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Mesaj tarihi:

Server Merge bekleyen arkadaşlara hayırlı olsun.

Dikkatimi çeken bir nokta ise eğer yanlış anlamadıysam "karakter transferi" 1 kereliğe mahsus olmak üzere bedava olacakmıs.
Mesaj tarihi:
Once the merges are complete we will be offering a free one-use character transfer option for all characters so that if you wish to join a different community after the merge than the one you were allocated you are free to do so. This transfer will be free of charge and can be used once per character and will be available from your billing pages.
Mesaj tarihi:
apple said:
Once the merges are complete we will be offering a free one-use character transfer option for all characters so that if you wish to join a different community after the merge than the one you were allocated you are free to do so. This transfer will be free of charge and can be used once per character and will be available from your billing pages.

yani diyorki her karakter için bi kereye mahsus bedaa geçecek..

yalnız sistemi farklı olan serverlar arası olup olmadığı yazmıyor

rp-pvp- pvp -pve gibi
Mesaj tarihi:
BiTcH_oFBaT said:
hee yani birleşmeden sonra istediğin servera 1 karakterini taşıyabiliceksin yani. birleşenin dışında hmm biraz yanlış anlamışım bu kısmı :)

Gene yanlış anlama olmuş istediğin servera her charını taşıyabileceksin :D. Her char ın bir kere bedava taşıma hakkı olacak.
Mesaj tarihi:
Borknagar said:
apple said:
Once the merges are complete we will be offering a free one-use character transfer option for all characters so that if you wish to join a different community after the merge than the one you were allocated you are free to do so. This transfer will be free of charge and can be used once per character and will be available from your billing pages.

yani diyorki her karakter için bi kereye mahsus bedaa geçecek..

yalnız sistemi farklı olan serverlar arası olup olmadığı yazmıyor

rp-pvp- pvp -pve gibi

onlar için para vericeksek ben vermeye razıyım 10 euro 15 euro... Aquilonia'a geçmek istiyorum he birkereye mahsus bedavaysa da bu işlem ne mutlu..

inş. rp-pvp vs... arası gecis koyarlar
Mesaj tarihi:

When will the server merges happen?

We will start merging the first servers in the first week of December.

Will all servers be merged at the same time?

No. We will do this over a certain period of time to ensure everything will run smoothly. Which merges will be happening at what time will be communicated some days ahead of course.

Which servers will be merged?

The final list of servers that will be merged will be available very soon. As of now, we will merge the two US servers ‘Bloodspire’ and ‘Hyperborea’ in the first week of December.
Also after all the merges are complete we will be opening up new ‘fresh start’ servers in both the US and EU territories. One each for PVE and PVP rulesets. Transfer will not be allowed to these servers after the merges. These new servers are designed to allow players to start afresh in a totally new environment should they wish to do so and forge a new community instead of joining one of the newly merged ones.

What happens if several characters with the same name end up on the same server?

This depends on the following aspects and rules:

* Is the character on a still active account?
* If several characters of the same name are all from active accounts, the one with the higher level will keep his name.
* If merged characters have the same level, the one from an account which is registered on a longer time base will keep the name (so 3 month recurring over 1 month recurring).
* If characters are from accounts with the same subscription recurring time, the last login will decide which one keeps the name.

The other(s) will be prompted a message at the first attempt to log in with that character stating that a new name must be given to this character.

What happens if two guilds with the same name end up on the same server?

The server of origin will be added to the guild name so all guilds will keep their name but with the name of the server they originated from. A guild has of course the possibility to get their guild name changed again by sending an in-game petition.

What is happening with guild cities when guilds are moved to another server?

Guild cities will be moved to the same playfield and spot they have been before. When necessary a new instance will be created. So every merged guild will have access to the same guild city on the new server.

And what will happen with guild battlekeeps?

Since build spots for battlekeeps are limited on each server, all build spots will be cleared and guilds will be reimbursed the resources for their battlekeep. This is to make sure that the guild get the needed resources again and every guild gets the same chance. Detailed information about how guild leaders need to request the resource reimbursement will follow soon.

Will there be a possibility to transfer single characters to another server?

Yes. The option to transfer characters to another server will be available after all server merges have been completed. Every character will be eligible for one free transfer and this offer will be valid for one month after the final server merges have been completed. This transfer will be free of charge and can be used once per character and will be available from your billing pages.

Can a character be transferred from one server ruleset to another (e.g. from a PvE server to a PvP server)?

Yes, that will be possible.

Can a character be transferred from one language server to another (e.g. from a German server to a Spanish server)?

Yes, this will also be possible.

Can a character be transferred from an US server to an EU server or vice versa?

No, characters will only be able to be transferred to another server in the same territory (US or EU).

Will it be possible for whole guilds to be transferred to another server after the merge including taking with them their guild city and/or guild battlekeep?

No. Every member of a guild will have to be moved to a new server with the single character transfer option described above. Guild cities and battlekeeps will only be moved or reimbursed with the server merges.

Mesaj tarihi:
Qui said:
Hangi server'da buluşuyoruz?

Hakkaten bunu iyi düşünüp karar vermek gerek.Madem her server da oluyorsa , bir karar verelim ve herkes aynı yerde buluşsun.En azından çoğunluk olsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
Her server merge olmayacaktır muhtemelen. Eğer karakteriniz merge'e katılmayacak bir server'da ise acaba transfere izin verecekmi?

Bu arada toplaşılacak server olarak Aqilonia olsun.
Mesaj tarihi:
Qui said:
Her server merge olmayacaktır muhtemelen. Eğer karakteriniz merge'e katılmayacak bir server'da ise acaba transfere izin verecekmi?

Bu arada toplaşılacak server olarak Aqilonia olsun.

Her server merge olmuyor zaten de karakter aktarma her servera oluyor benim anladığım.Sadece yeni açılacak serverda sıfırdan kasmalısın.Server konusundada yeni bir başlık vs açıp oylama yapmalı bence.Herkes rp-pvp istemeyebilir, misal ben pvp tercih ederim :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Adam transferi merge işinden ve merge edildiği serverdan memnun olmayanlar için yapacağız diyor. Bu durumda merge edilmeyen bir server'dan dışarı transfere izin vermezler.
Mesaj tarihi:
Qui said:
Adam transferi merge işinden ve merge edildiği serverdan memnun olmayanlar için yapacağız diyor. Bu durumda merge edilmeyen bir server'dan dışarı transfere izin vermezler.

Bence verirler.Sonuçta herkes para veriyor bu oyuna.Bazılarına avantaj tanıyıp , diğerlerine tanımazlarsa yaygara kopar.
Mesaj tarihi:
stinger said:
Qui said:
Hangi server'da buluşuyoruz?

Hakkaten bunu iyi düşünüp karar vermek gerek.Madem her server da oluyorsa , bir karar verelim ve herkes aynı yerde buluşsun.En azından çoğunluk olsun.

Bizi kabul ederlerse Aquilonia server'ı na Anatolian Hun Empire'a girelim derim ben
Mesaj tarihi:
Fark etmez yani bana her şekilde uyar. Yeterki aklı başında insanların olduğu bir server'da buluşalım. Merge den sonra karar veririz artık hangi pvp server'ında bulusacagimiza.

Şuan kaç kişiyiz önemli olan bu.
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