Dragonfire Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 27, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 27, 2009 ANN said: Plot Summary: Hikari Hanazono, the main character, has always been second to Kei Takishima. While Hikari considers Kei a rival and somewhat of a friend, Kei loves Hikari. Everyone knows this, but she is too dense to notice. Their wrestling loving fathers first introduced them to one another when they were 6 years old. Assuming that she was the best in wrestling, young Hikari challenged Kei to a wrestling match only to be thoroughly defeated by him. Ever since that fateful incident, Hikari swore to beat Kei in school grades, a sporting event - anything. To do this she has enrolled in the same school as Kei since elementary. Now she attends Hakusenkan, an ultra elite school, that costs her carpenter father a lot of money. Hikari and Kei are the top two students in the school, with Kei holding firmly to that number one position. Mainler olmasa 100 kat daha iyi bir anime olacagina emin oldugum seri. Deneysellik bakimindan ef'e benziyor ama konu olarak cok abukca sacmalayabiliyor. Kei ile Hikari olmasa tadindan yinmez adeta. Ama yinede izleyin.
Kaede Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 27, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 27, 2009 Pek bi deneyselliği yoktu bunun sanki ? ama evet leloşla mikuru yu atın diziden 7 kişinin geriye kalan 5 i süper
muhtesemmatrix Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 11, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 11, 2009 bence vasat bir seriydi.Çok fazla fanı var ama nedense ben ısınamadım.Türkçe fansub ı da olması gerekiyordu.
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