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WTS 70 Neld Druud ( frostmane pvp )

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:

Helm : S3 helm + t4 helm
Neck : Mithril Chain of Heroism
Shoulder : Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless
Back: Drape of the Dark Reavers
Chest: Shadowprowler's Chestguard
Wrist: Master Assassin Wristwraps
2 Hnd : S1 Mace
Idol : Everbloom Idol
Glove: Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation
Belt: Belt of the Raven Lord
Leg: Midnight LEgguards
Boot:Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots
Ring: Band of Ursol+ A'dal's Command
Trinket: Hourglass of the Unraveller + Bloodlust Brooch

STATS: 8124 Hp + 3126 ap + 135 hit +38,95 crit


Head: S3 HElm
Neck: Necklace of the Juggernaut
Shoulder: S2 Shoulder
Back: Slikk's Cloak of the Placation
Wrist: Veteran's Dragonhide Bracers
2Hnd : Earthwarden
Idol : idol of Terror
Hand: T4 hand
Belt: Tree - Mender's Belt
Leg: Forestwalker Kilt
Boot: Boot of Natural Grace
Ring: Karazhan ring+ring of unyielding force
Trinket : Moroes trinket + Badge of Tenacity

STATS: 13524 Hp + 29647 armor + 394 defense + 37,54 dodge + 160 resilience + 1803 ap + 42 hit + 30,82 crit + 6 expertise


Helm : T4 helm
Neck: Gezzorok's Fang
Shoulder : Gnarled ironwood Pauldrons
Back: Baba's cloak of arcanistry
Chest : Windhawk Hauberk
Wrist : Windhawk Bracers
Belt : Windhawk Belt
Hand: Moonglade Handwraps
Leg : Earthsoul Leggings
Boot: Forestlord Striders
Ring :Band of Halos+ Veteran ring
Trinket: Ribbon of Sacrifice+ Lower city prayerbook

STATS : 1633 heal + 11,98 crit + 457 mana regen + 7394 hp +10715 mana

MOONKIN : 653 dmg + 59 hit+16,50 crit + 291 mana regen

KArakterde 375 LW + 293 Ench bulunmakta.
Shattered Sun Offensive exalted için 3700 rep daha kasılması gerekli.
Ayrıca mount olarak reins of the raven lord ( druud boss mount ) ve diğer mountlar mevcut.

Fiyat olarak aklımda birşey yok. Almak isteyen olursa görüşebiliriz.
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