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Serverlar Arası Karakter Aktarımı (US - Europe)

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Mesaj tarihi:
Serverlarda bize uygun saatlerde oynayacak adam bulamamaktan şikayet etmiycez artık... çok sevindim ben bu habere... haydi hep beraber EU'ya :)
Mesaj tarihi:
işte bunu sevdim!..[signature][hline]www.kemirgen.net
Heyd - Jedi Padawan
Deadem - Master Bio-Engineer - Master Ranger
GE-TA, 07 Ekim 2005 17:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Heey Bush'un tanrısı! Sana sesleniyorum! İki dakika sus da bir rahat edelim be yav!
Mesaj tarihi:
Hello folks. I'm very pleased to announce that US to Europe character transfer - the process of moving your City of Heroes character from one set of servers to another - is finally going to be available to players soon. We are currently on track to have this service available before the launch of City of Villains.

This means that anyone in Europe who has an active or inactive account on the City of Heroes (US) servers should be able to transfer their existing characters to the City of Heroes (Europe) servers. They'll benefit from lower ping servers, a fully localised game (French/German) and of course, being able to find teammates at more European friendly times.

For anyone who has already 'made the leap' and joined us on the European servers after playing on the US servers, you will be able to bring your previous characters across to join your new heroes. For anyone who has wanted to join the European servers but didn't want to leave their high-level characters behind, this is the solution.

Now, if you want to stay in the US - that's cool. EU players will be able to purchase US CoV online via the plaync online store when CoV launches but it is your choice where you want to play.

We will have much more information on character transfer available next week, but we wanted to let you know the good news early.

As final details and documentation are still being worked on, we can't answer all of your (no doubt many) questions on character transfer just yet. Please bear with us; we'll answer everything we can in time.

Rest assured though... character transfer is coming.

Thanks for your patience.
Heyd - Jedi Padawan
Deadem - Master Bio-Engineer - Master Ranger
GE-TA, 07 Ekim 2005 17:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Heey Bush'un tanrısı! Sana sesleniyorum! İki dakika sus da bir rahat edelim be yav!
Mesaj tarihi:
arkadaşlar.. 2. kez okuduktan sonra , olayın pek te heycanlanmamız gereken bişey olmadığını anladım..

olay sadece US accounttan , EU accounta CHAR transferi.. US acconutu EU accounta çeviremiyoruz yani...

COH + COV EUyu yine ayrı olarak almamız gerekiyor , diye anladım ben...[signature][hline]www.kemirgen.net
Heyd - Jedi Padawan
Deadem - Master Bio-Engineer - Master Ranger
GE-TA, 07 Ekim 2005 17:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Heey Bush'un tanrısı! Sana sesleniyorum! İki dakika sus da bir rahat edelim be yav!
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet hakkaten 2. kez okuyunca öyle bi anlam çıkıyor, haftaya anlarız ne olduğunu, ama benim anlamadığım bir şey var.

Bizim aldığımız US CoH game code'larını EU serverlarında kullanamıyormuyuz? yani aylık 15$ ücretini EU serverına aktarmakla iş bitmiyor sanırım...?
Mesaj tarihi:
EU account almak gerekiyor EU serverlarda oynamak için...[signature][hline]www.kemirgen.net
Heyd - Jedi Padawan
Deadem - Master Bio-Engineer - Master Ranger
GE-TA, 07 Ekim 2005 17:53 tarihinde demiş ki:
Heey Bush'un tanrısı! Sana sesleniyorum! İki dakika sus da bir rahat edelim be yav!
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