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[Resim]2 gün boyunca him dinlemenin sonucları

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
2 gündür pepelek felan da olmayınca depresyona girdim :P 2 gundu him dinleye dinleye project dogwaffle urastım orendim biraz paint ve microsoft photo editorlede boyutunu yaptım ayarladım vs. ve soyle bir sey oldu gerci basit gibin ama hosuma gitti paylasayım dedim :)

-->[hline]-I really learned something today.The halloween isn't just about costumes and candy, its about loving and giving something to each other.
-No, dude it's christmas.
-Oh, then what's Halloween about?
-Costumes and candy...

Mesaj tarihi:
ilk ve son kez up[hline]-I really learned something today.The halloween isn't just about costumes and candy, its about loving and giving something to each other.
-No, dude it's christmas.
-Oh, then what's Halloween about?
-Costumes and candy...

Mesaj tarihi:
cover gibin :)[hline]-I really learned something today.The halloween isn't just about costumes and candy, its about loving and giving something to each other.
-No, dude it's christmas.
-Oh, then what's Halloween about?
-Costumes and candy...

Mesaj tarihi:
ya biraz anlamsız da iste ben bu digital image olayına cok yeniyim bu airbrushla felan deneme amaclı yaptım hosuma gitti koyayım dedim :)[hline]-I really learned something today.The halloween isn't just about costumes and candy, its about loving and giving something to each other.
-No, dude it's christmas.
-Oh, then what's Halloween about?
-Costumes and candy...

Mesaj tarihi:
nese başlangıç...
ve ilkse eh fena deel..
*!o kadar da kötü deel demek geçer içinden fakat gece karamsarlığından dolayı söyleyememektedir...*[hline]AŞK İÇİN ÖLMELİ AŞK O ZAMAN AŞK...
Mesaj tarihi:
ehae supersin arcane[hline]-I really learned something today.The halloween isn't just about costumes and candy, its about loving and giving something to each other.
-No, dude it's christmas.
-Oh, then what's Halloween about?
-Costumes and candy...

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