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Public 6 - Bugun !

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Mesaj tarihi:
All servers are down for a scheduled update. Estimated downtime is 4 hours. Thank you for your patience.

- SOE Game Operations Team[signature][hline]StarWars Galaxies Avatar:
Nick: Ogoed | Race: Human
Galaxy: Eclipse | Professions: Master Doctor 11 Ep / Teras Kasi Master
Mesaj tarihi:
Publish 6 nin detaylari Sayfayi acamayanlar olursa diye yapistirdim butun sayfayi

Publish 6: The Imperial Crackdown
02/10/2004 04:31 PM

*** Major Publish Features ***

l Imperial Crackdown: Due to the brash arrogance of the Rebel Alliance, the Emperor has decreed that his majesty's Imperial forces hunt down and destroy the Rebel Alliance and insure that all galactic citizens are abiding by the law. The Empire will be searching for members of the Rebel Alliance and anyone with contraband throughout the galaxy. The Rebel Alliance has gone into hiding, so don't be surprised if faction recruiters are more difficult to locate.

l Bestine Redesign: Bestine has a few special modifications based on Star Wars history. Imperials will control it and depending on which aide to the governor is in control, different city events will occur. Sand People might raid it, the Imperial presence might increase and players may be able to seek out historians for quests to learn more about the genuine history of Bestine. There is also a Bestine museum event players can get involved with.

l Chef Profession Revamped: The entire chef profession has been redesigned from the ground up. See below for details.

l Vehicle Customization: New tool allows players to 'paint' their vehicles. Master Artisans can craft vehicles and customization kits. Players can use these customizations kits to customize both the body color and striping color of vehicles.

l Theme Park Loot: Revised Theme Park rewards for Imperial, Rebel, and Jabba theme parks. Players who have previously completed (or are currently in) Theme Parks may visit Record Keeper NPC's to reset their status and gain entry.

l NPC Quest Loot: Tatooine and Dantooine quests, given by NPC's have all been given better loot as rewards. Record Keeper NPC's are available for the static quests on Tatooine and Dantooine as well as the Theme Parks.

l New Visual Buff system: A new "buff" system has been put in place to give players an easy-to-use graphic interface to make game play buffing and de-buffing easier to understand.

*** Publish Notes Itemized List ***

Bazaar / Vendor
l Increase the max bid amount on an auction from 3000 to 6000.

l Vendors will no longer show most vendor menu options before they are initialized. Using some of these options was causing some vendors to not initialize correctly. An initialized vendor will show all the normal control options.

Client Stability Enhancements
l Fixed issues with the Ubese armor and other articles of clothing that would prevent these wearables from animating properly.
l Fixed a code issue that could crash the client when several of the above-mentioned wearables were worn.

Server Stability Enhancements

l Fixed a bug that could cause players logging into an interior to become ghosted if the interior was near a server boundary.


l Combat XP grants were removed from combat healing, poisons and diseases. Those actions will still count towards looting permissions.

l DoT damage is now tracked for loot permissions.

l XP rewards in combat now correctly reflect amount of damage that was done by dots.

l Special abilities that inflict combat DoT's (Fire and Bleeds), have had there initial strike damage increased and the combat DoT damage reduced.

l Weapon DoT effects now only work if you are certified to use the weapon

l Bleed/Fire resistant clothing will now have an effect.

l Fixed /chargeShot1 & /chargeShot2 to work correctly with the knockdown timer

l Added new shellfish harvesting tool to find mollusk and crustacean resources. Schematic for tool can only be obtained after completing a particular NPC granted mission.

l Fixed a visual bug with transferring objects between containers that are not on your player (e.g. factory hoppers).

l Fixed not being able to remove a schematic from a manufacturing station unless you have another schematic in your datapad.

l When a manufactured item is pulled from a crate, the item will have the manufacturer labeled as its creator, not the person who removed the item from the crate.

l Increased the amount of fish resources received from fishing.

l Added a warning message if you access a manufacturing station and don't have a schematic that can be used in the station.

l Increased the amount of eggs that can be found when searching a lair.

l Some creatures can now be milked! (See the Chef profession notes below for more details).

l DoT resist changes will make AT-STs more resistant to DoT damage. Dot resistances have been added giving the AT-ST extra protection against flamethrowers and other fire DoT based attacks.

