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Chapter 6

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Enhance your player-driven stories and adventures with a new series of props, effects, and customizable NPCs! Obtain storyteller tokens from the storyteller NPC to begin telling your story. Only those players invited by you into your story can participate. To learn more, use the storyteller button in your command browser to list all the commands!

Beast Master:
Beast Master Expertise is an exciting new feature coming to Star Wars Galaxies in Chapter 6. These are new creature-centric abilities available to all players, regardless of profession or level, through a third expertise tree. Harvest DNA from the wild, obtain/craft enzymes, and incubate your fully customizable creature! Adventure in the wilds to learn abilities and level up your pet. See the Friday Feature posted on April 20th for detailed instructions on Incubation.

Beast Incubation:
Players are limited to one active incubator unit per player. Incubators must be placed in a player structure to activate. Picking up the Incubator unit will cleanse any active experiments. The length of time between experimentation sessions is based on Incubator Functionality rating and purchased expertise boxes.

Beast Loyalty And Happiness:
Make sure your pet is kept happy through craftable foods, tricks, and planetary travels. Keeping your pet happy in the long term will enable it to learn more abilities.

Beast ToolBar:
All Beast commands that your beast is eligible for will auto populate onto the pet toolbar. Right click on an ability to make it an auto-repeating attack. The Beast will perform if it has enough action and the cool-down has expired. Two Beast dispositions on this bar toggle your pet between defending you if attacked and ignoring attacks on the master. You must have training in Beast Master to use any ability beyond ‘stay’ and ‘follow.’

Beast Leveling:
Beasts level on the master gaining combat experience. A kill must con green or higher for the Beast to gain experience. If you wish to keep your pet at their current growth level, use the radial option to toggle Beast experience gain off.

Beast Death:
If your beast perishes in combat use the "revive beast" ability granted in the first expertise box of Beast Master.

Creature Mounts:
Calling a creature mount will now place you upon its back automatically. Dismounting from a creature mount will now auto-store the mount.

Legacy Pets:
All legacy pets in player datapads now have an option to "stuff" them for display in your home. Stuffed pets may also be used in the Incubation process if you wish them to live again. Stuffed pets receive bonuses in the Incubation process.

Wild Creature Special Abilities:
Going hand-in-hand with the new Beast Master system, wild creatures have new specials attacks and combat abilities. Some of these abilities are learnable by the player when attacking these creatures. These abilities can then be trained to your Beast if they have the appropriate number of skill points and are of the correct creature type. Be wary going into the wilds!

Rebel Theme Park:
New adventures await those who work for the rebel alliance! Visit C3P0 on Corellia to begin them.

Foraging has been added back to Star Wars Galaxies. Currently, foraging can only give you bait for fishing.

Rules of foraging:

After attempting to forage in a location, you must move at least 5m to another location before attempting forage again.
After a successful forage, you cannot forage in that spot again, this session (per character).
You have a 50% chance to get bait and a 50% chance to get nothing.
Bait of the same type should now stack in your inventory, as you gather them.

Treasure Maps
The major differences between this version of treasure maps and the treasure map functionality available to players at retail in 2003 are the following:

The enemies scale to the combat level of the player attempting to extract the treasure unless the player is below/above the map max level.
The enemies scale in number and combat level based on the player attempting to extract the treasure while in a group.
The treasure extracted is actually valuable to players between the treasure min/max levels.
Credits are not part of the extracted treasure and nothing is divided between the player and other group members (unless manually traded).
Content - Azure Cabal

Look for your contact at the Cantina in Theed


Mounts/vehicles: You can no longer call a mount or vehicle while rooted.
Vehicles: You can no longer enter a vehicle while rooted
Mesaj tarihi:
su ana kadar test ettiklerime gelcek olursam:

1- combat asırı zor. ne kdr olabilir ki derseniz diye bi kac ornek vericem. normal serverlarda tek basıma 2 tane wild tusk cat lair aynı anda patlatabilirm. dun commando charımla (hem lava cannon hem acid launcher var 2 dot koyuorm) dna almak icin bi tane lvl91 tusk cat lair buldm. 1er 1er ancak (!) kesebiliorm ki bu elite mob diil. elite st fln kesmek tek basına artık kolay bi is diil. forumlardan bi alıntı yapıcak olursam:

1 x Medic, 1 x Commando and 1 x Jedi

Only 2 of us made it to the A key room only to be finished off by the Wraith !

