JeanPaul Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 OSI ozellikle AoS sonrasi modem kullanicilarini ve bizim gibi non-USA kullanicilari ciddi baltalamis durumda. Boards'da hic bir 56K modem konusuna yanit vermiyor. Buyuk ihtimalle de cozum bulamayacak deniyor. Amerika'da ciddi anlamda modem kullanicisi var. Bizim gibi kisiler de cok etkilendi. Kalabalik bir yerde ya client crash ediyor ya da lag'den oynanamaz duruma geliyor. Tugsoft da buna cozum bulmak icin yazilim gelistirmis. Test ediyor su anda: ozet ile bir proxy server. Tabii ozellikle bizim proxy server'in hangi bolgede bulundugu hemen ilk akla gelen soru. Ben supheliyim bunun problemi cozecegine. Umarim OSI problemi cozer. Yoksa felaket. (son blackhole telestrom tecrubem: brit bank'deyim, yanimda tanimadigim birinin ati. lag girdim. client crash. Tekrar login ettigimde kendimi Vesper'de buldum. Yanimda da adamin ati. Adam arasinda bulsun atini hehehe :) (blackhole telestrom yaninizdaki hayvanlari da iceriyor) Page last updated: March 13, 2003 What does it do? It attempts to speed up slow connections (modem users) to UO. How does it do it? UOASpeed acts as a 'proxy' to UO. When a login to the game is made it is redirected to the UOASpeed server. The UOASpeed server then connects to UO. All data between the client (you) and UO is passed through the UOASpeed server which processes the data. Who can apply to join the beta? Currently modem users or non-USA users playing on US shards are being considered as beta testers. Please only email asking to join the beta if you are in that group. When will the beta begin? Looks good for Friday March 14, 2003. The client side portion is ready to go and just a few more features to get into the server (like login credentials being checked). How long will the beta be? Not sure at this point. Internal testing has been pretty clean so far but load testing has not been done. How many will get to join the beta? Around 20 to start. Possibly more as average bandwidth usage is determined. Does it really help? Internal testing shows it does help slow connections. Unofficial timing shows a speed increase from 10% - 30% and that is increasing as I make the server smarter. This isn't done by messing with your MTU or other settings like the internet connection speed up programs you may have heard about. Already I've been able to login over a modem at the Britian Bank without getting zap'd to a new location. Results will vary depending on your connection. Does it take a lot of CPU time? Haven't specifically tested for that at this point. But the extra code in the client is not extensive. In modern machine processor power is much greater than modem bandwidth ability. So I'd guess the benefit is far greater than the CPU cycle cost. I have a hot connection already but I'm always looking for more speed, can it help? Actually good and fast connections will probably be slowed down some by UOASpeed currently because of the extra hops to go through the UOASpeed server. I've heard of fastwalk before is this like that? Not at all. It doesn't work by fooling the client into thinking it can move. As normal I'm not interested in making cheats. This is just an attempt to help modem users out. If you have played on a modem you should appreciate why. What platforms will work? At this point I've only tested on WinXP but it shouldn't have a problem on Win98 or 'greater' machines. Win95 is questionable and probably will not be tested on since Microsoft no longer supports Win95. If you use Win95 and encounter problems I can provide URL's for downloads from Microsoft that MAY help. If the beta is successful how much will this cost? Price has not been set at this point. There will be a reoccurring fee for this service. Most likely it will be low enough that billing will be per 2 or 3 months rather than monthly. What is expected of beta testers? I'd like for them to use the service during normal play and report problems they find (with details including settings of UOASpeed). Also I'd like them to report successes they have with the service so it can be determined if this is useful for a wider audience. What do beta testers get? A 'test' version of UOAssist that includes the needed UOASpeed code. And a user name and password. Note if you are selected do not share your account name and password or it will be terminated. How do I sign up? Update - Currently full. If more beta tester slots become available another message will be posted.[hline]Ride to live, Live to ride...
JeanPaul Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 Soru cevap kisminda da acikliyor yanlis anlama olmasin. Bu bir hack ya da cheat programi degil. Sadece modem kullanicilarini bir proxy server'a baglayip belli oranda (tahmini %10-%30) hiz saglayan bir program. OSI Board'larda bu cok elestriliyor, cunku Tugsoft'a ayrica para verilecek ama aslinda OSI'nin bedava yapmasi gereken birsey bu ve OSI hala bir cozum bulamadi seklinde. Konu board'larda cok SERT bir sekilde tartisiliyor. Ve hala OSI'den tek cumle yanit yok. Bakalim is nerelere varacak....[hline]Ride to live, Live to ride...
Anason Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 17, 2003 . [Bu mesaj Anason tarafından 17 Mart 2003 22:15 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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