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John Mctard'ın ilham veren hikayesi


Öne çıkan mesajlar

''DOWN, Syndrome, Feb. 4 - World of Warcraft, often referred to as WoW, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). With more than 11.5 million monthly subscribers,World of Warcraft is currently the world's largest MMORPG in those terms.

Lately it drew alot of criticism due to game mechanism changes which threw the game upside down, but in bad times true heroes rise to carry their class to the top. John McTard is one of them. Most people might not know but John is a retard, but due to patch 3.0 and further perfectionizing the system with the release of WotLK and 3.0.8 John said he was ready to take a shot and reach the top.

John plays a rogue, an Assassination Rogue to be precise. 41/5/25, Mutilate, Mutilate and Mutilate are a couple of key-elements in this spec (search: Talent Calculator). This spec is usually for elitists only since it restricts the player from using any other buttons outside of CS, Mutilate and Kidney Shot. Altho this restriction does not come from the talent spec itself it seems it is widely accepted by every player. With a combination of coordinated Mutilate spamming and random use of CS/KS he is able to make his target bite the dust. John has not achieved anything in the previous seasons, no weapons, no shoulders, no title (no drake), but he claims to have constantly transfered a couple days after each season ended, resulting in no rewards, and destroyed every item to stay anonymous.

John is currently playing a double rogue combo in 2's. The other rogue, an IRL retarded friend (Matt), lost 7 fingers to fireworks and although this was a horrible experience for Matt he was able to laugh a bit about it, saying he didn't really feel like missing any fingers and it kinda blended with the spec. The're currently ranked 1th with a rating of 2337 with 333 - 332 games played (+-50% winrate). The winrate might not seem high enough but Blizzard had a tiny suprise for us in patch 3.0.8. Which was presumeably welcomed with open arms by many players, atleast John and Matt did.

And last, we asked John how really skilled he was on a scale of 1 to 10. Even after achieving world fame John stayed cool and modest and said he would probaly score a 9.5. Well, you're a 10 to me and many other people, John. I admire you. You and your 2 keybindings.

- Mack Naive''

True story

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