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Birkaç ay önce bakiyordum bir iki arkadasim kaydolmustu resimlerini koymustu güzel ortam var diye. Geçen gün arkadasim bir girdi benim bilgisayardan tam bir online k.rhane olmus valla. Hatta bazilari daha da zavallilasarak Çakir, polat, istanbul masali, kurtlar vadisi diye accountlar açip milleti toplamis. Daha da traji-komigi bizim argoda krolar hakkinda kullandigimiz apaçi sözünü yine account adi olarak almislar ve milleti friend ediyorlar. Bizim okulun friend'lerine baktim nerde concon nerde piyasa tipler hepsi dolusmus gerçi en yakin arkadaslarim da var ama konusulmayacak tipler girmis cogunlukla. Valla düsülen duruma aciyorum
Mesaj tarihi:
heryer böyle oluyor maalesef
nerde çokluk orada bokluk:)[signature][hline]And there's a million of us just like me who react like me, burn, smell, explode like me glow like me, periodical like me and just might be a piece uranium, but they are just isotopes of me!
I'm Chemical. Yes, I'm the pure Chemical
All other isotope Chemicals can't react forever. So won't the pure Chemical please meltdown please meltdown please meltdown...
Mesaj tarihi:
evet artık hemen www.meqan.com'a geçmenin zamanı geldi..[signature][hline]Nobody asked me so here's my advice to a young man or woman who's living this life in a world gone to Hell where nobody's safe Do not go quietly unto your grave
Mesaj tarihi:
---->>> Internet[signature][hline][i]It is so ignorant to cry in someones funeral.Because you already know everyone will die some day, since the day you know him you should already know that.Now, look in my eyes and start thinking me rotting and decaying in my coffin.Sounds sad huh?But we are all sure that you and I will die some day.Maybe tomorrow maybe now.No need for tears in my funeral.Accept me dead, and so I will.
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