athea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 kliklemekten kusmak uzere olanlara, $ifa niyetine: [practice mode'da calismio ne yazik ki, fyi] said: open up a new set of hot bars and expand them to the full 24. Drop a crafting tool into the bottom tier slot 1 and 2 (or slots 12 and 13 (dont forget they are numbered 00-23) Create a macro called Toolone /UI action toobarSlot12; /SelectDraftSchematic **; Where ** is the number of the schematic you use to grind on. Im not sure how to exactly pin point this schematic , but enter some numbers and try it. then calculate numbers from the position in your datapad (i did it in 3 tries). Put this macro in slot 00 (the top left) What this does is in one press opens the tool and opens the schematic you grind on in 1 go. (saving some messing about. Now you still have to double click the resources.. for the moment Next create this macro - and call nextcraft /NextCraftingStage; /NextCraftingStage; /CreatePrototype; /CreatePrototype; Put this in Slot 03 Once you have filled the resources in the schematic , hit this macro and it will auto close the rest of the windows , saving quite a bit of time! I made 2 of the tool macros and one of the close macros. it effectivly allows me to grind 3 times faster, with FAR less RSI enducing button clicks. It is not an automated macro , it doesnt allow you to cheat or get an advantage. However it will act as a health / safety / sanity aid for our crafters. Please give it a try and enjoy. PS - if you figure out a way to get it to work with practice mode.. let me know and ill be in your debt. [hline]Meelou A'Ie of NovaCorp, Temenos Island - Kettemoor Galaxy Twi'lek dancer of The Glitter Pit - obsessed with shoes and terribly in love with baby gnorts...
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 ya rizorzlari ben ordan oraya goturup koyduktan sonra ne isime yariycak ki ? zaten surekli entere basinca meret otomatikman en dogru secenegi secip kapiyo windowlari.[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
athea Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 o confirmler falan delirtiyo beni, her seferinde bastan ne yapacagimi secmek de en azindan orda kolaylik, resource a tiklioruz bolece bi tek, eh hic yoktan iyidir, ben seviyorum =][hline]Meelou A'Ie of NovaCorp, Temenos Island - Kettemoor Galaxy Twi'lek dancer of The Glitter Pit - obsessed with shoes and terribly in love with baby gnorts...
EarS Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 confirmler optionstan kapatılabiliyor[hline]-Oh my God,I found a penny. -You bastard. Cicio Bor-Eclipse
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 evet optionsdan kapatiliyor, ustelik sadece entere basinca alet en dogru secenegi seciyor. mesela eger craft station yanindaysan, experiment menusu cikinca entere basarsan experimente giriyor. puanlari tiklayip entere basiyosun. o geri donuyor experimente surekli. sonra puan bitince entere basinca exp menusune geri donuyor, tabi exp secenegi artik yok. entere bi daha basinca prototype yapiyor.[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Ben kendi macro' mu kendim yazdim, alin kullanin derim. Bu ayarlari kendime gore ayarladim, sizinkiler farkli olabilir, Macrodaki pause 10 yazan yeri kendinize gore azaltip yada cogaltabilirsiniz. Bu macro sayesinde sadece mouse'un iki tusuna basarak crafting yapabiliyorum. Tabiki mouse'un dugmelerini sol=double-click sag=enter diye remap ettim. Kullanim anacigim. Rebeller bu macroyu kullaninca carpinti yapiyomus diye duydum , aman dikkat. Copy-paste yapin asagadaki macroyu bi txt file'ina. FIle adi toi olsun, beni hatirlayin. toi: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script1 script1: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script2 script2: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script3 script3: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script4 script4: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script5 script5: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script6 script6: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10; /script7 script7: /ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;/selectdraftSchematic 70;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot02;/selectdraftSchematic 70;
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 /NextCraftingStage; /NextCraftingStage; /CreatePrototype; /CreatePrototype; buda iyi guzelde, sonra dur bi 1 saat destroy et urettiklerini, yani exp icin kasarken.[hline]Madturk Master Doctor/ Expert Combat Medic/ Expert Pistoleer Eclipse
Madturk Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 1, 2003 Bi kac ayrinti, macro'da f1-f2-f3 slotlarinda crafinting tool var.[hline]Madturk Master Doctor/ Expert Combat Medic/ Expert Pistoleer Eclipse
tex Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 2, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Nisan 2, 2004 /createProtoType komutu ardından "practice noitem" satırını eklerseniz, practice modda yapacaktır. "/createProtoType practice noitem" şeklinde..[signature][hline]
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