Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 'dan alintidir. 2. About Holocrons 2.1 Q: WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE HOLOCRONS? From Hayden Blackman: when we reviewed the players' progress at the three-month mark, we found that they were progressing towards Jedi more slowly that we would have liked. To help guide players in the right directions, we added Jedi and Sith Holocrons to the game, which give you some guidance by revealing one of the requirements for your character. 2.2 Q: WHAT IS A HOLOCRON AND HOW MANY TYPES ARE THERE? [UPDATED] There are two Holocrons: The RED "Sith Holocron" which is in the shape of a pyramid. The BLUE "Holocron" which is often called a "Jedi Holocron" which is in the shape of a cube. Some people report a "Neutral" Holocron. This is the same as the Blue Holocron. It has been rumored that there is a third "Dodecahedron" holocron and this image can be seen in the resource files. However, this image is merely that seen during character creation. As of yet no "Dodecahedron" has been seen as an object in the game. Here are some images of the Holocrons: Jedi Holocron Sith Holocron 2.3 Q: MY HOLOCRON TURNED INTO HOLOCRON SHARDS. WHY? If you had a pre-nerf Holocron it was changed into Holocron Shards, which are worthless. The reason for this was never formally explained, but the popular belief is that people had camped the dark jedi on Dantooine and gotten an inordinate amount of them. SOE then nerfed them back to the stone age so that these "new" holocron's would be worth something. Q-3P0 stopped in and told us: "The popular belief is consistant with the formal explanation. Before the Holocrons were updated with the "hint" code, they were farmed to an insane level. The ingame explanation is a strong distrubance in the force shattered the old ones." 2.4 Q: CAN A HOLOCRON BE TRADED? [UPDATED] Yes. People whom have open their FSCS have useded traded holocrons in the process as well as traded holocrons on thier own. 2.5 Q: DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THE SYMBOL ON THE JEDI HOLOCRON IS? Poster Evanstarred suggests the Buddhism connection and that "The symbol on the Jedi Holocron is Heaven/Rest in Peace/Nirvana (meaning emptiness - clear your mind of questions)." They are having a fascinating discussion on the connection of Jedi to world mythology over here: Jedi & the Mythology Connection 2.6 Q: WHAT DOES SOE HAVE TO SAY ON THE SUBJECT OF HOLOCRONS? Holocron posted the reasoning behind the Holocrons and unlocking the FSCS: The original intent and spirit of the system was "those who become jedi should be those who have tried out many different aspects of the game." We found that tracking the number of metrics we originally wanted to track wasn't really feasible. So we decided to go with a smaller subset of metrics to track that still captured the spirit of the system. Trying out diverse professions seemed like a reasonable thing. Then we waited and watched, and found that it would take years and years given the pace we were seeing people doing it at. So we put in hints, via the Holocrons, using the standard system we have for loot drops, and that's where we are now.[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 3. Finding Holocrons 3.1 Q: WHERE DO I FIND A HOLOCRON? (For the record, DROP means "available if you loot them after they are dead.") KNOWN: Random Spawn around Abandoned Rebel Base on Dantooine, Spawn inside Force Crystal Caves, Rebel Surface Marshalls (Missions?), Force Mystics, Force Sensatives, Dark Troopers, Force Renegades, Imperial Factional Dungeon outside Lake Retreat (Stormtroopers with three letter acronyms in their name which you can get running missions from Gram in the Capital building in Coronet), Abandoned Rebel Privates, Imperial Droid Engineers, Standard Rebel Scouts CONJECTURE: There has been a slight increase in Holocron drops and a lot more MOB's are dropping them. Jrudden1924 posted a list of Creature/NPC Loot the other day that listed a number of the Holocron Droppers (no waypoints). I thought his mentioning that lower level Rebel/Imperial missions are dropping the holos was very interesting. You can read the post here: