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The Smiths - I Know It's Over

if you're so funny
then why are you on your own tonight?
and if you're so clever
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very entertaining
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very good-looking
why do you sleep alone tonight?"
i know ...
'cause tonight is just like any other night
that's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms
while they're in each other's arms...
[hline]Yaşam boyunca aradığımız şey belki de budur,yalnızca bu,olabildiğince büyük bir üzüntü,ölmeden önce kendimiz olabilmek için...
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i don't know how you're supposed
to find me lately
an what more could tou ask from me
how could you say that i never needed you
when you took everything
said you took everything from me
[hline]Everything is about Sex,Drugs and Rock n' ROLL !

The Anarchist Reality is Imprisoned by Self-control and Time

[Bu mesaj Tarist_Windveil tarafından 11 May 2003 02:06 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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kaç gündür paticie bakamıyodum e dolayısıyla parça da çalamadım kusura bakmayın :)
Ultima Online - Buc's Den
bu dur heralde şarkının adı :) Dııııt dııııııt dıtdırırırıt dııııııııt dıııııııt dıtdırıdıııııııııt dııııt dıııııııt dıtdırıdırıdıt dıt dırırıt rıt rııııııııııııııt rıt! :)
Abi o ne gaza getirici bir şarkıdır ya... aaaaah ah özledim valla eski günleri...[hline][Bu mesaj karpuz tarafından 27 Haziran 1693 18:57 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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1 haftalik yokluguma gecmeden once son sarki...

Iced Earth - A Question of Heaven

The time is close now, the end is near
My walk through the valley, trails of fear
I feel empty, my penance overdue, I guess it's too late now
To be with you
I'm extremely frightened of what will surely be
I sold myself, the death of me
I know you can't forgive me
I know I'm on my own, I've betrayed you
I walk alone
[hline]Day after day we will gratefully suffer for more
Predestined's our part
So we bleed in the name of god

Blind Guardian - Age of False Innocence
-Kings of Chaos-
So please, a little respect. For I am Costanza. Lord of the Idiots! - George "Gammy" Costanza (Cantstandya)
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