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Lyricz: 35k+ sinirini gecmis...


Öne çıkan mesajlar

...ben yeni farkettim hehe, wastiee'nin bannerdaki kucuk yalani da dogru oldu boylece :D

helal bize :P[signature][hline]"Wir aber wollen die werden, die wir sind - die Neuen, die Einmaligen, die Unvergleichbaren, die Sich-Selbst-Gesetzgebenden, die Sich-Selber-Schaffenden." - F. W. Nietzsche[/b]
...a Dream for the Blind...
"You know, if you take everything I've done in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent." - George "Gammy" Costanza (a.k.a. Buck Naked)
to pull a homer: to succeed despite idiocy
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Dredglere epey bi yüklendim =).
Şimdide Katatonialardaki hatalara bakıyordum.
Brave Murder Day albümündeki şarkılarının hepsinin başı şöyle.

BRAVE hede hödö

MURDER hede hödö.

Heheh bir el atiim dedim.[signature][hline]He shall appear to thee and thou shall know him.He is no son of God, he is the son of the earth.
Facito aliquid operis, ut semper te Diabolus inveniat occupatum.
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