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DotA 6.60 Çıktı

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
1.23 olan patchimi waxxi setupıyla 1.20c ye düşürdüm, sonra paticik'in dosyasında ypaılması gerekenleri yaptım (reg'i çalıştırıp kalan 2 dosyayı içine kopyaladım) ama cacık olmadı. Varmi çaresini bilebilecek bi vatan evladı ?
Mesaj tarihi:
Oh oh okkalı değişiklikler var:
-Anti-Mage: Reworked Mana Void damage mechanism (now deals equal splash damage to units near the target)
-Death Prophet: Witchcraft no longer gives movement speed bonus
-Keeper of the Light: Changed Mana Leak stun into a slow (2 seconds, 60 %)
-Lifestealer: Removed the initial stun effect from Open Wounds
* Lothar's Edge: Added 125 backstab damage
* Lothar's Edge: Lowered cooldown by 2 seconds (20->18 cd)
* Lothar's Edge: Requires Claymore instead of Mithril Hammer
* Satanic: Changed Unholy Rage active (+15% lifesteal and +30 damage for 20 seconds -> +150% lifesteal for 3.5 seconds)
* Added Holy Knight to Aghanim's Scepter. Dramatically reduces cooldown from 120 to 30
* Added Lord of Avernus to Aghanim's Scepter. Increased duration by 2 seconds
* Added Nightstalker to Aghanim's Scepter. Gives unobstructed vision at night
* Added Techies to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Damage and Cast Range (300/450/600->450/600/750 damage and 500->900 range cast range) -oha,sniperın menzil bile yetişmiyor sanırım-
* Added Vengeful Spirit to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Cooldown (45->10 cd)
* Added two new hero kill sounds for 4x and 5x kills. -arka arkaya triple kill olaylarına son hehe-

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight:
(2050) Hood of Defiance
(909) Natherzim Buckler
(800) Recipe

A powerful artifact of mysterious origin, this pipe gives the bearer the insight to summon fields of null energy which envelop nearby allies, protecting them from 400 spell damage. Buff lasts 8 seconds.

+30% Magic Resistance
+8 HP Regeneration
+5 Armor
Barrier (Active)
Cooldown: 60
Manacost: 100
AOE: 700
Mechanic: Provides a 400 damage magic damage shield on nearby allied units. Affects Heroes and non-player creeps. If a unit already has this buff when another barrier is casted, it will override the buff with the new one instead of stacking additively. Buff lasts 8 seconds

Note: The 400 damage is before any magic reductions, not after. So a 300 damage spell removes 300 life from the shield, and not the 225 basic spell resistance. It is taken off the shield before it hits you, thus before any magic resistance is taken into effect.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kartan said:

* Added Techies to Aghanim's Scepter. Improves Damage and Cast Range (300/450/600->450/600/750 damage and 500->900 range cast range) -oha,sniperın menzil bile yetişmiyor sanırım-
Gerçi yanlış anlamış olabilirim,yoksa goblinin mayın koyuş menzilini mi kastetti? Ben patlama menzili anladım.
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