Jrudden1924's Post Some other coordinates (non-exhaustive): Abandoned Rebel Base (Dantooine) -6823, 5589 Force Crystal Caves (Dantooine) -6222, 7380 Imperial Base (Naboo) -6506, -3309 3.2 Q: HOW ARE MEDICS/ENTERTAINERS/ARTISANS EXPECTED TO GET A HOLOCRON? No expectation has been expressed by anyone at SOE regarding their thoughts on this. I don't have any other information to add either. I'm a Combat Medic, so you can imagine I'm kind of interested in that question myself. During the recent Stratics HOC Chat with the Devs it was stated that they recognize the problem of making Holocron's only available as high level loot and thus only available to combat characters. It was stated that they have plans to make the holocron's more readily available to the support and artisan class shortly. No other details were given. Holocron's have recently been dropping on slightly lower leveled NPCs. This is perhaps a response to non-combat classes needing to find Holocrons. 3.3 Q: DON'T WE MEDIC/ARTISANS/ENTERTAINERS HAVE JUST AS MUCH RIGHT TO PLAY OUR PROFESSIONS AND GET A FORCE SENSATIVE SLOT? See the above post. I personally intend to keep playing my Combat Medic until I get bored with it, regardless of FSCS or not. If I really wanted to play a Jedi I could always go buy Jedi Academy. 3.4 Q: WHAT'S THE GOING RATE FOR BUYING A HOLOCRON? I have heard all sorts of numbers for what buying a Holocron is going for and honestly, keeping up with it is rather pointless. Suffice it to say they are selling for inordinate amounts of credits... often times in the millions. Word on the streets is that you can buy them on Ebay for about $300 (USD). Of course, buying a holocron on Ebay would be idiotic as there is no way to make an assurance of a legitimate transaction. Q-3P0 stopped by to tell us: "Lucas Legal is working with comapnies like EBay to close down these auctions. I love EBay, but personally I wouldn't buy in game assets off of it. Too much room for problems."[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 4. Using Holocrons 4.1 Q: HOW DO I USE A HOLOCRON Select USE from the radial. 4.2 Q: CAN I USE THE HOLOCRON MULTIPLE TIMES? No. When a Holocron gives you a message other than the "Queit" message (see below) it is consumed by usage. When a Holocron is "Quiet" it is not consumed. 4.3 Q: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A JEDI USES A HOLOCRON? [NEW] The same as everybody else: they are told to master a random profession and then the Holocron goes poof. 4.4 Q: WHAT DOES A HOLOCRON TELL YOU? There are FOUR CONFIRMED responses from a holocron: A mysterious voice says"In order to continue your path to enlightenment you must learn X" (Where X is some Profession.) A mysterious voice says "Continue along the path you have chosen". A deep voice says "In order to continue your path towards absolute power you must learn X" (Where X is some Profession.) The Holocron is quiet. The ancients knowledge of the force will no longer assist you on your journey. You must continue seeking on your own. For the record, SITH Holocrons give the "Absolute Power" message and JEDI Holocron's give the "Path to Enlightenment" message. The other two messages are common to both. There is no "order" to the messages. If you use a Blue Holocron you get the "Path of Enlightenment" message, the "Quiet" message or the "Continue" message. If you use a Red Holocron you get the "Absolute Power", the "Quiet" message or the "Continue" message. The order in which you use the holocrons is irrelevant as to the message you get. Although I should note that you generally won't see a "Queit" message until the third or fourth usage of a Holocron, although some have seen it as early as thier first holocron. 4.5 Q: DO THE HOLOCRON'S TELL YOU OTHER THINGS LIKE "VISIT x PLACE" or "DO x THEMEPARK"? No, never. 4.6 Q: ONCE I USED MY HOLOCRON IS THERE ANY WAY TO SEE WHAT IT TOLD ME AGAIN? Once you use a holocron, WRITE DOWN WHAT IT TOLD YOU. If the text scrolls out of your buffer, it is gone forever. Using another holocron should tell you the same thing unless you have completed what the first one told you. However, given how hard the things are to find, I highly recommend writing it down, taking a screen shot, and writing it down again. 