Stifler Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 11, 2005 I open the door, there lies an eternity. A voice calling from the distance, whose this voice? Someone strokes my hair, who are you? Am I shaking? Arms reach out hold me tight Never let go. Watch over me, And never let me go. The darkness devours me, Don't go away. This is my shameful desire, to a heart breaking need To press your lips, Against the wound. Whisper in my ear, To numb the pain away. Everywhere I go I see your face, You stain the face of other, they're masked so I wont see the reality. To every question this is my answer, Free from the pain Free from the existence. As I close my eyes There lies an eternity. Over the distance, Hearing a calling.[signature][hline]Stifler,2.filmde lezboların evindeyken demiş ki: holy shit dude i found a dildo! Its Stiflers Time, Baby! Aytunchawish - Recursion - Virologist Hacker - MXO Lvl 10 ( yawaş yawaş )
Stifler Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 öhö öhö[signature][hline]Stifler,2.filmde lezboların evindeyken demiş ki: holy shit dude i found a dildo! Its Stiflers Time, Baby! Aytunchawish - Recursion - Virologist Hacker - MXO Lvl 10 ( yawaş yawaş )
arenda_duwcal Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 anlamadım dur bida okim..:)[signature][hline]duman =)) bana ninjalık yaptırmayın efendim!!! bembeyaz pati güsel pati =))
Angelotti Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 12, 2005 i dont wanna close my eyes i dont wanna fall asleep, cause i miss you beybe do you understand what i mean[signature][hline]. v a n i l l a . m i x e d .
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