maxrep Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 22, 2005 Update Notes December 22nd, 2005 On Thursday December 22nd, 2005 at 4:00 AM PDT all U.S. and European galaxies will be taken down for server maintenance and a live update. Please Note: Chat window preferences will be discarded when you log into the game for ALL characters. This was necessary to fix the issue where /tells no longer worked for characters that were created prior to publish 26. Client Stability Enhancements Fixed many cases of Crash-to-Desktop. Combat We have made another adjustment so that players in melee combat can more easily hit a moving enemy. Experience Points Added a Level-Up Life Day orb as loot all throughout the galaxy! This loot item will grant you 1 level. This loot item can be found on all types of NPC's and Creatures. New Player Experience Players will no longer find themselves back in the Medical Bay when boarding the Millennium Falcon. At the end of the trial CD, when players select the "Continue the Adventure" button, the game will exit and your web browser will be started to enable you to log on to your station account to enter your billing information once you have done that the full version of the game can be downloaded through the game launchpad. Profession: Jedi You will no longer be able to un-equip a lightsaber and switch weapons to use the effect of Saber Block with weapons other than Lightsabers. Profession: Spy Spies can no longer steal items from most Bosses, but they can still steal loot from all other NPCs. Quests If you were doing Watto's Droid Head Quest (EV-9D9) you can now get the droid's head from Watto again if you deleted the quest. You can also get the quest again in case you abandoned it. User Interface Fixed the issue preventing some players from receiving /tells. Note: Chat window preferences will be discarded when you log into the game for ALL characters. This was necessary to fix the issue where /tells no longer worked for characters that were created prior to publish 26. Players should not see any more "Trade Requests" when clicking on other players using the Shoot-Through-Friendlies feature. To trade with another player, target that player and press the tilde key "~" to bring up your radial menu and make a trade request. Mouse-Only Movement: If you have an empty toolbar slot, you will be able to scroll to all the actions in your toolbar and not just the abilities to the left of the empty slot. Mouse-Only Movement: The mouse-move will now work while moving around inside of multiplayer ships. If you log out to the Character Selection Screen and choose a different character to play, your character will display the proper Profession screen instead of your previous character's Profession. You can now right-click on chat tabs to close them (Menu options - "Delete Tab"). Server Stability Enhancements Added many server stability fixes. Message Edited by Thunderheart on 12-21-2005 07:24 PM Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Community Relations Manager[signature][hline]eclipse ulubatli hakan vodo jedi padawan noob
ugurson Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 22, 2005 iste yavas yavas caktirmadan pre-nge yapmaya calisiyorlar neden oyunu eski özelliklerne benzetmeye calissinlarki yoksa :) oynanabilir daha coooook degisir hic meraklanmayın[signature][hline]SWG - Ugur Mistwalker <-SK-> - Eclipse "Pre Pub 9 Jedi" SWG - Reiken Mistwalker <-SK-> -Eclipse EQ2 - Reiken (LVL 37 Ranger)
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