4.7 Q: DOES A SECOND (OR THIRD) HOLOCRON TELL YOU SOMETHING DIFFERENT? IF YOU HAVE NOT yet done what you were told to do by the first holocron, the second one will tell you to do the same thing. IF YOU HAVE done what you were told to do by the first holcoron, the second one will tell you to do something different. Also after a certain point of mastering professions the Holocron will stop telling you stuff. 4.8 Q: DO SITH HOLOCRONS TELL YOU SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHER HOLOCRONS? No. A player whom has unlocked thier FSCS used a mix of light and dark holocrons revealing that the two are interchangeable. 4.9 Q: DO SITH HOLOCRONS LIE TO YOU? No, the two holocrons will tell you the same thing. Sith Holocrons will not "steer you down the wrong path." 4.10 Q: DO I HAVE TO USE A SITH HOLOCRON IF I WANT TO BE A DARK JEDI (OR THE INVERSE)? No. Everyone starts Jedi the same as a Jedi Initiate. Somewhere along the way to your quest to become a Jedi Knight you may choose to go the Dark Path or the Light Path. I forget at what level though. You can view the Jedi Skill Tree here: The Jedi Skill Tree[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 5. Holocron Profession Mastery 5.1 Q: HOW MANY HOLOCRON'S HAVE BEEN USED/MASTERED BY A SINGLE CHARACTER SO FAR? [UPDATED] You may get your "Silent" message on your first Holocron, or on your Fifth one. Nobody has ever gotten a Profession to master on their fifth or later Holocron. That is to say, they used five holocrons with the first four telling them to master something and the fifth one as "Silent." 5.2 Q: CAN YOU DROP A PROFESSION ONCE IT HAS BEEN MASTERED AS REQUESTED BY THE HOLOCRON? Dropping a profession will not hinder you in your pursuit of the FSCS. 5.3 Q: WHAT DO I DO ONCE MY HOLOCRON GOES QUIET? [UPDATED] I have no idea, nor does anyone else on this forum. There is some speculation and theories on this, so read around on the forum and you find them. Most speculation has it that in order to unlock you must master on more profession. What that profession is nobody knows. There's a number of theories on numerical systems and the like, but they never work out. The best advice I have seen so far is to master the remaining basic professions that you have not yet mastered. If that doesn't do it, start mastering elite professions. Do not re-master a profession you have already mastered. After Silent, using Holocrons will do nothing for you so you would be best to sell it. I personally think you should be charitable and give it to a deserving Support/Artisan type. I know a Combat Medic on Starsider who is in need. 5.4 Q: HOW MANY PROFESSIONS MUST I MASTER TO OPEN THE FSCS? [UPDATED] It is commonly held that you must master five (5) Professions. There is contention as to when the Professions are choosen for you. However, it is almost universally accepted that the number is five.[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 6. Holocron Theories 6.1 Q: IS THERE ANY PATTERN TO THE HOLOCRONS BASED ON STARTING CITY, STARTING PROFESSION, RACE, GENDER, CURRENT SKILLS, LOCATION, ETC? See the question "Has Anyone Tried to..." below. 6.2 Q: DOES MUSIC HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE PATH TO THE FSCS? [UPDATED] None. 6.3 Q: WHAT THEORIES ARE FLOATING AROUND? [UPDATED] There are a number of different theories floating around, but it is almost universally accepted that you must master five professions, and that this has nothing to do with your starting profession, race, etc. I will say that I have yet to see a theory that I like 100% and that most of the theories are debunkable with some pretty simple thinking. Also, it has been stated by Thunderheart that the process of unlocking the FSCS was fairly straightforward. (I'm paraphrasing here, so apologies if I got it wrong.) This pretty much negates all the more complicated theories. MojiTiwlon posted a fair summary of theories: MujiTiwlon's Theories Post 6.4 Q: HAS ANYONE TRIED TO ... ? MASTER ALL THE HOLOCRON SUGGESTED PROFESSIONS AT THE SAME TIME: Cannot be done given all of the various professions and manner in which the results have been revealed. For