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Rise of Nations


Öne çıkan mesajlar

The Turks were a nomadic, warrior people that originated from Central Asia, but who in several waves of migration spread westward conquering lands in India, the Middle East, Russia, Anatolia, and Eastern Europe. They came to establish several Empires: the Mamelukes in Egypt, the Seljuks of Persia and Anatolia, and finally, the Ottoman Empire which at its height spanned from Eastern Europe to North Africa, the Caucasus and the Middle East. It was the Ottomans that put the death nail on the remnants of the Classical Roman Empire when they seized Constantinople with the aid of massive siege artillery in 1453 A.D. In Rise of Nations, the Turks receive a line of unique units in the artillery line beginning at the Gunpowder Age with the Basilica Bombard to reflect their use of these devastating weapons. The Ottomans also came to recruit its military through the conscription of the children of its conquered subjects, who were raised as Moslems and trained throughout their lives as Warriors. These extraordinary soldiers were called the Janissary, and in Rise of Nations appear along side its artillery units to give the Turks an army worthy of its historical counterpart.[hline]Arcane'den Paticik halkına süper bir fırsat!
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Popeye, 27 May 2003 01:16 tarihinde demiş ki:
istedim vermediler sen mutantsın dediler!
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_SolidSnake_, 28 May 2003 21:32 tarihinde demiş ki:
p4 1700
geforce 2 mx400
256 RD ram
bende nasıl deli gibi takılıyo 13-14 frame ile oynuyom yaaaaaa?

Ekran kartı + RAM yüzünden sanırım.. Bende 512 RAM ve GF4Ti var, ona rağmen meydan muharabelerinde 12 FPS ortalama alıyorum ..
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p4 1.8 ghz
64 ram ge force 2
512 ddr ram
windows xp home

benim sistem senden kötü bende takılmıyor ?
bence sizde başka bi sorun var
ben bi fps ye bakayım alla alla..[hline]Sam, 28 May 2003 00:12 tarihinde demiş ki:
sailor mercury / ami, neredeyse benim kıza dönüşmüş halim gibi, çok benziyoruz. hani bir geyik vardır "kendimden bişiler buldum diye" hah işte tam onu diyebileceğim bi karakter..
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toplamda 250 - 300 birim olursa tabii ki çok düşer
ancak o kadar birim için deli population lazım
bu da pek mümkün birşey değil oyun o kadar uzamaz adam gibi oynandığı sürece
o kadar üniteye her oyunda fps düşer gayet normal[hline]Sam, 28 May 2003 00:12 tarihinde demiş ki:
sailor mercury / ami, neredeyse benim kıza dönüşmüş halim gibi, çok benziyoruz. hani bir geyik vardır "kendimden bişiler buldum diye" hah işte tam onu diyebileceğim bi karakter..
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