Giovanni Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Ingilizce Kuran gormus muydunuz hic 1. He frowned and turned away, 2. Because there came to him the blind man (interrupting). 3. And what would make you know that he would purify himself, 4. Or that he might receive admonition, and the teaching might profit him? 5. As for him who thinks himself self-sufficient 6. To him you attend 7. What does it matter to you if he does not become purified? 8. But as for him who came to you running, 9. And is afraid( of Allah's punishment) 10. To him you are neglectful 11. No! Indeed these verses are a reminder 12. So whoever wills, let him pay attention to it 13. It is recorded in honered books 14. Exalted, purified, 15. Written by the hands of scribes- 16. Noble and righteous. 17. Cursed is the disbelieving man! How ungrateful he is! 18. From what thing did He create from? 19. From a sperm drop He created him and destined for him 20. That He made the way easy for him 21. Then He causes his death and puts him in the grave 22. Then, when it is His Will, He will resurrect him 23. No! Man has not accomplished what He commanded him 24. Then let man look at his food, 25. How we poured down water in torrents 26. And We split the earth in fragments, 27. And caused to grow within it grain 28. And grapes and clover, 29. And Olives and Dates, 30. And thick gardens, 31. And fruits and herbage 32. A provision for you and for your cattle. 33. But when the deafening cry comes, 34. That Day shall a man flee from his own brother, 35. And from his mother and his father, 36. And from his wife and his children. 37. Each one of them, that Day, will have enough concern (of his own) to make him careless of others. 38. Some faces that Day will be beaming, 39. Laughing, rejoicing. 40. And other faces that Day will be dust-stained, 41. Veiled in darkness, 42. Those are the disbelievers, the wicked.
Cuce Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Emaleth said: taşta ne var anlamadım ben, kafir miyim neyim. :( ema apla avatar izliye izliye taşların ucmasına alışmış
_Mikael_ Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 gugıldan arattım lan anlamını bilmiyorum üzerime gelmeyin offffffff : ((888888
CaNNi Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 8, 2008 Oha!! Bunu nasıl bilebilir ki ???? اغلق اللعين. هل أنت ابن الكلبه؟
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