example, one individual was told to master ARTISAN, then BOUNTY HUNTER. This is not possible. MASTER ALL THE HOLOCRON SUGGESTED PROFESSIONS AT DIFFERENT TIMES: Yes, this has been done. The fifth holocron gave the "Quiet" message. GIVE THEIR HOLOCRON TO A TOTAL NEWBIE: Yes, this has been attempted with the same results as anyone using the holocron: "Master such and such a profession." GOTTEN A HOLOCRON ON TWO DIFFERENT SERVERS AND SEEN WHAT THE RESULTS ARE: No, that would be silly. You can only unlock one FSCS per Account and on one server and this experiment would prove nothing. MASTER ALL THE PROFESSIONS IN THE GAME REGARDLESS OF THE HOLOCRONS: Nobody on earth has that much free time... Seriously though, the most profession I have heard of being mastered was sixteen. I'm sure someone has done more, but it's largely irrelevant. USE JEDI HOLOCRON THEN IMMEDIATELY USED A SITH HOLOCRON (OR THE INVERSE): Yes. Holocron's are indentical except for some basic language issues, and the multi-use just repeated the first ones message (albiet in a different "tone.") FIND A CORRELATION BETWEEN STARTING PROFESSION AND HOLOCRON RESULTS: Yes, but have found that there is no known correlation between starting profession and holocron results. FIND A CORRELATION BETWEEN STARTING LOCATION AND HOLOCRON RESULTS: Yes, but have found that there is no known correlation between starting location and holocron results. FIND A CORRELATION BETWEEN RACE AND HOLOCRON RESULTS: Yes, but have found that there is no known correlation between race and holocron results. FIND A CORRELATION BETWEEN LOCATION USED AND HOLOCRON RESULTS: Yes, but have found that there is no known correlation between where you use a holocron and what it tells you. FIND A CORRELATION BETWEEN MUSIC AND THE PATH TO THE FSCS: Yes, but have found that there is no known correlation between music and the path to the FSCS. You do get different music for training different classes of skills, but otherwise, it's just music.[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 7. FSCS/Jedi Questions (related to Holocrons) 7.1 Q: IS AN FSCS UNLOCKED FOR AN ACCOUNT OR SERVER? It has been officially stated by SOE representative GarVa that: "Your FS slot opens on the server you unlocked it on. So if you play on Bria, and thats where you open the slot, your force sensitive character will have to be made on Bria." So, whatever server you unlock the FSCS slot on is the only server you will be able to play your potential Jedi character on. Also, your account may have only one Jedi character. Read the original post here: GarVa's Post 7.2 Q: HOW MANY HOLOCRON'S MUST BE USED TO OPEN THE FSCS? None. Holocron's do not open the FSCS; they merely provide a few hints. That being said, some people get the "Quiet" message after two holocrons, others after four. Nobody has used more than five holocrons as the fifth always gives the "quiet" message. 7.3 Q: IS A HOLOCRON REQUIRED TO OPEN THE FSCS? No. You can do this on your own. A Holocron is merely a "hint" to opening up the FSCS. 7.4 Q: HAS ANYONE OPENED A FSCS? [UPDATED] Yes. It has been officially announced on Noveber 7, 2003, that a FSCS was unlocked. 7.5 Q: HOW CLOSE IS SOMEONE TO OPENING THIER FSCS? The FSCS has finally been opened. Check out The SWG Warcry front page for the latest news. 7.6 Q: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO HOLOCRONS ONCE PEOPLE HAVE STARTED OPENING THEIR FSCS? During the Startics HOC Chat with the Devs it was stated by SOE (Blair) that "We see holocrons as a part of the game now and have no plans on removing them." Now that we have FSCS/Jedi in the game Holocrons are still available. 7.7 Q: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN MY SERVER REACHES IT'S LIMIT OF JEDI? It is implied by SOE that there is no code imposed limit upon the number of Jedi within the game. However, actually becoming a JEDI is a lot more than just opening your FSCS and most people believe it will take a lot of damn work to do so.[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 28, 2003 umarim yardimci olur[hline]Ogoed in Eclipse Galaxy Or-ema in Kettemoor Galaxy Icq :. 802222
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