2- dodge animasyonu geri geldi. tabii dodging de geri geldi =)

3- moblar artık snare/root fln gibi specialları dha cok kullanıo, rancorlar fln bile special kullanıo artık ustumuzde. moblar armor giymeye baslamıs yani ztn hep giyiolardı da giydikleri bi ise yaramıodu, simdi hem sert vuruolar hem de ölmüolar

hayvanları test etmek icin brz dha vakit lazm snrm onları sonra ileticem

[ Mesaj 25 Nisan 2007, Çarşamba - 19:07 tarihinde, nuwanda tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
Geri geldi....

Eski olanları yerine teker teker koyuyorlar demek.


Fakat önemli olan. SWG2 ... bize ondan bahset....

Aceh le ben sapıttık valla. şimdi de wow dayız.. bir umutla ya emu ya swg2 !!!..

[ Mesaj 26 Nisan 2007, Perşembe - 09:31 tarihinde, maxrep tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
Doğrusu. SWG2 çıkacaktır..

Kesin emin değilim.. Emin olsam, birde eski arkadaşlar hepsi oyunda olsa düşünmeden oynarım....dönerim..
SW ve ark. lar için.. Hepinizde dönerdiniz..

İorfa, Eacu, Harun, Ciiirenag, Reave, Aceh, Bayrog......
Mesaj tarihi:
Yeni başlık açmayımda buraya yazayım dedim.Bi kaç sorum olacak.
*Swgemu dediğiniz nedir ?Yeni bi expansion falan mı ?
*14 günlük trial'e baktımda 2 saat kadar. Nie etrafta fazla kimse yok oyunda. Server listesinde 4 server hariç population 'lar ya very light yada light ta. Oyunu oynayan sayısı bu kadar düşük mü ?

[ Mesaj 27 Nisan 2007, Cuma - 10:27 tarihinde, fir3blad3 tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:
swgemu. precu zamanındaki swg halinin emulator oyn hali. bazı güzel programcı kardeşler bizmerin sesini duymudular ve para vermeden pre-cu zamanındaki gibi (veya cu) swg yi oynamamıza olanak sağlamaya çalışıyıorlar...
oyun bundan 1.5-2 sene önce oynanabilir haldeydi. şu an yeni oyuncular ve swg fanatikleri (sw değil.) oyunda var .. bu da populasyonun çok az olmasının kanıtı...
eski forumları okumanı tavsiye ederim.. swg tarihçesi de sayılır hemde !
Mesaj tarihi:
eğer emu bahsedildiği kadar güzel olursa tüm pre cu swg aşıkları oyuna baslar, oyunun amatör serverida o kadar oyuncuyu kaldırmaz. ondan sonrada serverlari güclendirmek adina donation kisvesi altında kimi playerlara in game item skill vs satarlar, zıvanadan cıkar. diğer bi ekside tüm free mmo lardaki gibi olgunlasmamis oyuncu poülasyonu cok olacaktir. sonuc olarak swg emu yu cok büyük gazla beklemeyin derim hayal kırıklığı büyük olur :P.

2 sene aradan sonra swg accountumu aktive ettim. pre cu karakterim lvl 56 oldu. simdilik pek bi egleniyorum daha önce jtl yi oynamadığım icin tie fighter sürmek ve ugruna zamanında onlarca profession masterladığım jedi oynayabilmek bana inanilmaz haz verdi. gerek atmosfer gerek oynanabilirlik şimdilik iyi duruyor. tek eksi eclipse serverinin gündüzleri bombos olması ve bazaar da hic bi itemi bulamam (istedigim lightsaber i yapamadım 2 gündür :P).
Mesaj tarihi:
Combat Changes

There have been significant changes to the internal workings of our combat engine. Game play for the end user should remain unchanged, but some new results are possible once you pull the trigger.

New Values: Miss, Dodge, Block, Parry, Strikethrough, Evasion and Punishing Blow


NPCs and players with ranged weapons in Auto-Aim mode have a base 5% chance to miss their target. Factors such as debuffs and movement increase the player’s chance to miss. Buffs and the strength stat reduce the chance to miss.
The base miss chance for melee and Manual-Aim mode is 0%.


