Once you are certain your operating system is up-to-date, you should be sure your video card and sound card drivers are updated. If you have an ATI video card you can go here for the latest drivers: http://ati.com/support/driver.html If you have an Nvidia video card you can go here for the latest drivers: http://nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp If you have a Creative Labs sound card you can go here for the latest drivers: http://us.creative.com/support/downloads You should also make sure you have the latest drivers for your motherboard chipset. Please contact your motherboard manufacturer for the most updated drivers. Another thing you can do is reduce the time Windows spends dynamically increasing your pagefile which can cause lag and thereby graphics and disconnect issues. By default, Windows is set up to manage your settings...for general computing usage this is the optimal setting, but for higher-performance applications (like games) this can cause problems. What happens is this: regardless of how much physical memory you have available, Windows will always use some of the pagefile for virtual memory. As more memory is needed, it will dynamically increase the size of that file (pagefile.sys) to meet the increased demand. When it does this, it's adding processor cycles and memory allocations to force through the change which will often cause your processor and memory usage to spike extremely high (and can cause some applications to lock-up or display odd behavior). To get around this, manually reset your pagefile size to something large enough that you won't have Windows trying to increase it. XP/2000: go into Control Panel, and then Performance and Maintenance (if you are using the default XP GUI, otherwise it's System), and then to System--In Windows 2000, go into Control Panel and then System. On that window, choose the Advanced tab, then click on the Settings button under Performance. Click on the Advanced tab in that window as well and click on the Change button under Virtual Memory. Select Custom size, and then make the Initial size 1024 (approx 1gb) and the maximum size 2048 (approx 2gb). Windows 98/ME: right-click on My Computer and select Properties, or you can alternately click on Start, go to Settings, and then to Control Panel and select System. Once you are in the System Properties, select the Performance tab and click on the Virtual Memory button. Next, enable "Let me specify my own virtual memory settings," and set the Minimum to 1024 (approx 1gb) and the Maximum to 2048 (approx 2gb). This will allow Windows to increase the size if it absolutely has to (generally unnecessary when playing games), but provides enough space to where this is unlikely to happen. Once you've done this, click on OK and then let Windows reboot (it will tell you need to). For the similar reasons as increasing your minimum pagefile settings, it is also important to make sure to keep your drive data-fragmentation down to a minimum. To do this, Windows has a built-in defragmentation utility. Windows XP/2000: go to Control Panel and choose Performance and Maintenance (if you are using the Windows Classic GUI or are using Windows 2000, you can go directly to Administrative Tools), and then Administrative Tools. Choose Computer Management, and then Disk Defragmenter. Defragment your drive until at least most of your data allocation is showing blue and on the left-hand-side of the display (you may need to reboot once or twice to get some files to move) Windows 98/ME: click Start. Go to Run, and then type in "defrag" without the quotes. Click on the OK button and then OK again to have it run. You may need to defragment your drive several times before the data allocation is all contiguous.[signature][hline]*I am an avanger..I must obtain power no matter what,even if i must let the devil take hold of my body...This is the only way KILL HIM Virus,SatanixVirus,Satanix,Virus-sensei
Sensible Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 11, 2004 Valla hiçbi sorun yok sadece hergün bakım çalışması için kapatıyolar 1 saat falan okadar. Ben hiç düşmedim şimdiye kadar oyundan[signature][hline]Flamorph Technology Blaster City of Heroes Justice Server Crosby,Stills,Nash & Young
Sw0rdy Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 26, 2004 İlginç ....[signature][hline]Eger Arzularina Ulasacaksan,Guc Kullanmak Erdemdir. Adolf Hitler.
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