GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 By the time I finish my Legacy Quests I'll be a well-dressed mass-murderer with a few badges, a pastry and a blue fish". If Talus and Tralus are twin planets, and close to one another, why is it we can only visit one of them?. "Why is is that even though I toss a grenade and it lands right next to someone, and yet the blast still misses them?". My AT-RT can go up mountains and cross rivers. Why can't it go over a curb? How is it that at the top of Mount Chaolt, you can walk around the crater filled with boiling magma, and not take any damage?. How can NPCs such as Thugs or Tusken Raiders, who aren't wearing any armor, endure so many shots before they finally die??. Why do they call them Star Destroyers? Is it because when you look at the night sky, you can not see the stars through them. Why does it always seem to be daytime on Kashyyyk and nighttime on Mustafar? Why don't Armor thieves ever drop the armor they were thieving? Why is it that swoop gangs never have swoops? If watching an entertainer gives you a combat buff, then wouldn't Jabba have been able to fend off Leia when she was strangling him? Why are there no left-handed Jedi's? (Or left-handed characters at all) How is it possible to shoot a head shot on a lair?? Why is it that the Jedi can kill like 30,000+ droids but can't prevent a Sith attack!? Why does an X-Wing have S-foils? If Darth Vader can't take off his mask how does he eat? If you blow the wings off an X-Wing, does it become an Ex-Wing? How can 50 giant rontos fit in a lair the size of a worrt? With all this advanced technology don't you think we could find something else to light our homes with besides torches??? Why do exogen class shadowtroopers, in all their massive armor attack you with little tiny sticks? Wouldn't it be more effective for them to body slam their targets? Nym made a hidden retreat on Lok according to one of the loading screens. So why does this "hidden" retreat have the planet's biggest (and only) starport in it? Wouldn't the cannibal dewbacks on tatooine eat each other? Why Do "Wookie Brawlers" attack you with guns? If the lava on Mustafar hurts you, how come it doesn't hurt the npcs? How can Chewbacca be on Lok, Tatooine and Kashyyyk at the same time? Why is it, when you go to Kessel to mine Diamonds, you only get attacked by bandits when you just bring the laser and the tractor beam? Remember, when your ship catches fire, you gotta yaw, pitch, roll. DON'T YOU TELL ME I CAN'T SEE THE TARGET! IT'S RIGHT THERE! How come you can't see any of the planets suns from space? Why, as a smuggler, I can not smuggle things? How come NPC's are allowed to attack under water when I'm not? On Naboo, guarding the Emperor's Retreat, there are nine dark troopers and two AT-ST's. Why don't they just send them to kill the random low-level Rebels that are, for some reason, standing 500 meters away from the most highly concentrated Imperial Fortress on the planet? Ever wonder why you can't kill the guards by the banners next to the Theed Spaceport Entrance? [Submitted by: Cary Blood] Why do spys get "you can not stealth with so many witnesses around" and they are all facing the other way. [Submitted by: Chaos13Wolf] Today, on Mustafar, I saw a Wookiee riding a flea! Normally, it's the other way around... [Submitted by: Esse -- Bria] Why is it that I am too far away from the corpse I am about to loot, when I am standing on top of it??? [Submitted by: Zetan Zobri -- Kettemore] When will the miner on mustafar get arrested for racism? [Submitted by: nick friese] Galaxies recently is much like a woman, get used to her (CU) and then she slaps you with a new makeover (NGE) and turns the whole world upside down.[Submitted by: Duncon Rhysode -- Chilastra] If Han could drop his cargo at the first sign of an Imperial Star Destroyer, then why can't I eject stupid gunners who aggro the Kessel Corvette before I'm ready? [Submitted by: Lowracca -- Sunrunner] If Star Destroyers are in the sky above every planet, then where are they when you launch into space? [Submitted by: Notluf -- Bria] How come AT-ST's drop organs if they are machines? [Submitted by: Forblade Gorgash] Was Darth Vader really that bad of a father? He wanted to rule the galaxy with his son - how many fathers are that ambitious with the quality time they plan to spend with their sons?! [Submitted by: greth83] How could a sword have a Detachable Scope? [Submitted by: DetectiveMaxPayne21] Why does "You can not see thing object" appear when I obviously can see it? [Submitted by: Lars Mejnertsen] If the Kashyyyk Spacestation has a Civilian Defence Guild, why do they never attack people firing on their unarmed transports? [Submitted by: Peter allman] How come you can't store anything in a building kit when you can build a large house in one? [Submitted by: