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Mordiki's Guide to Wrecking out BOTs the FUN and LEGAL way

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Mesaj tarihi:
Offical forumlardan aldım, çok süfer :)

Hey you all loved my other funky petition post, that I thought i would bring more of those.... oh so dear solutions... to the table concerning BOTS.....

I am not even going to whine about BOTS...actually what BOTS I HUNT, I have a riot with cause I found a new game inside Lineage....god bless there souls for giving me great ingame solutions concerning bots.....and giving me some content before siege and Chronicle 1.......hey those BOTS never change names and also farm the same spots...to easy....like shooting fish in a barrel.

So without further adue here is the definitve guide to wrecking out botters and bringing total mayhem to their game, the CORRECT and game given ways, via Lineage2's mechanics and development.

1. You can heal thier mobs they pull and kill them often if they are botting un attended. You do NOT go purple and wont until Chronicle One IF it makes it in......

2. You can completely stop an unattended bot dead in its tracks by inviting them to a party. The BOT cannot continue until someone comes to the keyboard and declines or accepts the invite.....this will definately get their attention.....(my personal fav ecspecially if unattended and pulling mobs)

3. Note the name of the mob they are pulling, create a character with that mobs name. Run to bot and pass out murder counts. (This works well since they just renamed many mobs). All bots use /target [mob] ...oh don't fight back fool..you probably will be laughing to hard anyway

4. If a Bot attendant "slaps you" leave and go take your hit points down to like 2 if possible. Then run back and provoke him to slap you again with low hit points...(wear your newbie armour)..pass him murder counts

5. ALWAYS REPORT BOTS (extremely important) Note names times places screenshots and the works...report these game wrecking scum bags and DO IT RIGHT.

6. Never fight back ever...they want you to...refer to number 5 (ps: BOTS are stacked with uber gear)

7. Since 99% of Bot attendants are asian .....learn to speak some "choice" asian terms....this will make them hate their JOB and even if they dont reply, they see it:) ....oh...don't violate the EULA if you use this tactic.....

8. Form a BOT KILLING clan and inform everyone on the server what your doing.....eventually you will be heroic murders.....this one takes some "knuckleing up"

Feel free to add any ingenious game mechanical ways to defend your game and land and world your PLAY in.....and are trying to have fun in....I have personally killed MANY bot with the above tactics and SMART playing.....after all they are dumb stupid bots.....I play alot better then ANY bot....even if the attendant is around....they suck as players but have uber gear from botting.....get uber gear and you will own these poor player types ALL day.....unless you just suck then you probably just whine about them forever.....go have fun...kill some Bots...its a RIOT.....thank you NCsoft!

Please enjoy.....this is for those people who just have to get at those botters and really just want to ummm...kill them all and let the GM's sort them out......

So get off the boards and head on down to SODA and POP some fools.....err bots

Buda favorim, ve en kolay yolu:

If you drop adena the bot will automatically pick it up regardless if its got aggro on it or not. You can get teh bot to kill itself this way easily.


1) Shortcut assist and pick up nearby items. When a bot targets, use assist to find out their target and run over and stand next to the mob ... then when they kill the mob, mash the crap out of pick up item. Repeat. Not sure if this would work due to the "Failed to pick up item" delay.

Botlara ölüüm :)[signature][hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere
ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: thequi@yahoo.com
Mesaj tarihi:
walla gusel yazi...oyunda bot oldugu ve cok ciddi bir sorun oldugu gercek..hatta buraya bot script codunu yazabilirim isteyenlere..(programi deil sadece komutlari)olayi gorun diye acilen ncsoft buna dur demesi gerek.
Mesaj tarihi:
genelde botlara karsi su taktigi kullaniyorum trade invite atiyorum hotkeyler calismiyor bot kullananlarin %99u mage oldugu icinde hotkeysiz bi halt yapamiyorlar belli spell setleri kullandıkları ıcınde auraburn yaparken dıbıne gırmek zorundalar hehe o sırada mob bunu bıarz ısırıyo 3 4 mob sonra öluyolar[signature][hline]www.dragonsfamily.com
Mesaj tarihi:
bi çeşit sazan avi mi? bu soru :)[signature][hline]
Crean Frostfel Master Medic on Eclipse / Frostfel Dark Elf Mystic/Fighter On Bartz
Captain of the Amarr Battleship Vampire / Member of Dreamsmiths
"Who wants to live forever?"
Mesaj tarihi:
bot olayimi warmi$ bu oyunda...

hmmhmmm daha cok yeniyim anla$ILan.. peh peh..[signature][hline]There are 10 types of people in the world;
who understands binary and who don't...
Mesaj tarihi:
evet cinliler cüce adasinda full botla takiliolarmish adamlar korede yapadiklarini burda yapmaya calisiodur belki :)[signature][hline]
Crean Frostfel Master Medic on Eclipse / Frostfel Dark Elf Mystic/Fighter On Bartz
Captain of the Amarr Battleship Vampire / Member of Dreamsmiths
"Who wants to live forever?"
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