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Wow & müzik

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Buyse said:
MelihMercan said:

HALA link bekliyor adamlar.

Ahh ah. Kendimi ifade etme güçlüğü içerisindeyim...
Mesaj tarihi:

Originally Posted by exog View Post
Oldie but goodie: Start windows media player before starting Wow!

Yesterday I did multiple things mentioned in this thread, and stuff seemed faster.

This is unnecessary. WMP improves your FPS because it changes the system wide CPU timing method.

The same effect can be achieved by adding the following line to your Config.wtf file:

SET timingMethod "1"

Furthermore, if you happen to run ANY nVidia videocard, set this:

SET gxFixLag "0"

alternatively, just disable the "reduce interface lag" option inside of WoW. The description of this setting is utterly inaccurate, and actually affects GPU synchronization. GPU synchronization is handled on the driver level with nVidia GPUs, and doing it on the application level can cause framerate reduction. See the nVidia forceware documentation for details. This option should probably be enabled for ATI graphic cards.

There is also the following option:

SET UIFaster "0"

I am quoting blizzard staff here:
* 0 – This turns off all UI acceleration.
* 1 – For Internal Use Only - DO NOT USE!
* 2 – Enables partial UI acceleration only.
* 3 – Enables all UI acceleration.
Changing this setting MAY improve your performance or fix crashes to desktop that you are experiencing, especially on alt+tab.

If you happen to run an nForce motherboard, be sure to update your motherboard drivers.
nVidia released the first new drivers since years for nforce 4 and upwards chipsets at the end of last year.
This has fixed a large amount of issues for many people, including most Alt+tab related crashes. Get them here.

Edited for more tweaks:

The following are advanced tweaks and CAN tremendously impact system performance when performed incorrectly:

If you happen to run an AMD CPU with a nVidia video card change the following registry setting:

1. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
2. Locate and click the following key in the registry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management
3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value name: LargePageMinimum
Data type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Hexadecimal
Data value: 0xffffffff
4. Quit Registry Editor.
5. Restart the computer.
This is a bug with AMD CPUs, the windows memory manager and nVidia video cards and is documented in Microsoft KB270715

The KB states that this only affects AGP videocards. This information is incorrect, details can be found in the nVidia driver documentation. By default this change should already be applied by the forceware installation software, but is in many cases not applied.
Mesaj tarihi:
Yanlız Blizzard müzikleri arasında en sevdiklerim olan war2 müziklerinden çalmamışlar Echoes of War da. Üzüldüm :/

hala 64 kbps sentetik hallerini dinliyorum
Mesaj tarihi:
Dworgian said:
çok zor olmadı google'a "blue post windows media player increasing wow performance" yazdım çıktılar :P

Ben üşenmiştim böyle uzun uzun yazmaya ondan bulamamışım :)

Bi de bi aralar bi addon vardı. Wow içinde winamp gibimsi bişi. (Şimdi aklıma geldi konuyla alakası yok. Tetris addonu vardı yaa. Bizim healerlar MC deyken oynardı. Hey allam...)
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