Dodge is a defender attribute that gives a chance to avoid incoming damage. On a successful roll, the attack will be treated as a miss and no damage will be applied.


Block is a defender attribute that has a chance to mitigate additional damage based on the defender’s block score. Block mitigation is applied after armor so it is possible to reduce incoming damage to 0 with a high enough Block Value.


Parry is a melee defender attribute that will allow the defender to negate a successful attack. Normal parry can only block other melee attacks though Lightsaber weapons can parry ranged attacks as well.


Strikethrough is a type of critical which instead of adding damage will bypass a % of your target’s armor. Strikethrough amount is based on the attacker’s Strikethrough Value.


Evasion is a defender attribute that will allow the target to avoid a % of damage from an Area Effect attack. The amount of % evaded is determined by the defender’s Evasion Value.

Punishing Blow

A punishing blow is a type of critical only available to NPCs that do 150% damage. Elite and Boss category NPCs (as well as those higher level than the player), can land a punishing blow.

Updated Values: Glancing Blow, Devastation, Heavy Weapons, PvP Damage Reduction

Glancing Blows

The damage reduction from a glancing blow has been reduced from 96% to 60%. In addition, Elite and Boss category NPCs (as well as those higher level than the player), have a natural chance to receive a glancing blow.


The Commando heavy weapon attribute Devastation damage bonus has been reduced from 200% to 150%.

Heavy Weapons

Base Heavy Weapon damage has been reduced from 115% to 100%.

PvP Damage Reduction

The Player vs. Player damage reduction has been reduced from 25% to 0%.

Direct Target vs. Area Effect Combat Results

Hit Types for a direct target attack are Miss, Dodge, Parry, Block, Glancing, Hit, Strikethrough, Critical, and Punishing Blow.
Hit Types for Area Effect attacks are Glancing, Block, Evade, Critical and Punishing Blow.
Note that most Heavy Weapons are treated as Area Effect attacks.

Player Attributes

The way in which player attributes feed into the combat formula has been altered.
Stamina & Constitution remain unchanged.
Precision: Affects Parry, Block Chance, Critical Hit Chance and Strikethrough Chance.
Agility: Affects Dodge, Parry and Evasion Chance
Strength: Affects Block Chance, Block Value, Hit Chance, and adds a damage bonus to melee attacks.
Luck: Affects Dodge Chance, Evasion Chance, Evasion Value, Critical Hit Chance, Strikethrough Chance and Strikethrough Value.

NPC Combat

Creature type NPCs now have the ability to perform special attacks.
NPCs will now be less inclined to leave the area while fighting indoors.
The idle time between decisions for NPCs has been removed.

NPC Statistics

Normal class NPCs above level 10 have gained an Armor Rating.
The Armor Rating gain scale for Elite and Boss class NPCs has been increased.
The Damage Value gain scale for Normal, Elite and Boss class NPCs has been increased.
Mesaj tarihi:
yeni bi meslek gibi diil. eski hybrid prof olayına dondu bu. 45 expertise pointin var istersen normal profun icin kullan istersen beast mastery icin kullan. 20 jedi icin 25- bm icin fln kullanabiliosun, ama ben 45 pointin hepsini beast mastery icin kullandm o zmn hayvan dha guclu oluo. bm den pointleri alırsan gucunu kaybedio yani hayvan 90 olana kdr bm oliim ondan snra tkrar jediya abanırım diip exploit olmasın die
Mesaj tarihi:
Munition Traders:
Added 15 new draft schematics
14 of them are "Dietary Supplements" for beasts.
These supplements are used to greatly increase a beasts xp gain
Only beasts under level 75 can benefit from these.
There will be two experimentation lines, one for charges and one for the actual xp bonus.
Bonus is a strait percent. So if you crafted a supplement that had 500 that means the beast will get 500% bonus.
1 of the new draft schematics is the sub component needed for crafting the supplements.
Each supplement works on different types of creatures. The description for each supplement will list what beast types it works on.


kim ne derse desin su anda dev.ler ii calısıo, traderlara da yavas yavas onem kazandırıolar
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