Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 Jedi skills: Bütün Jedi Skilleri Suan Kapalı. Squad Leader: Şuan Yok Scout: Şuan Yok Medic: Heal damage (/healdamage) Doctor: heal state (/healstate) Combat medic: Şuan Yok Creature Handler: Şuan Yok Bio-engineer: Şuan Yok Artisan: Şuan Yok Chef: Şuan Yok Architect: Şuan Yok Armoursmith: Şuan Yok Droid engineer: Şuan Yok Weaponsmith: Şuan Yok Tailor: Şuan Yok Shipwright: Şuan Yok Merchant: Şuan Yok Entertainer: Song rock (/startmusic rock) Song starwars2(/startmusic starwars2) Song folk(/startmusic folk) Song starwars3(/startmusic starwars3) Song ceremonial(/startmusic ceremonial) Flourish 8 (/flo8) Dancer: Basic (/startdance basic) Dansların Hepsi Calısıyo Diye Biliyorum Ama İsimleri Aklımda Yok /startdance Komutuyla Listesi Görebilirsiniz :) flourish 1 (/flo1) flourish 2 (/flo2) flourish 3 (/flo3) flourish 4 (/flo4) flourish 5 (/flo5) flourish 6 (/flo6) flourish 7 (/flo7) [/color] Musician: StarWars1 (/startsong starwars1) flourish 1 (/flo1) flourish 2 (/flo2) flourish 3 (/flo3) flourish 4 (/flo4) flourish 5 (/flo5) flourish 6 (/flo6) flourish 7 (/flo7) Song ballad (/startmusic ballad) Song waltz (/startmusic waltz) Song jazz (/startmusic jazz) Song virtuoso (/startmusic virtuoso) Song western (/startmusic western) Smuggler: Şuan Yok Marksman: Action shot 1 (/actionshot1) Body shot 1 (/bodyshot1) Body shot 2 (/bodyshot2) Full auto single 1 (/fullautosingle1) Headshot 1 (/headshot1) Headshot 2 (/headshot2) Health shot 1 (/healthshot1) Leg shot 1 (/legshot1) Leg shot 2 (/legshot2) Mind shot 1 (/mindshot1) Overcharge shot 1 (/overchargeshot1) Overcharge shot 2 (/overchargeshot2) Point blank area shot 1 (/pointblankarea1) Point blank single shot 1 (/pointblanksingle1) Supression fire 1 (/supressionfire1) Threaten shot (/threatenshot) Tumble to kneeling (/tumbletokneeling) Warning shot (/warningshot) Bounty Hunter: bleeding shot (/bleedingshot) Confusion shot (/confusionshot) Eye shot (/eyeshot) Fast Blast (/fastblast) fire knockdown (/knockdownfire) Lightning cone 1 (/firelightningcone1) Lightning cone 2 (/firelightningcone2) Lightning single 1 (/firelightningsingle1) Lightning single 2 (/firelightningsingle2) Spray shot (/sprayshot) Torso shot (/torshoshot) Underhand shot (/underhandshot) Commando: Acid Cone 1 (/fireacidcone1) Acid Cone 2 (/fireacidcone2) Acid Single 1 (/fireacidsingle1) Acid Single 2 (/fireacidsingle2) Flame Cone 1 (/flamecone1) Flame Cone 2 (/flamecone2) Flame Single 1 (/flamesingle1) Flame Single 2 (/flamesingle2) Pistoleer: Health shot 2 (/healthshot 2) Point blank single 2 (/pointblanksingle2) Body shot 3 (/bodyshot3) Point blank area 2 (/pointblankarea2) Disarming shot 1 (/disarmingshot1) Double tap (/doubletap) Stopping shot (/stoppingshot) Fan shot (/fanshot) Pistol melee defense 1 (/pistolmeleedefense1) Pistol melee defense 2 (/pistolmeleedefense2) Disarming shot 2 (/disarmingshot2) Multi Target Pistol shot (/multitargetpistolshot) Rifleman: Strafe Shot 1 (/strafeshot1) Mind shot 2 (/mindshot2) Head shot 3 (/headshot3) Suprise shot (/supriseshot) Sniper shot (/snipershot) Conceal shot (/concealshot) Flushing shot 1 (/flushingshot1) Startle shot 1 (/startleshot1) Flushing shot 2 (/flushingshot2) Startle shot 2 (/startleshot2) Flurry shot 1 (/flurryshot1) Warning shot (/warningshot) Supression fire 1 (/supressionfire1) Strafe shot 2 (/strafeshot2) Carbineer: Action shot 2 (/actionshot2) Full auto single 2 (/fullautosingle2) Scatter shot 1 (/scattershot1) Wild shot 1 (/wildshot1) Scatter shot 2 (/scattershot2) Wild shot 2 (/wildshot2) Leg shot 3 (/legshot3) Crippling shot (/cripplingshot) Burst shot 1 (/burstshot1) Burst shot 2 (/burstshot2) Supression fire 2 (/supressionfire2) Full auto area 1 (/fullautoearea1) Charge Shot 1 (/chargeshot1) Full auto area 2 (/fullautoarea2) Charge shot 2 (/chargeshot2) Brawler: Warcry 1 (/warcry1) Warcry 2 (/warcry2) Intimidate 1 (/intimidate1) Intimidate 2 (/intimidate2) Berserk 1 (/berserk1) Center of being (/centerofbeing) One handed lunge 1 (/melee1hlunge1) Two handed lunge 1 (/melee2hlunge1) Unarmed lunge 1 (/unarmedlunge1) Polearm lunge 1 (/polearmlunge1) Unarmed hit 1 (/unarmedhit1) Unarmed stun 1 (/unarmedstun1) Unarmed blind 1 (/unarmedblind1) Unarmed spin attack 1 (/unarmespinattack1) One handed hit 1 (/melee1hhit1) One handed