Lee Merrow] In "Empire Strikes Back" when Han grabbed Lukes lightsaber, did he have to respec from smuggler to jedi and back? [Submitted by: ccassady] When i loot an NPC, where did his blaster vanish to that he was just using? [Submitted by: faustxxxl -- Radiant] Ever notice how everyone has to hit the button in the elevators? [Submitted by: Akico-Sol -- Radiant] For the home of a Queen, Theed Palace has a surprising lack of furniture. [Submitted by: Asnov Ehou -- Wanderhome] How come space systems are generally 10 million+ miles huge, yet all in SWG are 16km? [Submitted by: S KELLEHER] How can a AT-ST be destroyed with a stone knife, but not with a single thermal detonator? [Submitted by: S KELLEHER] If "this object does not interest me", why do i want to know what it does so bad? [Submitted by: Vivon -- Gorath] I didn't know that elder jedi sabers hilts can go ghost to when they activate "force ghost"! [Submitted by: Wookieman -- Shadowfire] How come the rain goes right through the starport-outpost's landing platforms? [Submitted by: Asuka-Langley Soryu (Spy) -- Bloodfin] When you store one of your vehicle/droid, where does it go? [Submitted by: Christopher Stuart] If TIE Fighters have no shields, how come you can loot them from the wreckage? [Submitted by: Oak'wi Fanas -- Sunrunner] Why does my speeder go at an average speed of 15 m/s (4 mph)? [Submitted by: Alex Peterson] Why cant you see Rori from space? [Submitted by: Larry Bloom] If the Rebel Bases are hidden, then how come they are POI's? [Submitted by: Motodo Severin -- Chimaera] If Tatooine has two suns, why do I see only one shadow? [Submitted by: Azack Alklazaris -- Flurry] When is that droid in the Mos Eisley Starport gonna finish fixin that terminal? Happy Holidays! Poll: NGE: Love It or Hate It? HAPPY THANKSGIVING! [Submitted by: Alla Admins] Lady Valerian: hardly pretty enough to be called a lady. [Submitted by: Name not given] "You must unlearn what you have learned." -- Yoda [Submitted by: Huk fin -- Kuari] (fixed sp) Who knew. Darth Vader meant "Dark Father". [Submitted by: Name not given] The Force is like duct tape. It has a light side, a dark side, and it binds the universe together. [Submitted by: Narev] Why can't I sell my disabled vehicle to a junk dealer? [Submitted by: Name not given] Every Rebel is an Imperial with discipline issues. [Submitted by: Fevil] How can you leg sweep something that flies and still knock it down? [Submitted by: Name not Given] So, what will be the maintenance fee for the Death Star? [Submitted by: Marea] We are NOT hunters. We're population control specialists! [Submitted by: No Name Given] "Yeah, I'll jabber your hutt." [Submitted by: Kolin] Why when I see an animal in a cage, the name of the cage continues to be "an empty cage"? [Submitted by: Natasa] A bad computer leads to lag, lag leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to, the dark side! [Submitted by: Ezion Phoenix -- Chilastra] Is a Wookie just a supersized naked Jawa? [Submitted by: Gordon Runn] I think an ewok is a jawa without robes not a wookie. Is an Ewok nothing more than a mini Geo-enhanced Wookie? Is a Wookie nothing more than a Geo-enhanced Ewok? Happy Canada and Independence Days How can you have a �Mature Reptilian Flyer (Baby)�? [Submitted by: Malak --- Lowca] Is the Driver's side of a landspeeder on the right hand side on European servers?? [Submitted by: Anonymous] Why would someone on the "dark" side use a "light" saber? [Submitted by: Anonymous] How exactly can a creature be fat AND healthy? [Submitted by: Cahill -- Corbantis] -- a few missing from the server crash, sorry. What's the difference between a novice entertainer and a jukebox? You throw in a medpack so the music plays... [Submitted by: D'arth Pombaer -- Corbantis] Happy St. Patrick's Day! If if pour salt on Jabba the Hutt will he bubble and shrivel up? [Submitted by: Dragonballgangster] What exactly does the Trade Federation trade? [Submitted by: Anonymous] Where are all the space slugs that ate all my probe droids? [Submitted by: Peety Pablo] If imperials have AT ST's then can Rebels get Ewok suicide bombers? [Submitted by: Alpha] Happy New Years! Merry Christmas If Luke and Leia can fire blasters and jump from their speeders, why do I have to get off my bike just to punch someone? [Submitted by: Anonymous] If we're "jumping to Lightspeed" then why can't our downloads do the same?. [Submitted by: Anonymous] Happy Thanksgiving! As I look around my fighter's cockpit, I can't help but wonder...where's my body?. [Submitted by: Ephraim -- Gorath] Happy Halloween!!! I can't put a travel pack into a travel pack but I can put a crate of 25 travel packs into a travel pack. [Submitted by: Agrajag] Why is it that we can level the top of a mountain to pitch a tent but we cant level a slight slope to place a large harvester??? [Submitted by: