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In Development: Profession Specialization - Jedi Enhancements

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ing. iyi olan kısaca tercüme edermi!?
Sisteme yeni getirmişler bunu galiba..

In Development: Profession Specialization - Jedi Enhancements
Here is a first look at the proposed changes that are intended to make Jedi a powerful melee class and give them some additional abilities that grow the profession to meet their namesake as a Jedi.

The focus is to strengthen the effectiveness of Jedi in combat by increasing their defenses versus damage and offering them more abilities to augment their melee focus.

Here are the new groups of abilities:

Strikes and Sweeps

Strikes needed more variety so we are changing some of the strikes to be sweeps. Sweeps work exactly like strikes, but they will be 360 degree attacks. Strikes and Sweeps will require a Lightsaber or melee weapon to launch these attacks (any Lightsaber or melee weapon can be used).

Focus Buffs

Jedi will be getting 3 new offensive buffs added to this group of abilities to complete the power progression through level 90. This will give Jedi increased damage (including melee) up through mid and high levels.

Force Throw

Force Throw will be changed so that it is now a single ability that can be used with any Lightsaber or melee weapon.

Jedi Stances

The Jedi stances are all being unified into one group of abilities that will all deliver strong defensive buffs. For example at level 22, Jedi will get an ability that will give them an immunity to Poison effects for the duration of the stance and cure any poisons that the character may have been suffering from. Another stance comes at level 54 which adds an additional chance to block or dodge incoming attacks.

The important thing to keep in mind is that highest level stances have all the previous benefits of the low and mid level stances. There are additional stance surprises up through level 90!

Force Lightning

We have reduced the activation and cool-down timers to this group of abilities.

Force Run

Terrain Negotiation will be added as a bonus to this ability.

Self Heals

We have added another self-heal at level 14 so Jedi will have a complete ability progression.

Force Chokes

Force Choke will be changed so that it uses the range of the special ability and doesn't rely on the range of an equipped weapon.

Special Abilities: Tool Tips that Matter

A lot of Jedi abilities have different sorts of restrictions. One of the recurring things we saw on the boards is that players weren't always clear in understanding which abilities used a weapon, which didn't, and other sorts of ability-specific details.

We will be including all of these details in the tool tip for each of the Jedi abilities, the effects and the restrictions are clear and easy to understand.

Jedi Mind Tricks

Rounding out this list of changes to Jedi Abilities is the addition of Jedi Mind Tricks! This exciting and iconic new ability can be used to reduce the Strength and Precision of NPCs, Creatures and Players by making them less effective in combat.

By using the Jedi Mind trick, a Jedi will be able to escape NPC's and Creatures with a wave of their hand. NPC's and Creatures will lose all interest in attacking the Jedi so he can "move along". At higher levels, this ability will affect all NPC's and Creatures in an area!

We hope you like these changes and I look forwarding to reading your feedback!

Happy Holidays!

Senior Game Designer
Star Wars Galaxies[signature][hline]eclipse
ulubatli hakan
jedi padawan
Mesaj tarihi:
abi bu cok hos bisi :D
byaa yenilik gelio oncelikle sweep attack gelcek yani area attack olcak jedi da.. ayrica force choke lightning gibi olcak kendi range i olcak saber attack olmicak yani. mind trick gelio presicion fln azaltan ve de aggro kaybetmene yardim edio. bi takim baska bufflar da var onlar da yenilencek, lightning cooldown timer azalio. ayrica force cloak gelio

edit: bunlar pub27 ile gelcek.. yani ocagin 17si die planlanio su an[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek) FrF
Elder Brawler, Teras kasi elder, elder fencer, elder pikeman.. ya da kısaca melee lover..
NGE respec jedi
Kötü SWG yoktur az votka vardır.
Ztar, 05 Aralık 2005 19:46 tarihinde demiş ki:
ne demek ceza versin bu ülkede cinsel özgürlük yokmu arabistan mı burası.Adam top diye siteden mi atalım ?

[Bu mesaj nuwanda tarafından 21 Aralık 2005 21:52 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
Arkansis, 21 Aralık 2005 22:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
geriye kalan profession lar da pek birşeye benzemiyor hani ...

+fazla prof olsa içim yanmicak[signature][hline]Shewky Goldbreaker-----Elder Bounty Hunter-----FRF
Why do "Dark" jedi's using "Light"sabers???
Mesaj tarihi:
GwindonSurion, 21 Aralık 2005 22:50 tarihinde demiş ki:
Arkansis, 21 Aralık 2005 22:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
geriye kalan profession lar da pek birşeye benzemiyor hani ...

+fazla prof olsa içim yanmicak

kesinlikle dogru beyler.. geriye kalan proflar ne olacak..
oyunun sisteminin baştan aşağıya değiştirmeleri gerek... bu expansion gibi. sistemi olduğu gibi yenilemelkeri gerek...
bekleyin 6 ayda bir sistemi yeniliyorlar zaten.. :D[signature][hline]eclipse
ulubatli hakan
jedi padawan
Mesaj tarihi:
hani matematik sorusu vardır aptal bi civciv 3 adım ileri 2 adım atarsa 100 adımlık yolu kaç adımda gider.
bu civciv biraz daha salak 10 adım geri 1 adım ileri atıyo

Deep note: söz bi daha eleştirmicem. napiyim dayanamıyom[signature][hline]Alo-matik
Pati - ?
Mesaj tarihi:
Soenin yeni gelen playerları oyunda tutmak adına yaptıgı,
Ayrıca starwars denince ilk akla gelen olaylardan birisinin jedi oldugunu vede jedi in diger proflardan farklı ve güclü olması gerektigini biraz olsun aklına getirmesi,
Herkesin jedi olarak başlayabilmesi kadar uyduruk vede yeni gelen playerların 10-15 yaş arası kesim oldugu, bunlarında jedi olarak başlayıp sorada oyuna küfür etmelerini durdurmak icin yapılmıs son bir hamle ile suyun dısına cıkmıs balığın son cırpınmaları olarak nitelendiriyorum :)

Batan gemiyi en son kaptanlar terk eder derler, soe tüm kaptanlarını coktan kovdu e ortada gemi yok yani artık varmıs gibi davranıp kendimizi kandırmayalım, kandırılmayalım[signature][hline]SWG - Ugur Mistwalker <-SK-> - Eclipse
"Pre Pub 9 Jedi"
SWG - Reiken Mistwalker <-SK-> -Eclipse
EQ2 - Reiken (LVL 37 Ranger)
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