l Imperials are now more prevalent in Cantina
Mesaj tarihi:
boyadıktan sora bi süre geçince gidio boyası.. tekrar boyamak zorunda kalıosun :)[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) :
jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden.
Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
Mesaj tarihi:
fire olmadanda oldururuz noolcak :)
bi intimidate cekicen sora giriş bi guzel :)[signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) :
jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden.
Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
Mesaj tarihi:
Son parça download şuan aktif. Hemen başlatın patchide sonra uğraştırmasın.[signature][hline]StarWars Galaxies Avatar:
Nick: Ogoed | Race: Human
Galaxy: Eclipse | Professions: Master Doctor 11 Ep / Teras Kasi Master
Mesaj tarihi:
benim acimdan permadeathn kalkmasi iyi oldu ama su jedi xp konusunda kafam karisti saber kullanmadikca xp alinamaz dedikleri...
acaba force heal felam kullandigimizda kazandigimiz jedi xp den mi bahsediyorlar yoksa pistol le atesettigimizde gelen jedi xp den mi?...
eger force kullandigimda jedi xp alamassam butun planlarim suya duscek :))

3 vehicle olayi iyi olmus
boyama islemide guzel[signature][hline]Sne v'knox of Eclipse
Jedi initiate

Mesaj tarihi:
CSR-TravisM: Jedi perma death is gone as of today

CSRColinW: Holocrons are not changing with this publish.[signature][hline]StarWars Galaxies Avatar:
Nick: Ogoed | Race: Human
Galaxy: Eclipse | Professions: Master Doctor 11 Ep / Teras Kasi Master
Mesaj tarihi:
evet en onemli iki nokta hololar devam ediyor beklendigi uzere bide jediler suna dikkat etsinler elemani bleed le kanatip saberla cok vurmadan xp alinabiliyodu o kalkmis olabilir.[signature][hline]sad [R.I.P]
Mesaj tarihi:
Serverlarin acilmasi 3 saat daha uzatilmis. Hayirli ugurlu ola

20.30-21.00 gibi acilacak yani

Edit 2:
Geri cektiler ETA yi. Bu saatten itibaren 1 saat 20 dakika yani saat 19.00 da acilacakmis

[signature][hline]StarWars Galaxies Avatar:
Nick: Ogoed | Race: Human
Galaxy: Eclipse | Professions: Master Doctor 11 Ep / Teras Kasi Master

[Bu mesaj Stream tarafından 11 February 2004 18:12 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

[Bu mesaj Stream tarafından 11 February 2004 18:16 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
grind isi muhtemelen 1 2 ay daha devam edecek sona quest olayina girecekler muhtemelen o da obur yoldan daha jedi olamamislar icin olacak. sonra zaten expansion gelir falan filan[signature][hline]sad [R.I.P]
Mesaj tarihi:
ben iki şeyi anlamadım:
theme parkların rewardları arttırılmış, daha önce yapanlar badgelerini alacakmış ama. Ben napiym badge'i? Ben o missionları yaparken allahın dağına gidip 15fp 50 credi (hem de imparatordan) alıyodum, şimdi yeni yapanlar daha yüksek reward alıcak ben de baştan mı yapmak zorunda kalıcam? yok artık.

"Fixed some problem with Jedi bounty hunter missions being created and displayed improperly "
Ne yani? açık açık söylesenize düzelttiniz mi jedi missionları droidler çalışacak mı? aradan dereden konuşmayın allahaşkına.
Mesaj tarihi:
ehe gunn walla öle yeniden yapacan.. mesela jabbada bi droid war.. herseyi sifirlio tekrar en bastan missionlari yapiosun..

benim moralimi bozan sey pvpde olunce itemlara %1 decay olmiycak diolardi o kalkmış sanırım :([signature][hline]:·. -cøLdwínd- .·: (7:40 PM) :
jedi sabrı olmasa, atlıcam pencereden.
Eatar Pyrea :: Kettemoor
Mesaj tarihi:
droid bugi duzeltilmedi. isimsiz cikan jedi missionlari sorunu vardi,bir de yanlis alarm jedi missionlari o duzeltildi. droid ile ilgili hic bir bug duzeltilmedi, jedi track ve droid speed buglari dahil.
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