Reogmar Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 16, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 16, 2009 Yesterday's patch was very large, and there were some things about it needing correction. We are currently applying a new patch, during our daily maintenance, which does the following: * Tooltip on spells will now always show even if you have the hotbar on the right side of the screen * Some spells would skill up when using Conscript (Starter) Weapons. This has been fixed. * Launch in Lesser Magic will now skill up when used * Bone was incorrectly selling for 2 gold from the Arcanist (less than the open market). It's now selling at 4 gold * A problem some players had with selecting a starting town in the character creator has been fixed * Volcano buy requirements have been adjusted There were also some concerns regarding password security while logging into the external web interface. These are unfounded as a challenge-response mechanism is used for authentication and your password is never transmitted.
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