Garion - RazorTech Inc - On The Cutting Edge Of Technology - Kettemoor] Why is it so dark on Dathomir whenever everyone is glowy? [Submitted by: John] Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations, we'd fly right though a star or bounce too close to a super-nova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it! - Han Solo - Ep IV [Submitted by: Gaidin6] Why is the Village Elder always seem to be the most lost and confused? [Submitted by: Muzzy] "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid!" -- Han Solo Ep4 [Submitted by: Splintercelldude] How come I can't find water samples when standing in a river? [Submitted by: anonymous] How many pieces of Bounty Hunter Armor did Boba Fett have to collect to get his complete set of Mandalorian Armor? [Submitted by: Sa'tek Bane -- Lowca] It�s funny how wooden staves and stone knives have panels installed by the Empire to prevent tampering. [submitted by: Edgar Harley] "Why do Swordsmen use axes and hammers?" [submitted by: SplinterCellDude] Happy Birthday America!! It's amazing a group of thugs automatically know you have negative faction with them but the empire has to use scanners. [submitted by: Harbing -- Wanderhome] How much xp/faction do you get for blowing up the Deathstar? [submitted by: too many to list] Why do rebel medics yell: "Medic!"? [submitted by: anonymous] So all I have to do to keep my mind healthy is stay drunk all the time? [submitted by: Goren Sajor -- Flurry] Must speedbikes 'keep' to the left or right on the euro servers? [submitted by: Jolien Gemini -- Europe-Farstar] Did you hear about the new show on Naboo? It is being produced by a group of Image Designers called "Queer eye for the Jedi". [submitted by: Kleo Patchra] Why doesn't your campfire go out when it rains? [submitted by: Topiva Midget -- Tarquinas] If I am both a Bounty Hunter and a Jedi Initiate, can I kill myself for missions? [submitted by: Puma Pro] How many skills did Luke Skywalker have to master before he became a Jedi? [submitted by: Zahind -- Bloodfin Server] Do Death Stars get a confirmation box when destroying planets? [submitted by: Remor Kelvin -- Tempest Server] Dude, Where's My Speeder? [submitted by: Terrik -- Radiant] The Empire can destroy a whole planet from space, but I can't move a small rock to build a house. [submitted by: Vetin, Architect, Bloodfin] In the midst of a raging scirocco wind of one of Tatooine's sandstorms...why does smoke from my campfire continue to go straight up? [submitted by: name not given] How exactly do you leg shoot a snake? [submitted by: Ossksxo -- Gorath] Why do Gungan Outcasts spawn with other Gungans? [submitted by: Ceistant -- Corbantis] Happy New Year !!! Merry Christmas [Image Compliments of Federation of Honour - Radiant] How can an entertainer change their clothes without missing a beat? Happy Thanksgiving! I wonder what my overall quality would be if a Krayt Dragon was to harvest me. [submitted by: name not given] I can build a factory, but I can't build a bicycle to ride to it. [submitted by: Divina, Architect, Wanderhome] Happy Halloween How can a farmboy named Luke kill a Stormtrooper in one shot and a Pistoleer can't in 5? (Submitted by: name not given) When landspeeders come into game, will there be Falumpaset Xing signs? (Submitted by: name not given) Why do hermits spawn in groups? [Submitted by: Galaga, Master Slicer, Flurry] Are jedi who misuse the force required to take force sensitivity training? No wonder the Empire eventually lost. They can't even keep dangerous animals from roaming just outside their cities. How do you stuff a full bedroom set into your backpack? Do not let your frustration with the game control your actions. The path to the darkside, that is When harvesting a particularly ugly beastie, I can't help but think "and I thought they smelled bad on the outside" How secret can the rebellion be when they have recruiters standing around so many major cities? Going from 3 to 1 newbie melons will stop the servers from crashing? Well I guess that's not the first time a pair of melons brought an otherwise respectable institution to its knees. Wretched hive of scum and villiany? Hey that's my home town!!! Is that a camp kit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? If Chewbacca did a wookie roar, would that be a rebel yell? I bet Mon Calamari taste great when deep fried.
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 buna dense dense efsaneymiş denir :)
Gilean Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 14, 2007 ahahaha müthiş=) eski günlere döndüm..ama en iyisi bu: DON'T YOU TELL ME I CAN'T SEE THE TARGET! IT'S RIGHT THERE!
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 15, 2007 If I am both a Bounty Hunter and a Jedi Initiate, can I kill myself for missions? pwned =)
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