Phlox Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 said: Some time ago... Dev #1: Wow, did you know this Barman Shanker crits ridiculously hard with lethality? Dev #2: Yeah, holy crap... 2000+? Dev #1: This is awesome! Dev #2: Sorry, man... I've got to petition the team to change that. Dev #1: The dagger? Dev #2: No, lethality on Ambush. Dev #1: Fine, this thing still hits really hard. Months Later... Dev #2: You know what? Dev #1: Sup? Dev #2: We're going to nerf the Barman Shanker. Dev #1: Oh, that's okay. I finally got a Gutgore Ripper anyhow. Dev #2: See, that's the thing... all daggers will ambush/backstab as if they're 1.7 speed. Dev #1: But that sucks... why would my lvl 60 MC-drop dagger hit softer? Just nerf the Shanker, man. Dev #2: Well, we can't just change the stats on a weapon. That would be like admitting we were wrong. Dev #1: But we were wrong. Dev #2: That's inconsequential. You see, Tyren made a public post stating that the rewards from Zul'Gurub reflect the difficulty level... and that it's less difficult than Molten Core. Too bad we dropped a 1.9 speed dagger in there with stats so awesome it made the Perdition's Blade look like a joke. Yeah, we screwed up but the point here is that we can fix all this with one broad, sweeping stroke. Dev #1: Well, since this "fixes" the itemization problem, we're gonna get lethality reapplied to ambush, right? Dev #2: No, but at least Barman Shanker won't be so awesome anymore! Dev #1: Dude, you're kind of a dìck. Dev #2: Meanwhile, elsewhere in the dark, sinister bowels of Blizzards corporate office... Tyren: Look, boss... the rogues are pretty PO'ed. C-level executive #1: My son plays a warlock. A WARLOCK, tyren. Tyren: Well-- C-level executive #1: Do you know how often I have to hear about how he gets "ganked" by some "noob rogue?" Tyren: Regardless, I've got a list of some of the more feasible proposals and requests from the rogue forum. I really think that these ideas deserve some consideration. C-level executive #1: They've HAD their fun! They've had 59 levels of lurking, ganking, and corpse-camping. Now they'll get their come-uppance! Tyren: Isn't there anything-- C-level executive #1: You know something, Tyren... I think you're overly sympathetic to the rogues. Tyren: It's not that, it's just that they've got some valid p-- C-level executive #1: Look, Tyren... I'll tell you what. I'll look over your list-- --and you just go back to the rogue forum and tell them you presented the requests, okay? Tyren: That's not entirely honest, sir. C-level executive #1: You like your job, don't you? Tyren: Yes, sir. C-level executive #1: Run along and play your Paladin, then. rogue forumlarından ufak bi yazı :) hoşuma gitti paylaşıyım dedim. lütfen nerf topicine dönüşmesin bu :)[signature][hline]Wagner - Level 60 Undead Rogue - Bladefist [Bu mesaj Phlox tarafından 22 Eylül 2005 23:06 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mum_Chamber Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 herkeste perdition varmış gibi yazılmış..[signature][hline]anonymity brings out the worst in people BandRoLL
Phlox Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 herkeste perdition olsa bu yazılmazdı zaten :) endgame daggerların level 52 mavi daggerdan daha iyi olması lazımdı tabi ama böyle bi çözüm biraz saçma oldu =):)[signature][hline]Wagner - Level 60 Undead Rogue - Bladefist [Bu mesaj Phlox tarafından 22 Eylül 2005 23:24 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Maxarathiel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 2,0 speedin farkı, ayrıca perdition hakkaten şaka gibi bi dagger hiç bi amacı yok. Onu alacak duruma gelmek için harcadığın vakiti pvpde harcasan r14 daggerı alırsın, en kötüsü ragnaros kesen guild bwlde 2. bossu da keser(adını unuttum) ondan çok çok daha güzel bi dagger düşüyor. İlginç bi yazı ama :)[signature][hline]Dust to dust...Amen. Maxarathiel-60 UD Rogue/Kor'gall Weejas-60 NE Priest/Ragnaros
DamienThorne Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 22, 2005 Bwl 2. boss'tan düşen dragonfang ne yazıkki perdition blade'den daha iyi değil.[signature][hline]
Phlox Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2005 dragonfang perditiondan daha iyi :) yani aklı başında her rogue dragonfangi seçer çünkü statları çok iyi
Maxarathiel Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2005 Evet dragonfang perditiondan daha iyi, bariz daha iyi. Bence dragonfangin statları aradak, 4-4 dmg farkını kapatır... [signature][hline]Dust to dust...Amen. Maxarathiel-60 UD Rogue/Kor'gall Weejas-60 NE Priest/Ragnaros [Bu mesaj Maxarathiel tarafından 23 Eylül 2005 13:50 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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