body hit 1 (/melee1hbodyhit1) One handed dizzy 1 (/melee1hdizzy1) One handed spin attack 1 (/melee1hspinattack1) Two handed hit 1 (/melee2hhit1) Two handed head hit 1 (/melee2hheadhit1) Two handed sweep 1 (/melee2hsweep1) Two handed spin attack 1 (/melee2hspinattack1) Polearm hit 1 (/polearmhit1) Polearm leg hit 1 (/polearmleghit1) Polearm stun 1 (/polearmstun1) Polearm spin attack 1 (/polearmspinattack1) Berserk 2 (/berserk2) Intimidate 2 (/intimidate2) Warcry 2 (/warcry2) One handed lunge 2 (/melee1hlunge2) Two handed lunge 2 (/melee2hlunge2) Unarmed lunge 2 (/unarmedlunge2) Polearm lunge 2 (/polearmlunge2) Teras Kasi: Unarmed hit 2 (/unarmedhit2) Unarmed knockdown 1 (/unarmedknockdown1) Unarmed knockdown 2 (/unarmedknockdown2) Unarmed dizzy 1 (/unarmeddizzy1) Unarmed Combo 1 (/unarmedcombo1) Unarmed spin attack 2 (/unarmedspinattack2) Unarmed Combo 2 (/unarmedcombo2) Unarmed body hit 1 (/unarmedbodyhit1) Unarmed leg hit 1 (/unarmedleghit1) Unarmed head hit 1 (/unarmedheadhit1) Unarmed hit 3 (/unarmedhit3) Fencer: One handed hit 2 (/melee1hhit2) One handed scatter hit 1 (/melee1hscatterhit1) One handed dizzy 2 (/melee1hdizzy2) One handed scatter hit 2 (/melee1hscatterhit2) One handed health hit 1 (/melee1hhealthhit1) One handed spin attack 2 (/melee1hspinattack2) One handed health hit 2 (/melee1hhealthhit2) One handed body hit 2 (/melee1hbodyhit2) One handed body hit 3 (/melee1hbodyhit3) One handed blind 1 (/melee1hblind1) One handed blind 2 (/melee1hblind2) One handed hit 3 (/melee1hhit3) Swordsman: Two handed hit 2 (/melee2hhit2) Two handed area attack 1 (/melee2hareaattack1) Two handed area attack 2 (/melee2hareaattack2) Two handed area attack 3 (/melee2hareaattack3) Two handed head hit 2 (/melee2hheadhit2) Two handed head hit 3 (/melee2hheadhit3) Two handed spin attack 2 (/melee2hspinattack2) Two handed sweep 2 (/melee2hsweep2) Two handed mind hit 1 (/melee2hmindhit1) Two handed mind hit 2 (/melee2hmindhit2) Two handed hit 3 (/melee2hhit3) Pikeman: Polearm hit 2 (/polearmhit2) Polearm stun 2 (/polearmstun2) Polearm spin attack 1 (/polearmspinattack1) Polearm leg hit 2 (/polearmleghit2) Polearm area attack 2 (/polearmareaattack2) Polearm leg hit 3 (/polearmleghit3) Polearm sweep 1 (/polearmsweep1) Polearm sweep 2 (/polearmsweep2) Polearm action hit 1 (/polearmactionhit1) Polearm action hit 2 (/polearmactionhit2) Polearm hit 3 (/polearmhit3) Pilot: Henüz Test Edilmedi.Yani Bilinmiyor Not:Elimden Geldigince Güncel Kalmasını Şağlıyıcam... Saygılar Sevgiler :)
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 iyi iyi brawler ve kolları fena durmuo, ama dha 39 fırın ekmek lazm =)
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 aslında gayet iyi geldiler bu noktaya kadar bile büyük bi başarı ve suan dahada hızlandılar ve devam ediyolar...
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 25, 2007 medic ve doc da bitmis olsa aslında oynanabilir halde gibi duruo, ama medic olmadan zor brz bekleyelm bakalm
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2007 olsun artı şu emu da yahu. nedi bu swg cilerin çektiği ıstırap.
Orcun Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Walla eski oyun gelsinde 2 sene beklemek koymaz bana :)
mirally Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 yukardaki listeye göre Scout yok deniyor. Ama BH skilleri çalışıyor, nasıl iş bu?
nuwanda Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 bh oldugunda bh nin kendi skilleri calısıo ama scout tan gelen skiller calısmıo
maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 anlat bakalim ne zaman bitirecekler. npc leri kesip exp. alma, skill ögrenme olayi varmi. yoksa yine respeclemi dolaniliyor
Netcafe Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 29, 2007 suan telden girmemden dolayi cok ayrintili bir bilgi veremiyivem ama forumlardan takip ettigim kadarini soyleyim herseyden once bu skiller bixim gordugumux skiler ayrica scout yok ama bh var olayinda olay su ki skillerin hepsi farkli aslinda birebir bi olay yok yani ana temada hepsi bagli gozuksede sistemde hepsi ayri ayrica pc den girecegim zaman daha ayrintili bilgi veririm bide guncellemeleri yaparim.. bu arada acilis tarihi verilmiyor ama su ara cok fazla test yapiliyor yani ilerleme var baya umidinixi kaybetmeyin ey ahali :D
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