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Publish 24

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Mesaj tarihi:
Test Center
Pre-Publish 24
Squad Leader Enhancements

Publish 24 will be bringing you significant changes and enhancements to the Squad Leader profession. The goal of these enhancements is to maintain the essence of the Squad Leader skills, leadership and group enhancement, while making the profession more robust and entertaining to play.

Here's just a few of the things that we've changed:

Squad Leaders no longer need to be the group leader to benefit the group.
Multiple Squad Leaders can combine their skills for greater group enhancement.
New group buffs that give Squad Leaders more control and flexibility for how they enhance the group.
All passive abilities changed to more easily used and understood active abilities.
New group waypoint ability
The changes and enhancements are all intended to better allow a Squad Leader to enhance and lead their group. Lots of new abilities have been added and most of the existing abilities have been changed. The most useful of the existing abilities have stayed the same though their names may have been changed to keep things a bit more cohesive. The Squad Leader skill set concentrates solely on group enhancing abilities, while they do include a full set of combat skill mods (defense, accuracy and speed) a Squad Leader is still strongly encouraged to pick up another combat profession skill set to flesh out their combat abilities.

All the passive abilities of the Squad Leader have been removed and changed to active buff abilities. This will make it easier to understand exactly what benefit is taking affect when. Also Squad Leader's no longer need to be the group leader for their abilities to take affect. This allows them more flexibility to benefit the group even when they are not the "official" leader as well as allowing multiple Squad Leaders in a group to combine their abilities.

Squad Leader New Group Buffs

The buff system has been enhanced to allow group buffs. The core of the Squad Leader abilities are based on these new group buffs. Any group buff that a Squad Leader has active will automatically take affect on all the members of the group. The Squad Leader group buffs have been designed so only one buff can be in effect at a time so care will need to be taken by the Squad Leader to make sure the most important enhancement is active when it is most needed. Multiple Squad Leaders can have different group buffs active and they will all stack.

Steady Aim (Strategy I) - Enhances group accuracy.

Call to Arms (Strategy III) - Enhances group armor ratings.

Volley Fire (Strategy IV) - Gives group members the chance to bypass enemy armor.

Tactics (Tactics I) - Enhances group defenses.

Blaze of Glory (Tactics III) - Gives or enhances the chance to score a critical hit.

Double Time (Tactics IV) - Reduces cooldown times for group members.

Boost Morale (Leadership IV) - Enhances group Action/Mind regeneration.

Form Up (Mobility II) - Enhances group movement speed.

Retreat! (Mobility III) - Significantly enhances group movement speed for a short duration. Prevents all other combat actions.

Charge! (Mobility IV) - Significantly enhances group movement speed for a short duration. Places the Squad Leader at heightened risk by reducing their defenses.

Squad Leader New Individual Buffs

In addition to the ability to enhance overall group performance a Squad Leader can choose to place their attention towards a single group member to give them even greater benefits than the general group enhancements. Like the group buffs these enhancements are designed to only allow one to be in effect at any one time though multiple Squad Leaders can combine their abilities for increased enhancement.

Toughen (Tactics II) - Increases the armor rating of a single group member.

High Yield (Strategy II) - Increases the damage output of a single group member.

Verbal Assault (Leadership II) - Increases the amount of aggro generated by a single group member.

Combat Feint (Leadership III) - Decreases the amount of aggro generated by a single group member.

New Squad Leader Abilities

Finally a few completely new abilities have been added to the Squad Leader repertoire to flesh out their combat utility plus a couple of the original Squad Leader abilities have remained while others have had their names or effects changed slightly.

Group System Message (Novice SL) - Sends an on screen system message to all group members. (Same as previously.)

Called Shot (Novice SL) - Significantly increases the accuracy and damage of the next attack to the designated target. Only works for one attack and then must be reapplied. The accuracy and damage bonus increases as the Squad Leader learns more skills.

Rally Point () - Creates a waypoint for all group members. (Functions similar to the /waypoint command.)

Paint Target (Leadership I) - Increases the accuracy and damage for all attacks t
Mesaj tarihi:
aa sl olmak vardı ama uurasamam :) djm ye dalmadım nasıl olur bilmem ama ns lerin fln force kullanması hoş olcak, tabii bi o kadar da zor..ama normal npc lerin de specialları dusgun kullanması kotu olcak.. artık spray shot kullanarak aptalca rancor ve ns lerin saldırısına ugrayan sith shadowlar olmıcak :(
bence hersey cok hos ama buff ların suyu cıkmıs sanki biraz?[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek)
Master Brawler, Teras kasi master, master fencer, novice pikeman

