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What Wrath of the Lich King is not

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
In Soviet Russia, the following content will not see you:

* The level cap will not be increased to 90.
* The level cap will not be increased to OVER 9000!!!!
* The world map shown at BlizzCon will not be the final map.
* Mages will not be buffed.
* Warlocks will not be nerfed.
* Retribution paladins will not stop whining.
* There will not be a cow level there.
* The [Ashbringer]... it will not... it should not... it... maybe..?
* Arthas will not die on page 637.
* Arthas will die on page 642.
* Arthas will reappear on page 714... or does he have an evil-er twin?
* One will not simply walk into Northrend.

And most importantly...


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