SadButcher Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 8, 2003 Yaptığım doğru birşey değilde paylaşımın hastasıyım tabi. Lost Chapter forumlarında bize ilk olarak yapmamız gerekn questten bahsedilmiş aynen buraya atıyorum. ----------------------------------- Mariner's Father Quest 1) Get to Jobe Harbor, and seek out Professor Dredlock, who is near the IPS Nano vendors. 2) Start up a conversation with him about the book, and he'll tell you some background information. 3) He instructs you to find 4 Chapters of the Mariner's Father quest, which are near an old temple in Nascense Wilds. Mobs such as Baran-Or or the look-alike bosses drop the Chapters. It took me a while (30 minutes) to complete this on my Nanotechnician on beta, so don't expect a quickie. 4) With all four chapters in your inventory, pick up the chapters and Shift+click them with the next chapter to put them together. After you've combined all four, you'll get the full book. 5) Run/Terminate back to Jobe Harbor, and select the choice saying you've found the book, and trade it to him. Depending on your profession, you'll get a cool item that'll help you at some point in your 200+ SL levels. -----------------------------------[hline]"Onzac" Clan Martian Artist "Ederan" Clan Fixör "Story of SadButcher" There are 10 types of people in the world, those who can read binary, and those who can't.
Invulon Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 9, 2003 Niye dogru bisey olmasın :) bilgi verici birsey tesekkürler[hline]Doctor "Disquast" Evil | Bunu Toplicam :p
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