maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Producer Julio Torres on Star Wars: Galaxies’ New Redesign A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, director George Lucas created a sci-fi franchise from which countless games were birthed. Specifically, some good (Star Wars: Jedi Knight), some bad (Star Wars: Bounty Hunter) and some downright idiotic (Star Wars: Demolition)… "We are setting the stage ... for great things to come, including capitalizing on the epic Galactic Civil War..."Today though, we’ll confine our discussion strictly to the massively multiplayer kind in the form of Star Wars: Galaxies, the industry’s leading light insofar as futuristic role-playing adventures are concerned. Despite numerous development delays, troubles with spaceflight (initially promised, but later delivered via the Jump to Lightspeed expansion), and various game balancing dilemmas (e.g. issues with player-controlled Jedi), it’s quickly become an international sensation. Between the theatrical/DVD debut of Star Wars Episode III and add-ons like Rage of the Wookies and Trials of Obi-Wan, which have slowly helped offset the title’s grind-heavy play mechanics, one can easily see why. Nevertheless, change came to the universe in a major way on November 15 in the form of a sweeping repositioning of character professions, a streamlined interface and the introduction of real-time interactive combat. On the eve of this massive upgrade, we touch base with producer Julio Torres to see what surprises the team at LucasArts has in store for unsuspecting fans… OGaming: Galaxies has been quite an ambitious project. Now it’s about to become even more so. How in the hell do you manage to simulate something as huge, diverse and well-loved as the Star Wars universe? Julio Torres: As suggested, you may have seen recently that we announced some exciting new enhancements and features we are adding to our game. These additions provide the experience one would expect from a Star Wars game with its revolutionary fast-action combat system, iconic profession development, and interaction with famous (and infamous) Star Wars characters. We are confident that this new direction indeed stimulates the interest of all Star Wars fans, both the hardcore and casual. OGaming: How do you make sure you stay as close to the subject material as possible... is the design team made up exclusively of hardcore fans? JT: We have an outstanding team that are both fans themselves as well as often work closely with the other teams developing the core Star Wars fiction and content, such as Lucasfilm and Industrial Light and Magic (ILM). We have found a combination of hardcore fans, casual fans, and folks that aren’t fans at all that creates a nice mix and delivers material that appeals to all Star Wars fans, as well as gamers and sci-fi fans in general. "We’re confident that the game’s new direction will interest all Star Wars fans, both hardcore and casual.." OGaming: Who maintains series continuity? And with the new updates in place, are you allowed to take any liberties with existing characters and storylines? If so, to what degree? "Games like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars have brought more players than ever to the MMO space… We’re hoping to capitalize on their success."JT: That is actually the beauty of Galaxies. Though we don’t tend to take liberties when it comes to story as the Star Wars fiction and canon is very “protected,” we do at times allow for things that appeal to gamers that would otherwise not be permitted as they doesn’t fit with the existing fiction and canon. An example of this is that we allow multiple Jedi to exist in the game even though it is set at a time when there are very few Jedi left in the universe. We strive to deliver a fun balance of gameplay that stays consistent with the storylines OGaming: In what ways has the recent release of Episode III, especially on DVD, increased the title’s universal appeal? JT: Certainly, as we often find after a major Star Wars film or other fiction release (such as The Clone Wars animated series) that we gain a throng of new fans who also seek to create their own Star Wars adventure, which is a key fun-factor in Galaxies: Where the movies leave off, your adventure begins… As I mentioned earlier, we have so many elements in our game that appeal to both hardcore and casual gamers, as well as Star Wars fans in general. OGaming: Space combat finally made its way into the game with Jump to Lightspeed... Why wasn't in there to begin with, after being promised for so long? JT: As with the development of any other game out there, often concessions have to be made in order to meet release dates and to ensure delivery of a top-quality game at release. After all, there are only so many resources available. Fortunately, the extra time we had to work on Jump to Lightspeed allowed us to deliver
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 özeti? :)[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF Why do "Dark" jedi's using "Light"sabers???
Arkansis Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 saçmalıyor işte her seferindeki gibi[signature][hline] Ayrton Senna is not dead Beş Hececiler
Rebelution Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 ./kick Aslında belki de -her zaman olduğu gibi- oyunu mahveden soe değil LucasArts'dı.. Bkz. Jedi Academy ( Grafikleri çok iyi olmuş. Kötüleştirin) Kotor (+ Hadi yaw bitirin şu oyunu - ama daha %20si tamam + Olsun yayınlayın artık ) Republic Commando ( Oyunu yapın ama 2 saatlik olsun - ooldu ) Eminim swgde'de ekşınlı olması için zorlamışlardır..
GwindonSurion Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 said: Rebelution, 25 Aralık 2005 12:14 tarihinde demiş ki:Kotor (+ Hadi yaw bitirin şu oyunu - ama daha %20si tamam + Olsun yayınlayın artık ) lucasarts ın yaptığı en büyük saçmalıklardan 2. bu 1. si ise yaptıkları en iyi starwars oyunu olmasına rağmen filmden önce çıkarmak uğruna top edilen ve 1 saatte biten Starwars EpiodeIII ün oyunu... (en iyisi battle for yavin ama:) )[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF Why do "Dark" jedi's using "Light"sabers???
qwerty Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 25, 2005 ya yokmu adam gibi bi program/dergi adam gibi sorular soracak?
tunch Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2005 w are confident diyo bide adam hre cümlenin başında.. hadi len ordan[signature][hline]My Space
Arkansis Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 26, 2005 ya yok geri gelecekler gibi bu tarz konuşmalar beni sinir ediyor yani eşşek gibi gelecekler oynayacaklar yine bu yaptığımızı dermiş gibi bilhassa o sinrlendiriyor adam hala sözüm diyor ...[signature][hline] Ayrton Senna is not dead Beş Hececiler
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