[Bu mesaj nuwanda tarafından 29 Eylül 2005 17:26 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
alomatik sl lar kendilerinide bufflayabiliyolar :) ama grupta olmaları gerek bunun için ayıptır söylemesi m squad leader im :D hehe millet beni kapış yapıyo bizim gruba gel bizim gruba gel diye loll
Mesaj tarihi:
Gwindon, 29 Eylül 2005 19:08 tarihinde demiş ki:
alomatik sl lar kendilerinide bufflayabiliyolar :) ama grupta olmaları gerek bunun için ayıptır söylemesi m squad leader im :D hehe millet beni kapış yapıyo bizim gruba gel bizim gruba gel diye loll

ahahaha :) ama tabii ki benim grubuma gelceksin dimi :D[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek)
Master Brawler, Teras kasi master, master fencer, novice pikeman
Mesaj tarihi:
Yanlız bu pub24 cok acaip buglu surekli client crash felan ayrica duyduklarima gore y-8 mission unu fixlememisler bu seferde buglu missiondan sonraki mission buglu olmus
Mesaj tarihi:
ooo biz daha normal npc yi indiremezken simdide speacialli olanlarlami ursaicaz[signature][hline]Tuman Lee (Padawan of reave)
Sevgi Lee (Crafter of FrF)
Biz FrF' yi karşılıksızda Severiz
Freedom Rebel Fighters (Eclipse)
Mesaj tarihi:
harbiden eger su special attackları gercekten daha mantıklıca falan kullancaklarsa eger combat iice zor olcak djm fln dusunemiorm ben.. ama daha bi hos olcak yaa grup ruhu daha da artar combat zorlasırsa daha bi zevkli olur.
bugları fln gozardı edersek bence yapılanlar hos, soe doru yolda[signature][hline]Othmobast Orz'wase (Twi'lek)
Master Brawler, Teras kasi master, master fencer, novice pikeman
Mesaj tarihi:
allah hepimize sabr versin bosa gidecek bi 3 ay daha bakalim ne denyoluklar cikacak
bu kadar meslek degisimide hic bi yerde gormedim hayatımda[signature][hline]Army Captain of Vader
Mesaj tarihi:
soe bu güzellik yapacağım dediği herşeyden bir maraz çıkıyor mutlaka
düşünün 4 ns arasindasiniz sirayla dervish yapiyolar, ya da atak yaptigin ai ye donuyor, ee bunlar force atak yapacağına göre force barlari da olacak demektir, 3000 lik jedi in 6000-7000 forcu varsa 30 k lik arkaadşalrin hami de herhalde 60000-70000 olur al sana 40-50 tane ai buyur kes bakalim kesebilirsen
üstelik force run yapan pixetlerle, cloak yapan hurtoon lar la karşılaşırsak şaşırmamak lazım
aceh[signature][hline]there is only one thing thats nothing
Mesaj tarihi:
lol iyi olmus, ama ben daha cok suna bozuluyom force user ai ile kapısırken drain ediyosun ve 5 force alıyosun bolede mallık gormedım. player 300 verıyo ondan 5. eskıden bı ıkı kere yaptılardı ole npc lere specıallerı actıydılar. aman yarabbı ne felakettı akıllara zıytan hepımızı katır kutur dogruyolardı amuahaha. hele o ns le nasıldı anlatam ben ole guclu power user lar gormedım. hayır onlar o kadar gusel dmg lar verebılıyosa o zaman playerlarıda serbest bırakta keyfı cıksın. keza o eskı donemlerde ne kadar zor da olsa adam gıbı dmg atabıldıgımız ıcın 330k lık elderle aslan gıbı kapısabılıyoduk. saberımla 12 k dmg vururdum ne gusel mob a sımdı kıcını yırtsan 1800u gecmıyo. ah ahhh. yapsınlar yapsınlarda benı 6 kısıye mahkum etmeden yapsınlar bu oyunun en gusel yanı kendı basınada bısıler yapabılıyor olman[signature][hline]Army Captain of Vader
Mesaj tarihi:
1.8k aşırı fazla aslında

350k healthlik ns yi 10k 10 vurarak alioduk şimdi 1.5k 1.5k vuruosun ama ns nin health 30k gibi bi şey.. çok daha kısa sürüo.. asıl sorun pve/pvp dmg lar nerdeyse aynı..

elinde dandik bi rifle olan bi MRM, eğere birisi üzerine AB stackladıysa sana 1k nın üzerinde dmg verio.. olaydan sonra bakıosun combat log da adamın silahına dandik 15k lık vendor silahı.. ayrıca MCM elinde malzeme olmadan 600+ dot koyuyo.. önceden pvp de biri 1k dmg yapsa kafayı yerdik millet araştırmaya başlardı kim bu böyle vuran falan.. ya exceptional bi silah yada ackley ph falan filan

her zmn diorum CU "normal" ve "uber" oyuncular dedikleri iki türü dengeleyecem die geldi (insanların ağlaması üzerine!).. bu "uber" kesimi kaldırmak yerine herkesi böyle yaptı.. ztn stat cap silahlarla custom vendor silahlarını karşılaştırdığınız zmn anlıosunuz farkı.. aradaki speed/dmg farkı çok düşük fakat fiyatlar hala coşmuş
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