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You Are Average


Öne çıkan mesajlar

You are an average human being who is living an average life with average abilities, an average family, and an average mind. You are an average poster on this board and you have an average sense of humor.

Your insights are unremarkable, your accomplishments are forgetful, and your future is as average as you are. You will share an average grave or urn with hundreds of other average graves and urns in an average graveyard.

You are average. Hence: average. And you will live out this average life just as millions upon millions of average people live out their lives, plodding through average tasks, making an average income, maybe raising an average family.

And you will never see yourself as average. If you ever manage to scrounge up a lover, you will never see that lover as average. If you have a child or two, you will never see that child or two as average. Despite all of this, you, your lover, and your child will always be average.

Such is the way of things. Average you. Average life. Average death. And the world spins on with only the vaguest imprint of your arrival and departure.
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